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                                                        601 St. Charles Avenue

                                                 New Orleans, Louisiana 70130

                                                              Phone (504) 619-0134  Fax (504) 528-9154

                                                                         May 24, 2021

                                  Mr. H. Minor Pipes, III
                                  Pipes Miles Beckman, LLC
              OFFICERS            1100 Poydras Street, Ste. 1800

      HON. SHAYNA BEEVERS MORVANT   New Orleans, LA 70163

           SCOTT L. STERNBERG     Re: LCLCE Report to the LSBA B  oard of Governors
                                  Dear Mr. Pipes,

            LORETTA LARSEN        The LCLCE is pleased to provide you and the LSBA Board of Governors with a report on the

                                  activities of the Louisiana Center for Law and Civic Education (LCLCE). As set forth below,

       HON. RANDALL L. BETHANCOURT   the LCLCE continues to promote and support educational programming in support of the rule
        IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT   of law in a variety of ways.

                                  Since our last report on April 15, 2021, the LCLCE finalized plans to present a four-hour CLE

          BOARD OF DIRECTORS      at the LSBA Annual Meeting and Joint LSBA/LJC Summer School. There will be a three-

           W. THOMAS ANGERS       hour  judges  training  on  conducti  ng  Adult  Civics  Education  programs,  a  segment  on  the

                                  Judges in the Classroom program, followed by Louisiana Supreme Court Associate Justice

         LAWRENCE J. CENTOLA, III   Scott Crichton’s program on “Crime, Consequences and the Power of Choice”. There will be

          HON. SYLVIA R. COOKS    an in-person multi-day professional development program for teachers held at the Louisiana
                                  Supreme Court House in July.

            BRIAN ENGERON         The  LCLCE  is  an  active  partici  pant  of  Chief  Justice  Weimer’s  newly  formed  “Judges

                                  Imparting  Knowledge,  Education  &  Skills  Task  Force”.  This  Task  Force  is  composed  of

            VAL P. EXNICIOS       prominent members of the Louisiana education and judicial communities. Its immediate goal

           ALLISON C. FOSTER      is  to  provide  a  vehicle  for  Louisiana  judges  and  teachers  to  come  together  to  promote  a
                                  massive Judges in the Classroom    program this Fall. LCLCE Board member Judge Wendell

            C. KEVIN HAYES        Manning  serves  as  Chair  of  the  Sub  Committee  on  Collaboration  with  BESE,  DOE,

                                  Commission  on  Civic  Education
         REP. FRANK A. HOFFMANN                                  &  Others  and  LCLCE  Board  member  Judge  Randall
                                  Bethancourt serves as Chair of     the Sub Committee on Marketing, Social Media and Video.

            JEFFREY D. HUFFT      LCLCE  President  Judge  Shayna  Beevers  Morvant  and  Executive  Director  Peggy  Cotogno

                                  serve on several of the Task Force committees.

           BETTY ANN MAURY        The LCLCE’s Civics in Action Committee selected the 2021 recipient of the Civics in Action

                                  Award. This award will be presented by Chief Justice John L Weimer at the Justice Catherine
            RYAN M. MCCABE
                                  D. Kimball Summer Institute. Thi  s award recognizes a student who has made a difference or

          HON. JOHN J. MOLAISON   an improvement of the quality of life in their school, home, or community through the use of

                                  civic engagement - someone who exemplifies what it means to be an engaged citizen.
             RONNIE SLONE

           SHAYNA L. SONNIER      As of April 30, 2021, the LCLCE checking account balance was $271,553.41. Funds to assist

                                  with  operational  expenses  were  received  and  deposited  from  the  Louisiana  State  Bar
          PATRICK A. TALLEY, JR.

                                  Association’s dues check-off option.
           WILLIAM J. WILSON

           PEGGY V. COTOGNO
                                  Hon. Shayna Beevers Morvant                                        Peggy V. Cotogno

                                  President                                                                          Executive Director

                                           Making Law and Civic Education Come Alive in the Classroom

                       Serving as the public education partner of the Louisiana State Bar Association. This program is financially assisted, in part by

                                      the Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts Program through the Louisiana Bar Foundation.
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