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the site.
                                                   •  Plan to incorporate into this
                                                       year’s Virtual Lawyers and Libraries Program.
                                                   •  In response to COVID-19, raised the income guidelines
                                                       from 250% of Federal Poverty guidelines to within 400%
                                                       and less than $10,000 in assets to under $500,000. This
                                                       was in line with several other state’s sites and the LSBA
                                                       Online Modest Means Directory’s income guidelines.
                                                   •  Updated the site’s training resources with relevant legal
                                                       trainings on divorce and FEMA applications and
                                                   •  Calculated year end statistics for 2020: 1,043 questions
                                                       submitted to the site, 818 of those answered (answer
                                                       rate of 78%), and 779 clients served. This represents a
                                                       53% increase in questions to the site.
                                                   ●  On Friday, October 22nd, the first virtual Free Legal
                                                       Answers clinic was held with attorneys from Butler Snow
                                                       and LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Students. Attorneys were
                                                       paired with students to answer the questions submitted
                                                       online through the site.

                                                   ●  On Thursday, October 28th, as part of Celebrate Pro
                                                       Bono Week, another virtual legal clinic will be held with
                                                       Entergy attorneys and students from Loyola College of
                                                       Law and LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center.
                                                   ●  On Thursday, January 6th a virtual Free Legal Answers
                                                       clinic was held with volunteer attorneys and LSU Law
                                                       students. This clinic was built into the curriculum for the
                                                       2021 Access to Justice program during LSU’s
                                                       Apprenticeship Week.
                                                   ●  Additional virtual pro bono clinics were held with
                                                       attorneys from Entergy and Butler Snow and law
                                                       students from Tulane. These clincis were held on
                                                       February 17th and March 8th, 2022.
                                            o  Certified as Provider for “CLE for Pro Bono”
                                                Certification allows for LSBA program volunteers to obtain CLE
                                                credit for volunteer work
                                                ATJ Staff will participate in the 2021 YLD Seminar to present
                                                the CLE titled, “Louisiana’s Pro Bono Network and you.” The
                                                CLE will feature all the pro bono programs throughout the state
                                                and highlight the most important reasons to volunteer.
                                            o  Create Pro Bono CLE template to foster a culture of PB

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