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Month initiatives.
                                            o  Photos from the virtual 2021 High School Mock Trial
                                                Competition of participants and lawyer and judge volunteers
                                                were posted to social media.
                                            o  The April/May 2021 issue of the Louisiana Bar Journal, whose
                                                cover story focuses on how lawyers are responding to access
                                                to justice issues, was promoted across social media channels.
                                            o  Photos from the 2021 YLD Barristers for Boards virtual event
                                                were posted to social media in April to gain attention for the
                                                program, which places young lawyers for nonprofit board
                                            o  “Well Being Week in Law” was celebrated the first week of May,
                                                drawing attention to the work of JLAP.
                                            o  Photos of the 2020 Young Lawyers Division awards were
                                                posted to social media in May and affiliated organizations were
                                            o  Photos of the 2021 Pro Bono and Children’s Law Award
                                                recipients were posted to social media in May, including the
                                                Career Public Interest Award and the Lifetime Achievement
                                                Award, and affiliated organizations were tagged.
                                            o  Photos from the Shreveport “Wills for Heroes” event were
                                                posted to social media in July 2021. This was the first WFH
                                                event since the beginning of the pandemic shutdown in March
                                            o  Photos from the first “Free Legal Answers” Summer Associate
                                                Challenge were posted to social media in July 2021. Attorneys
                                                were shown getting trained on how to answer civil legal
                                                questions posted on
                                            o  LSBA YLD Council member Dani Borel was highlighted on
                                                social media for being selected as the ABA Young Lawyers
                                                Division Star of the Year for her meaningful impact on the
                                                profession and the ABA’s work in public service. The YLD was
                                                also highlighted for being selected as ABA YLD Affiliate Star of
                                                the Quarter for its work with the Barristers for Boards program.
                                            o  The YLD created a worksheet for the public with tips and
                                                resources dealing with a disaster in the wake of Hurricane Ida;
                                                this free worksheet was publicized on all social media
                                            o  Following Hurricane Ida, social media was used to publicize
                                                President’s Messages with resources for members, valuable
                                                information from the Supreme Court, and important disaster-
                                                related links.
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