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regarding the ATJ Commissions Justice for All report
and GIS mapping project.
▪ ATJ presentation at the 3rd Circuit Judges Association
Conference in Natchitoches in March 2022 that focused
on resources for judges on SRL-related issues and other
ATJ projects.
▪ In September, ATJ Staff and the Judicial College co-
hosted an Evictions CLE which focused on Eviction
Diversion Programs. The presentation was put together
with the help of legal aid attorneys, district and city court
judges, and LSBA past-president Barry Grodsky.
▪ ATJ Staff helped prepare LSBA past-president Alainna
Mire and Judge Woodruff-White to give an ATJ
Continuum of Legal Services presentation for lawyers
and judges at the New York CLE in November.
▪ ATJ Staff helped prepare Judge Jeffrey Cashe and
LSBA past-president Alainna Mire to give an ATJ & Self-
Represented Litigants presentation for judges at the
Third Circuit Judges Conference in March.
▪ 2022 Alternative Legal Status & Supportive Decision
Making training sponsored by the Legal Services for
Persons with Disabilities Committee in partnership with
the Louisiana Judicial College at the Annual Judge’s
Spring Conference on April 7th-8th.
▪ Judge Woodruff-White to present welcome remarks
regarding ATJ Commission efforts and resources for
judges at Judicial College Spring Conference on Apr.
▪ ATJ Staff presented at a Judges Only session at Annual
Meeting on ATJ and SRL resources.
▪ ATJ Staff provided ATJ information at the City, Family,
and Juvenile Court Judges Conference.
▪ ATJ Staff presented in October at the Presentation at
Drug and Specialty Courts conference on ATJ and SRL
▪ Coordinating with the Judicial College and members of
the judiciary regarding upcoming opportunities for
outreach and trainings.
▪ Members of the SRL Committee and ATJ Staff are
presenting at the Rural Courts Conference in November.
o Host biannual Pro Bono Summit
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