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managed Judicial District Court self-help websites.
o SRL & Technology Committees are working on making forms
automated and guided.
o SRL and Technology Committees are working with the
Supreme Court’s Technology Commission on adopting uniform
websites for each jurisdiction and a standardized process for
adopting uniform forms.
o SRL and Technology Committees are working with Lagniappe
Law Lab to transform the IFP form into an automated and
guided experience with plain language instructions. The
Committees are finalizing the automation of the Name Change
and 103 Divorce forms and working on the creation of new
forms and the automation of other forms.
o SRL and Technology Committees prioritized forms most used
by SRLs and is working with the Supreme Court’s Technology
Commission on developing and automating.
o Updated Find Legal Help page with the “Top 10” most used
forms as identified by the SRL Committee.
o Develop and expand membership of online modest means
▪ Hosted three free CLEs to attorney members of the
Modest Means Directory. Increased the number of
attorneys listed on the Directory by 15.
▪ Presented to Washington Parish Bar Association to
encourage participation in the Modest Means Online
▪ Directory nominated for Louis M. Brown Award.
▪ Attorneys listed now increased to 79, with 7240 total
visitors since launch (April 2018 - July 2021) - 57%
increase when compared to this time last year.
▪ Released new one hour ethics CLE on Limited Scope
Representation - a tool to increase access to affordable
legal services presented by Alainna Mire, Richard
Lemmler, and Hon. Lisa Woodruff-White.
o Update “Becoming an Adult” website
The Children’s Law Committee continues to work on updating
the “Becoming an Adult” guide and website. Plans are
underway to utilize a QR code that will direct users to the
website, rather than printing copies of the guide.
▪ Promote unmet statewide legal needs report recommendations;
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