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on the LSBA website on the Member Outreach webpage. A
                                         spreadsheet is maintained internally.
                                     ▪  Collaborate with local and specialty bar associations;
                                            o  Identify programs which would welcome partnerships with
                                                   ▪  The YLD partnered with the Baton Rouge and
                                                       Alexandria bars in October 2019 on Wills for Heroes
                                                   ▪  The Member Outreach and Diversity Department
                                                       currently works with members of the Diversity
                                                       Committee to provide various diversity and inclusion
                                                       presentations and with the Outreach Committee to
                                                       provide the “LSBA: Who We Are and How We Serve
                                                       Our Members” presentation. The presentations are
                                                       stand alone or part of a program hosted by local and
                                                       specialty bar associations.
                                            o  Assist local and specialty bar associations with strategic
                                                planning and leadership development
                                                   ▪  The Member Outreach and Diversity Department
                                                       currently supports local and specialty bar associations
                                                       when there is lapse in leadership and assists in
                                                       association reorganization.
                                                   ▪  MODD assisted Louis A. Martinet Legal Society, Inc.
                                                       Baton Rouge Chapter in reorganizing in October 2019.
                                                   ▪  The Member Outreach and Diversity Department is
                                                       currently assisting the Jessie N. Stone Legal Society in
                                                       Shreveport with reorganization.
                                            o  Promote diversity and inclusion and preserve historical content
                                                   ▪  LSBA encourages local and specialty bar associations
                                                       to become a signatory to the LSBA Statement of
                                                       Diversity Principles;
                                                   ▪  An article with information related to the Diversity
                                                       Statement can be found on the Diversity webpage
                                                       throughout the year. An article is featured in LSBA
                                                       publications periodically.
                                                   ▪  LSBA encourages specialty bar associations to provide
                                                       a copy of its bylaws and current member listserv;
                                                   ▪  The Member Outreach and Diversity Department assists
                                                       with updating the listserv of local and specialty bar
                                                       associations. The department also encourages local and
                                                       specialty bar associations to include the LSBA as a
                                                       member of its listserv. This allows the LSBA to receive
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