Page 98 - 2022AprilBOG
P. 98
New Admittees receptions are continued annually. New admittees
receptions are advertised by sending eblasts to all newly admitted
▪ Continue to offer and expand database of information on local and
specialty bar associations;
Contact information for local and specialty bar associations is featured
on the LSBA website on the Member Outreach webpage. A
spreadsheet is maintained internally.
▪ Collaborate with local and specialty bar associations;
o Identify programs which would welcome partnerships with
▪ The YLD partnered with the Baton Rouge and
Alexandria bars in October 2019 on Wills for Heroes
▪ The Member Outreach and Diversity Department
currently works with members of the Diversity
Committee to provide various diversity and inclusion
presentations and with the Outreach Committee to
provide the “LSBA: Who We Are and How We Serve
Our Members” presentation. The presentations are
stand alone or part of a program hosted by local and
specialty bar associations.
o Assist local and specialty bar associations with strategic
planning and leadership development
▪ The Member Outreach and Diversity Department
currently supports local and specialty bar associations
when there is lapse in leadership and assists in
association reorganization.
▪ MODD assisted Louis A. Martinet Legal Society, Inc.
Baton Rouge Chapter in reorganizing in October 2019.
▪ The Member Outreach and Diversity Department is
currently assisting the Jessie N. Stone Legal Society in
Shreveport with reorganization.
o Promote diversity and inclusion and preserve historical content
▪ LSBA encourages local and specialty bar associations
to become a signatory to the LSBA Statement of
Diversity Principles;
▪ An article with information related to the Diversity
Statement can be found on the Diversity webpage
throughout the year. An article is featured in LSBA
publications periodically.
▪ LSBA encourages specialty bar associations to provide
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