Page 119 - BOGManual_2022November_Neat
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various practice areas including: family law, expungements,
                                                housing, successions, and re-entry related legal needs.
                                            o  Launching Rural Justice Incubator Project in partnership with
                                                Acadiana Legal Service Corp. to address the unmet legal
                                                needs of low- and moderate-income Louisianans living in
                                                underserved rural communities.
                                     ▪  Develop and implement a pilot conflict resolution program located
                                         where other resources are not readily available;
                                         A pilot mediation program requiring a partnership between legal aid
                                         service providers and volunteer mediators from the LSBA’s ADR
                                         Section was proposed.
                                     ▪  Collaborate with the Supreme Court of Louisiana and Clerks of Court
                                         as to what data needs to be collected; and
                                         Discussed with LDJA and SRL what data needed to be collected and
                                         drafted survey questions.
                                     ▪  Convene Clerks of Court, and other stakeholders from judicial bodies
                                         to discuss the unified court systems.
                                         After initial contact, appearance at Clerk of Court conference was
                                         postponed due to event cancelation.

            Goal 5:   The LSBA improves public trust and confidence in the legal

                          system and its participating judges and lawyers.

                          ■      The State Bar effectively communicates the value of a self-regulated
                                 profession to facilitate the public’s understanding of the importance of lawyers
                                 and their role in the delivery of legal services.
                                     ▪  Continue to work with the Lawyers in Libraries program;
                                         LSBA is working with local libraries again this year to obtain media
                                         coverage and recap the events in LSBA publications.
                                     ▪  Promote and grow the Suit Up for the Future High School Summer
                                         Institute and Intern Program;
                                         The Member Outreach and Diversity Department currently promotes
                                         the program on a designated LSBA webpage, in LSBA publications,
                                         and advertisement to high school principals/counselors statewide.
                                         Additional promotion of the program includes television and
                                         newspaper articles. The LSBA president and the Just the Beginning
                                         program coordinator have been featured on WDSU.
                                     ▪  Continue to support and partner with the Louisiana Center for Law and
                                         Civic Education and its initiatives;
                                            o  Develop a “Speaker’s Bureau” for LCLCE programs that could
                                                speak on the rule of law but also other important relevant topics.

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