Page 96 - BOGManual_2022November_Neat
P. 96
▪ Established $1 M state appropriation goal for FY 22
▪ Committee members met with Commissioner Jay
Dardenne to discuss this year’s funding goal
▪ Member of the Funding Committee met with Rep.
Jerome “Zee” Zeringue in Houma to discuss the
importance of civil legal aid to Hurricane Ida survivors.
o Coordinate breakfast to educate legislators on civil legal aid
▪ Civil Legal Aid Day was initially scheduled to be held on
Tuesday, March 17th, but was cancelled in response to
the pandemic.
▪ In response to the pandemic, in conjunction with the
legal service organizations, LA Appleseed hosted a
series of virtual legislative education sessions for
legislators and legislative staff on the importance of civil
legal aid and how to best refer constituents.
▪ Lunch held for House Appropriations Committee
members on Wednesday, April 7th
o Assess possible alternative sources of state and local funding
▪ Assessing expansion of current filing fee statutes
▪ After initial contact, appearance at Clerk of Court
conference was postponed due to event cancelation
▪ LSC Programs worked with LBF to request “Cares Act”
funding for civil legal aid
▪ Meeting scheduled with Commissioner Jay Dardenne
and member of the Funding Committee to discuss
possible use of ARPA funds for civil legal aid
o Hold a Louisiana Access to Justice Commission Meeting in
Baton Rouge, LA to encourage participation by legislators
▪ Scheduled May ATJ Commission meeting in BR to
coincide with legislative session (held virtually due to
▪ Will invite local legislators to meetings outside of BR
(meetings held virtually)
▪ Sen. Beth Mizell has accepted an appointment to the
ATJ Commission and participated in the December 2019
▪ Coordinate Annual ABA Visit to Congress in support of federal funding
for LSC;
o ABA Day Digital 2020
▪ Three Louisiana Congressmen supported robust funding
for the LSC (in a dear colleague letter).
▪ Participated in ABA Day Digital 2020 and visited with
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