Page 474 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 474

Press releases (event follow-ups) were sent to outside media for the
                                         March 25 YLD State High School Mock Trial Competition and for the
                                         March 31 Louisiana Young Lawyers Conference (recognizing award
                                         winners and the inaugural Top 40 list).

            Goal 6:   The LSBA has the financial, governance and organizational
                          capacity to serve its vision.

                          ■      The State Bar ensures that its financial, volunteer and staff resources are
                                 aligned with its priorities.
                                     ▪  Pay close attention to the aging lawyer population and its impact on
                                         both the profession and the LSBA; and
                                            o  Monitor and plan for the exit of aging lawyer both from the
                                                profession and from leadership positions within the organization
                                                Effective May 15, 2019, the Supreme Court of Louisiana
                                                amended Rule XIX to include in the disciplinary process new
                                                Section 20.2, which provides for the Permanent Retirement
                                                from the Practice of Law: “A lawyer who is 65 years of age or
                                                older, who suffers from age-related impairment and who does
                                                not have a serious discipline matter pending or under
                                                investigation, may seek permanent retirement from the practice
                                                of law.” This new provision also authorizes the Office of
                                                Disciplinary Counsel “to initiate the permanent retirement
                                                process [involuntarily] upon receiving information from a judge,
                                                partner or associate of the lawyer, family members of the
                                                lawyer, the Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program, hearing
                                                committee member, or member of the board.” A lawyer placed
                                                on permanent retirement status under Section 20.2 “shall not
                                                have the ability to return to the practice of law.” Except for
                                                orders transferring a lawyer to permanent retirement,
                                                proceedings under Section 20.2 are confidential and nonpublic.
                                     ▪  Strive to encourage involvement of senior lawyers in the profession to
                                         the extent they are interested.
                                            o  Continue studying the creation of “Emeritus” status for those
                                                lawyers who are no longer actively practicing but which to
                                                maintain their licenses and/or provide pro bono legal services
                                                Approved by membership in early 2020 and made available to
                                                members during 2020/2021 dues collection period. SC has
                                                advised it will submit minor changes, which may need to go to
                                                HOD in January 2021 if LSBA documents impacted.

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