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ACCESS TO JUSTICE REPORT                                                  APRIL  2024
                   To: LSBA Board of Governors
                   From: Monte Mollere, ATJ Director
                   This memo highlights information on recent programs and initiatives of the LSBA’s Access
                   to Justice Commission, Committee and Department that may be of interest or relevance to
                   the  LSBA  Board  of  Governors.  Should  you  have  any  questions  or  require  additional
                   background on any item, I am happy to provide that information.

                   1.  Louisiana Access to Justice Commission Hosts the Second Annual ATJ Conclave
                       On April 12, the Louisiana State Bar Association's Access to Justice Commission hosted
                       the Second Access to Justice Conclave in New Orleans to continue efforts to increase
                       community coordination and education and identify projects that will increase access to
                       legal  help,  information,  and  resources.  Consultant  Tara  Veazey  facilitated  and  led  the
                       event.    This  year’s  focus  was  to  recognize  and  explore  the  important  role  community
                       partners  play  in  connecting  low-  and  moderate-income  litigants  to  legal  assistance.
                       National experts shared information about interdisciplinary court and community navigator
                       programs taking shape across the country  that support court efficiency and impact the
                       effectiveness of community organizations and their ability to refer patrons to the most
                       appropriate services. A report on results and priority activities of the Conclave is being
                       drafted and will be available at the next Board meeting.

                   2.  Louisiana  Supreme  Court  honors  volunteers  at  the  LSBA  Pro  Bono  Publico  &
                       Children’s Law Awards Ceremony on May 21, 2024.
                       The 2024 Louisiana State Bar Association Pro Bono Publico & Children’s Law Awards
                       Ceremony and reception will be held May 21 at the Louisiana Supreme Court from 5:00 –
                       7:00  PM.    Louisiana’s  Supreme  Court  Justice’s  will  preside  over  the  ceremony  in  an
                       official court session to recognize 22 attorneys and four law students who have gone above
                       and beyond their professional duties to ensure access to legal services for low-income
                       Louisianians.  If you would like to attend the event, please RSVP by May 6th to Bridget
                       Berins at or by telephone at (504) 619-0145.

                   3.  Louisiana ATJ Commission and LSBA LSPD Committee Invited to Speak to Judges
                       on “Meaningful Access to Courts”
                       The  Louisiana  State  Bar  Association’s  Legal  Services  for  Persons  with  Disabilities
                       Committee, and Accessibility Committee were delighted to provide a CLE presentation at
                       the 2024 Spring Judges’ Conference focused on ensuring “Meaningful Access to Courts
                       for Persons with Disabilities”. Hon. Douglas J. Saloom from the City Court of Lafayette,
                       Caitlin  Morgenstern  from  the  Louisiana  Supreme  Court,  Hope  LaFleur,  Judicial
                       Administrator at the 9th Judicial District Court, and Melanie Bray from Disability Rights
                       Louisiana engaged the judges with the presentation on April 4, 2024. The session opened
                       with  an  overview  of  the  governing  laws,  followed  by  common  issues  encountered  by
                       persons with disabilities in the court setting, and explored best practices and methods courts
                       can implement to secure meaningful access for persons with disabilities.
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