Page 53 - BOGManual_2023January
P. 53

BENCHMARK(S): Greater understanding of the Code of Professionalism and related
                          services offered by the LSBA, as well as greater satisfaction among practitioners and
                          fewer disciplinary complaints.

            Goal 3:  The  LSBA  helps  foster  inclusion  and  participation  by  the

                          diversity of its members and works to satisfy the unique needs
                          of all members.

                          ■      The State Bar fosters a welcoming environment throughout the association
                                 (leadership, sections, committees and personal outreach) by nurturing a spirit
                                 of inclusivity that embraces the variety of experiences, perspectives and
                                 interests across the membership.
                                     ▪  Continue to encourage participation through committee and section
                                            o  Encourage the LSBA president to consider diversity when
                                                appointing committee leaders
                                                The Member Outreach and Diversity Department encourages
                                                appointment of diverse members and maintains relationships
                                                with local and specialty bar associations to continually identify
                                                diverse members who are willing to serve.
                                            o  Utilize co-chairs to ensure committee leadership pipeline
                                                The Diversity Committee has maintained its current appointment
                                                of three (3) co-chairs. Each subcommittee has two co-chairs.
                                                The Outreach Committee has maintained its current
                                                appointment of two (2) co-chairs.
                                            o  Consider surveying committee members at end of terms to
                                                secure feedback on reasons for involvement or lack of same
                                                The Diversity Committee and Outreach Committee will survey
                                                committee members.
                                     ▪  Continue to sponsor the annual Conclave on Diversity in the Legal
                                         The 15  Annual Conclave on Diversity in the Legal Profession was
                                         held August 11, 2023.
                                     ▪  Continue to offer the Leadership LSBA program;
                                            o  Work to include in other areas of the LSBA those not selected
                                                for leadership class
                                                Applicants that are not selected can be considered for other
                                                opportunities within the LSBA. Those names of those
                                                applicants are provided annually to the LSBA President.
                                     ▪  Continue to promote sections’ commitment to diverse programming by
                                         ensuring seminar speakers are representative of the diversity of LSBA
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