Page 134 - BOGManual_2022November_Neat
P. 134

                   NOV 2022

               To: LSBA Board of Governors
               From: Monte Mollere, ATJ Director

               This memo highlights information on the programs and initiatives of the LSBA’s Access to Justice
               Commission, Committee and Department that may be of interest or relevance to the LSBA Board of
               Governors. Only activities occurring since the last board meeting are included in this report. Should
               you have any questions or require additional background on any item, I am happy to provide that

               1)  Louisiana’s First Disaster Law Collaboration Summit held November 3-4, 2022

                   Hosted by the Louisiana State Bar Association's Access to Justice Program (LSBA) and Southeast
                   Louisiana Legal Services (SLLS), the Disaster Law Collaboration Summit will bring together
                   disaster responders from across the state to bridge the gap between legal aid and disaster response
                   groups. The Summit will take place over two days, with the first day focused on the critical role
                   civil legal aid plays before, during, and after disasters. Over 200 attendees are expected, including
                   disaster  responders  from  government  and  non-government  agencies,  nonprofit  organizations,
                   librarians, and community partners. The second day of the Summit will offer legal training for
                   Louisiana attorneys and legal aid organization staff who provide disaster response legal assistance.
                   Louisiana civil legal aid providers will receive substantive law training and CLE credit. Featured
                   speakers include Governor John Bel Edwards; Frank X. Neuner, Jr.,  Board of Directors of the
                   Legal  Services  Corporation;  Casey  Tingle,  Director  of  the  Governor’s  Office  of  Homeland
                   Security  and  Emergency  Preparedness;  Congressman  Garret  Graves,  Louisiana’s  Sixth
                   Congressional  District  in  the  United  States  House  of  Representatives;  and  Stephen  I.  (Steve)
                   Dwyer, 2022-2023 President of the LSBA.

               2)  LSBA Participates in ABA’s National Celebrate Pro Bono Week the

                   As a part of National Celebrate Pro Bono week October 24-29, 2022, the LSBA held its 9 annual
                   Lawyers in Libraries event. The Access to Justice Program coordinated over 140 events with 102
                   attorneys  volunteering  in  “Ask-a-Lawyer” sessions  where  patrons  asked  legal questions  in
                   person and by phone. Daily educational webinars were also broadcast on the Lawyers in Libraries
                   Facebook page on topics of interest–Renters’ Rights, Divorce & Custody, Estate Planning 101,
                   Disability Rights, and Small Successions. In total, over 71 library branches hosted events in 41

                   Also  as  part  of  Pro  Bono  Week,  Entergy  hosted  a  multi-state  Free  Legal  Answers  clinic.
                   Participating states included Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. Attorneys from Entergy
                   and Baker Donelson participated in the Louisiana event with the help of several students from
                   Loyola’s College of Law. Further, the Louisiana event was both in person and virtual. The nine
                   participating attorneys and four law students were able to answer 28 questions on the site during

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