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P. 142

ACCESS TO JUSTICE REPORT                                                     APRIL, 2023

                   To: LSBA Board of Governors
                   From: Monte Mollere, ATJ Director

                   This memo highlights information on the programs and initiatives of the LSBA’s Access to
                   Justice Commission, Committee and Department that may be of interest or relevance to the
                   LSBA  Board  of  Governors.  Only  activities  occurring  since  the  last  board  meeting  are
                   included in this report. Should you have any questions or require additional background on
                   any item, I am happy to provide that information.

                   1.  Louisiana  Access  to  Justice  Commission  and  Loyola  College  of  Law  Hosts  ATJ

                       On  March  3rd,  the  Louisiana  State  Bar  Association's  Access  to  Justice  Commission
                       (LSBA) and Loyola University New Orleans College of Law (Loyola) hosted the Access
                       to Justice (ATJ) Conclave at the Supreme Court to bring access to justice leaders together
                       to engage partners, to increase coordination and community education, and identify priority
                       projects  for  increasing  access  to  justice.  LSBA  President  Stephen  Dwyer  and  Dean
                       Madeleine  Landrieu,  who  proposed  the  conclave,  kicked  the  event  off  with  welcome
                       remarks  alongside  former  Louisiana  Justice  For  All  Consultant  Tara  Veazey,  who
                       facilitated and led the event. The full-day, interactive event covered a wide array of access
                       to justice topics, programs, and issues by representatives from the judiciary and courts, law
                       schools,  non-profit  legal  service  and  pro  bono  providers,  funders,  community-based
                       organizations, members of the ATJ Commission, and more. The attendees discussed issue
                       in small groups and voted on priority activities that include: understanding community
                       needs, expanding community education trainings, developing partnership between United
                       Way and legal aid, and creating a marketing plan to educate the public about legal issues,
                       resources, and ways to get help. Upon review, the ATJ Commission will consider each
                       priority  as  part  of  its  evolving  strategic  plan,  including  identifying  oversight  and
                       accountability  (e.g.,  committee  responsible),  champions/staff/partners,  and  metrics  for
                       measuring progress.

                   2.  Louisiana  Criminal  Justice  Committee  partners  with  Louisiana  Mental  Health
                       Association to host several training at upcoming conference

                       This  year,  the  Criminal  Justice  Committee  is  collaborating  with  the  Louisiana  Mental
                       Health  Association  (LAMHA)  at  its  annual  conference  to  host  three  sessions  on  the
                       intersection  of  criminal  justice  and  mental  health.  LAMHA  anticipates  over  350
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