Page 100 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 100

Terms Every Nonprofit Board Member Should Know

                  Advertising - Any message or other programming material which is broadcast or otherwise
                  transmitted, published, displayed or distributed, and which promotes or markets any trade or
                  business, or any service, facility or product. Advertising income is subject to UBIT.

                  Actual Authority - Authority a reasonable person in an officer/board position would ordinarily
                  believe and expect to have been conferred upon him/her by the corporation. Actual authority may
                  be expressly granted in the bylaws, board resolutions, or agreement by the board to similar actions
                  in the past.

                  Apparent Authority - Authority that third parties reasonably believe an officer/board member may
                  exercise even though it may not have been actually granted. Acts committed with apparent authority
                  are ordinarily binding on the corporation.

                  Endorsement - A specific recommendation, actual or implied, that the organization has reviewed
                  and recommends a program or service.

                  Insurance Coverages
                         Auto/Hired Car - Covers instances where employees utilize their personal vehicles and/or
                         rental vehicles while traveling on association business.

                         Directors and Officers Liability Coverage - Covers wrongful intentional actions and
                         decisions of the Board.

                         Employee  Dishonesty/Fidelity  Bond -  Covers  loss  from  fraudulent  or  dishonest  acts
                         committed by an employee whether acting alone or in collusion with others.

                         ERISA Bond - Covers loss from fraudulent or dishonest acts committed by an employee
                         while handling employee retirement funds.

                         General Liability Coverage - Typically the "core" coverage for nonprofits, it covers a
                         wide range of negligent acts which result in bodily injury, personal injury and property
                         damage to a third party.

                         Worker's Compensation - Covers instances where employees are injured in the normal
                         course of performing their job duties.

                  IRS 501(c)(6) - A tax-exempt trade or professional association, such as the LSBA, that provides
                  benefits and services to its members and is permitted to engage in lobbying activities.
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