Page 378 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 378

complaint and investigatory process will include the complainant, the accused harasser, and witnesses,
             if any.

             Complaint Procedures

             If an applicant, Employee, or any other individual affiliated, or conducting business, with the LSBA
             believes he/she or another individual has been discriminated, harassed or retaliated against, in violation
             of the  Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation  policy, by an LSBA Employee, volunteer,
             contractor, vendor, Member, or visitor, he/she has a right and a  duty to immediately report the
             prohibited conduct pursuant to the complaint procedure described herein.

                      Immediately report the incident to your immediate supervisor or, the LSBA Executive

                      If an immediate response is not received from the supervisor or the LSBA Executive
                       Director, the reporting individual must immediately advise the LSBA Board Secretary of
                       the complaint, in writing.

                      A written complaint should be as specific as possible, including the names of any persons
                       involved, a description of the conduct and the effect the conduct is having on working
                       conditions and work performance, and the names of any witnesses who could assist in the

                      Further participation in the investigation by the reporting individual may be necessary.
                       Regardless of his/her participation in any subsequent investigation, the reporting individual
                       will be informed of the outcome.

             Complaint Resolution

             The LSBA’s policy is to investigate all complaints thoroughly and promptly.  To the extent practicable
             and consistent with a thorough investigation, the LSBA will endeavor to keep complaints confidential.

             If an investigation confirms that harassment, discrimination, or retaliation has occurred in violation of
             this policy, the LSBA will take  appropriate corrective and disciplinary action, up to and including
             termination, or potential discontinuation of an individual’s professional or business relationship with
             the LSBA for individuals who are non-employees.

             Regardless of the investigation findings, the LSBA will communicate its findings to the complainant.

             It is the obligation of all Employees and other individuals associated, or conducting business with, the
             LSBA to cooperate fully with the investigatory process.  Disciplinary action or other appropriate
             measures will be taken against any individual who  attempts to discourage or prevent anyone from
             using the LSBA’s complaint procedures to report conduct in violation of this policy.

             It is the right and duty of all individuals to immediately report any conduct he/she believes may
             constitute discrimination, harassment or retaliation in violation of this policy.  The LSBA cannot
             promptly investigate and resolve conduct of which it is not aware.  The LSBA will not condone or

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