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5300  Office Expense

          5310   Office Lease (75% of total cost)              2,000                2,000            2,000              2,000                  2,000            2,000              2,000                2,000               2,000               2,000                  2,000                  2,000  $               24,000

          5320   Office Supplies (85%)                           429                     429               429                 429                     429                 429                 429                   429                   429                  429                   429                   429  $                 5,143

          5340   Computer Programs, Management, Maintenance (75%)                 503                   503               503                 503                     503                 503                 503                     503                   503                  503                     503                   503  $                 6,030

          5350   Shredding (85%)                                   47                   47                       47                   47                     47                    47                     47  $                    327

          5360   Telephone and Internet (85%)                    567                     567               567                 567                   567               567                 567                   567                   567                  567                     567                     567  $                 6,800

          5385   Utilities (75%)                                 328                     328               328                 328                     328               328                 328                   328                   328                  328                   328                   328  $                 3,938
             Total Office Expense                             3,873                3,826              3,873              3,826                  3,873              3,873              3,826                3,873               3,826               3,873                3,826                3,873  $               46,237

        5400  Professional Liability Insurance
          5410   Directors and Officers Liability                       -                          -                      -                      -                        -                      -                        -                          -                       -                 1,750                        -                          -    $                 1,750
          5420   Clinical Staff's Professional Liability                      -                          -                      -                 200                        -                        -                 200                        -                         -                         -                        -                          -    $                    400
             Total Professional Liability Insurance                      -                          -                    -                   200                        -                        -                 200                        -                         -                 1,750                        -                          -                       2,150
        5500  Education Materials                                                                                                                 $                         -

          5520   Law License Dues and Memberships                      -                        -                 200                 200                        -                      -                   265                        -                         -                         -                   150                     435  $                 1,250

          5530   Clinical License Dues                                -                          -                      -                      -                        -                        -                 500                        -                           -                       -                   500                        -    $                 1,000

             Total Education Materials                                -                          -               200                 200                        -                      -                   765                          -                       -                         -                   650                     435  $                 2,250

      Support Services - Management and General
        6300  Office Expenses

          6310   Office Lease (25% of total cost)                 598                   598               598                 598                     598               598                 598                     598                   598                  598                   598                   598  $                 8,000

          6320   Office Supplies (15%)                             76                     76                   76                   76                     76                   76                   76                     76                     76                    76                     76                       76  $                    908

          6340   Computer Programs, Management, Maintenance (25%)                 168                     168               168                 168                     168                 168                 168                   168                   168                  168                   168                     168  $                 2,010

          6350   Shredding (15%)                                     8                      8                        8                    8                        8                      8                        8  $                      58
          6355   Office Employee Functions                                                             375                                                375  $                    750
          6360   Telephone and Internet (15%)                    100                     100               100                 100                   100               100                 100                   100                   100                  100                     100                   100  $                 1,200

          6380   HR Expenses and Payroll Processing Fees                 208                     208               208                 208                     208               208                 208                     208                   208                  208                   208                     208  $                 2,500

          6385   Utilities (25%)                                 109                     109               109                 109                   109                 109                 109                   109                   109                  109                   109                   109  $                 1,313

          6390   LSBA Donation Fees                                                                    25                                                 25  $                      50

             Total Office Expenses                            1,267                1,259            1,267              1,259                  1,267            1,667              1,259                1,267               1,259               1,267                1,259                  1,667  $               16,788

        6400  Insurance
          6410   General Liability/Property Insurance                      -                        -                      -                        -                        -                   950                      -                        -                         -                         -                        -                          -    $                    950

          6420   Workers Comp                                         -                          -                      -                      -                1,560                      -                      -                          -                       -                         -                          -                        -    $                 1,560
             Total Insurance                                          -                        -                      -                        -                  1,560                 950                      -                          -                       -                         -                          -                        -    $                 2,510
        6500  Professional Services
          6510   Accounting CPA Services                         208                   208               208                 208                   208               208                 208                   208                   208                  208                   208                     208  $                 2,500

          6515   Audit & Tax Return                                                         11,000                   6,000                        $               17,000

          6518   Legal and Professional Fees                       42                     42                 42                   42                       42                 42                   42                     42                     42                    42                     42                     42  $                    500

             Total Professional Insurance                        250                   250               250                 250              11,250               250                 250                6,250                   250                  250                     250                   250  $               20,000

        6600  Marketing, Promotions, and Community Outreach
          6610   Website Design and Maintenance                    83                     83                 83                   83                       83                 83                   83                     83                     83                    83                       83                     83  $                 1,000

          6620   Printing                                          63                     63                 63                   63                       63                 63                   63                     63                     63                    63                       63                       63  $                    750

          6630   Stationery                                      250                        -                      -                        -                        -                      -                   250                          -                         -                       -                        -                          -    $                    500
          6640   Design & Writing Assistance                  1,500                1,500                                                          $                 3,000

          6660   Promotional Items                               250                     250               250                 250                   250                 250                 250                   250                   250                  250                   250                     250  $                 3,000

             Total Marketing and Promotions                   2,146                1,896               396                 396                     396               396                 646                     396                   396                  396                   396                   396  $                 8,250
        6700     Repairs and Maintenance                           25                     25                   25                   25                     25                   25                   25                     25                     25                    25                     25                     25  $                    300

      Capital Purchases
         7110    Furniture and Fixtures                                                      -                        -                      -                   750                        -                         -                         -                          -                     750  $                 1,500
         7120    Computers and Equipment                      1,000                    -                        -                        -                      -                1,000                          -                         -                       -                        -    $                 2,000

             Total Capital Purchases                          1,000                          -                      -                      -                        -                        -              1,750                          -                         -                       -                        -                     750  $                 3,500
             TOTAL EXPENSES                                 54,576              51,971          50,726            51,171              63,086          51,876            59,770              56,526               51,471            54,576              53,871              62,678                 663,120

      Contribution to (from) Reserves             $        28,863  $         (37,532) $     (41,287) $        32,268  $         (54,647) $        9,563  $        24,669  $         (48,087) $        (42,032) $         29,863  $         (44,432) $            7,761  $           (135,856)
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