Page 35 - BOGmanual_2023Nov
P. 35


             DATE:         OCTOBER 25, 2023

             TO:           BOARD OF GOVERNORS

             FROM:         KELLY PONDER


             The purpose of this report to is provide the Board with an update on the projects of the Community Action

             'WEEN DREAM Halloween Costume Donations
             Again, this year, the CAC assisted the ‘WEEN DREAM program in the collection of new and/or slightly
             used Halloween costumes for children in need. November 1 – 8, attorneys and legal professionals dropped
             off costumes at seven designated locations, including the Louisiana Bar Center, local bar associations, and
             law firms throughout Louisiana. ‘WEEN DREAM volunteers will handle the sorting process and match the
             costumes to children for Halloween 2024.

             27  Annual Secret Santa Project
             The Project offers the legal community the opportunity to brighten the holidays for children in need. It
             assists children ages 12 and under from ten social services agencies in various Louisiana parishes. The
             Communications staff and committee members have been planning for another successful year. This year,
             we are projecting to help over 600 children. We will continue to work with local bar associations that have
             similar programs to help meet the needs around the state.

                    2023 Secret Santa Dates and Deadlines:
                    •  Week of September 25 – Materials were sent to the agencies.
                    •  Monday, October 16 – Children’s wish lists were due to the LSBA.
                    •  First week of November – Packets began going out to sponsors.
                    •  Friday, December 1 – Tuesday, December 5 – Lawyers drop off gifts to agencies or Bar Center.
                    •  Thursday, December 7 – Monday, December 11 – Agencies pickup from the LSBA.

             The Committee is thrilled to be able to continue to organize charitable projects that give back to our
             communities, such as the Secret Santa Project and ‘WEEN DREAM, attorneys can fulfill the Code of
             Professionalism’s direction that we should “work to protect and improve the image of the legal profession
             in the eyes of the public.”
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