Page 24 - Microsoft Word - BD Lessons Scenarios & Images.doc
P. 24
*Have a conversation about trusting others. Do not pre-judge. Sometimes our fearful emotions are wrong.
*Give examples of your own experiences of how enemies on the streets sometimes become friends.
*Don’t always follow the neighborhood dawg’s footsteps. Create your own destination.
B.) Pain and Sorrow
Unfortunately there are things in life that make us sad and hurt. Sometimes we try to hide our pain and sorrow. If we don’t talk about it and hold back our tears it can lead to feelings of anger and spite, aka Haterism.
Sometimes we think crying is a sign of weakness, but crying can actually build strength. It can make us feel better and move forward. Tough doggs aren’t afraid to cry and will talk about their sorrow when life hurts.
Wise doggs lick their wounds and don’t hold onto a grudge. Resentment only leads to hatred.
Scenario: Baby Grudgy
Baby Grudgy had an older brother who took care of him. One day his brother was sent to jail because Rat Dawg told the police his brother committed a crime that Rat Dawg actually did.
Baby Grudgy was lost without his bro and felt sad and hurt when his big brother went away.
Baby Grudgy never talked to anyone about his painful and sad experience. He thought that by not expressing his hurt and