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                              Executive Tower  • 3500 N. Causeway Boulevard, Suite 185  • Metairie, LA
                              70002  Telephone: (504) 828-1315  •  Fax: (504) 828-1379March 31, 2023
                 David I. Courcelle                Scott C. Stansbury                Bernard A. Dupuy

                                                     March 31, 2023
               Ms. Jen France, Executive Assistant
               Louisiana Bar Association
               601 St. Charles Ave.
               New Orleans, LA

                       Re:    2023 Hon. Catherine D. Kimball Award Nominee
               Dear Ms. France:
                       It is with great pleasure that David Courcelle and I nominate and support Hon. June
               Berry  Darensburg  for  consideration  for  the  LSBA’s  2023  Catherine  D.  Kimball  Award
               for  Advancement of the Administration of Justice.  In addition to performing her job at an
               exemplary  level,  Judge  Darensburg  demonstrates  an  extraordinary  commitment  to  the
               general  public.

                       Judge  Darensburg  has  served  as  a  distinguished  judge  in  Jefferson  Parish  since
               2006.  In  fact,  she  was  the  first  African-American  woman  to  be  elected  to  the  District
               Court  in Jefferson  Parish.  In 2014, Judge Darensburg was also the first African-American
               woman to hold the chief  judge position.  Recently, she was the first recipient of the JBA’s
               Hon.  Henry  G.  Sullivan,  Jr.  Award for Judicial Integrity in honor of the late Judge Henry

                       Since  being  elected,  Judge  Darensburg  has  played  an  instrumental  and  important
               role in  the  Jefferson  Parish  Drug  Court  Program.  As  an  alternative  to  incarceration,  the
               18-month  program  is  designed  to  treat  defendants’  drug  problems  that  underlie  their
               criminal  conduct.  The main goal is ensuring that offenders have the opportunity to become
               productive  members  of  the  community.  Through  this  program,  Judge  Darensburg  has
               positively affected and influenced  the lives of many people.  Her commitment to Jefferson
               Parish, the State of Louisiana, and our  community has been incredible and steadfast.

                       As an  attorney,  I  had  the  pleasure  of knowing Judge  Darensburg  and  practicing  in
               her  courtroom for the last 10 years.  She treats everyone with respect, and is responsive to
               the needs  of the litigants, lawyers, and the citizens.  She is a respected mentor to all.

                       We  highly  recommend  Judge  Darensburg  for  LSBA’s  2023  Catherine  D.  Kimball
               Award.  She  has  done  exemplary  work  in  advancing  the  administration  of  justice  in
               Louisiana.  She  is  motivated  and  positively  engaged,  serving  as  a true  inspiration.  Please
               feel free to contact me if  you need any further information about Judge Darensburg.

                                                          With kind regards, I remain,
                                                          Very truly yours,
                                                          /s/ Scott C. Stansbury

                                                          SCOTT C. STANSBURY
                                                          Attorney at Law
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