Page 188 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 188

The Office Account shall require only the signature of the Executive Director and shall
                          at no time contain a balance of more than $10,000.

                          Amended April 21, 2012

                   I.     CPA Firm Management Letter
                          It  is  the  policy  of  the  LSBA  for  the  Executive  Committee  to  discuss  the  CPA
                          management letter with representatives of the auditing firm and to direct staff to the
                          appropriate action required to address the deficiencies addressed.

                   J.     CPA Firm Retention
                          It  is  the  policy  of  the  LSBA  to  contract  with  the  CPA  firm  selected  to  audit  the
                          organization  for  an  initial  period  not  to  exceed  three  years.  This  contract  may  be
                          renewed for an additional two-year term, for a total engagement period not to exceed
                          five consecutive years.

                          At  the  end  of  the  initial  three-year  period  the  Board  of  Governors,  upon
                          recommendation  of  the  Audit  Committee,  may  extend  the  engagement  for  two
                          additional years. Should there be no such recommendation from the Budget Committee,
                          the Treasurer, with the assistance of the Executive Director and Director of Finance
                          and Membership, will solicit bids from a minimum of three CPA firms with appropriate
                          not-for-profit experience. This information will be reviewed by the Audit Committee
                          which will make a recommendation to the Board for final selection.

                          The contract awarding the audit will have a clause allowing the LSBA to contract with
                          another  firm  prior  to  the  end  of  the  contract  period  if  the  current  firm  provides
                          unsatisfactory service.

                          Amended November 7, 2007

                   K.     Expense Reimbursement
                          The LSBA recognizes that the time and talent contributions of volunteers are necessary
                          in order effectively to serve its membership. These Expense Reimbursement Standards
                          provide guidance for the reimbursement of reasonable and necessary expenses incurred
                          in carrying on the functions of the Association. The policies apply to the officers, Board
                          of  Governors  members,  Young  Lawyers  Division  Council  members,  committee
                          members, continuing legal education seminar chairs and speakers, and staff.

                          1.     Transportation Expenses. Mileage will be reimbursed at the IRS rate (54.5
                                 cents per mile as of 1/1/18) for all authorized personal automobile travel. Coach
                                 airfare will be reimbursed. Members are expected to obtain the lowest discount
                                 fare available on air travel. Frequent flyer points accumulate to the traveler's
                                 personal benefit. Scheduling and cost of travel, however, should be arranged
                                 solely for the benefit of the LSBA.

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