Page 517 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 517

Living with Keller:

                                 What State Bars Can and Cannot Do

                                                      E. Phelps Gay

                    I.  LSBA Objects and Purposes; Mission Statement

                       The Objects and Purposes of the LSBA as set forth in Article III, Section 1

               of the Articles of Incorporation are:  to regulate the practice of law, advance the

               science of jurisprudence, promote the administration of justice, uphold the honor of

               the Courts and of the profession of law, encourage cordial intercourse among its

               members, and, generally, to promote the welfare of the profession in the State.

                       The most recent Long-Range Planning Committee of the LSBA, chaired by

               Pat Ottinger, met in Lafayette on March 21 - 22, 1998.  Lawyers and judges across

               the state gathered to exchange ideas and voice their opinions on issues facing the

               legal profession and  the  role the  Bar  Association can  play in  addressing those

               issues.  Out  of that process came a  Mission Statement, seven goals, and

               "considerations" relating to those goals.  These were approved by the LSBA Board

               of Governors in June, 1998.

                       The LSBA Mission Statement provides:

                          The mission of the Louisiana State Bar Association is to assist
                          and serve its members in the practice of law, assure access to
                          and aid in  the  administration  of justice, assist  the Supreme
                          Court in the regulation of the practice of law, uphold the honor
                          of the courts and  the profession, promote  the  professional
                          competence of attorneys, increase public understanding of and
                          respect  for  the  law,  and  encourage  collegiality  among  its

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