Page 9 - March ARB Beacon 10-23-15
P. 9

                                                                                              October 23, 2015             9

by Leo Shane III                                                                                 But Pentagon planners argued that the savings are needed to rein in personnel costs,
Military Times staff writer                                                                   and that troops would be able to accept reductions in some anticipated pays and benefits
                                                                                              in exchange for better training and equipment support.
   Military advocates lost on almost every big benefits fight they waged in the legisla-
tive run-up to the fiscal 2016 defense authorization bill.                                        Senate negotiators — who had backed military officials in that stance in their early
                                                                                              draft of the defense bill — held firm on the benefits trims during this summer’s confer-
   The legislation is still in limbo, awaiting a presidential veto that could end up scut-    ence committee with their House counterparts.
tling nine months of Capitol Hill work on the annual military policy measure. But in the
lobbying arena, Pentagon penny pinchers who pushed for trims in military personnel               “The signal that sends is disappointing,” said Norb Ryan, president of the Military
spending accounts already can declare victory, having swayed lawmakers to their side.         Officers Association of America.

   If the measure becomes law, troops would see growth in the Basic Allowance for                “We’re on a trajectory here that could send the all-volunteer force into a ditch,” Ryan
Housing steadily shrink in coming years, to cover only 95 percent of average off-base         said, noting that lawmakers “have argued that each of these cuts in isolation wouldn’t be
housing costs. Tricare co-pays would rise on a host of prescriptions obtained through         overwhelming, but we’re looking at three years of lower pay (raises) now. We had hoped
off-base retail pharmacies.                                                                   to see the Senate align with the House, not the other way around.”

   Troops are in line for a 1.3 percent pay raise in January, a full percentage point below      Those trims won’t become reality if President Obama follows through with a prom-
expected growth this year in average private-sector wages — the third consecutive year        ised veto of the bill over an unrelated budget fight.
that the military pay raise would fall below civilian levels.
                                                                                                 The White House has 10 days to veto the legislation once Congress finalizes the bill.
   Lawmakers also want defense officials to offer a plan in coming months to com-              Staffers are expected to send the measure across town early next week, starting that clock.
pletely wean the military commissary and exchange systems off taxpayer funding, po-           If lawmakers can’t muster enough votes to override a veto, they would need to restart the
tentially leading to fewer discounts or offerings at the stores.                              authorization bill work all over again — possibly with different compensation changes.

   “Over the last 10 years, the (military) community has fought hard to increase benefits         But MOAA and other military advocacy groups have argued against a presidential
to catch troops up to the private sector,” said Bill Rausch, political director for Iraq and  veto, calling the legislation a critical policy measure that cannot be delayed. The mea-
Afghanistan Veterans of America. “Now, after all the battles we’ve won, we’re starting        sure has been signed into law in each of the last 53 years, and includes a host of other
to see retreats. That’s concerning to us.”                                                    specialty pay and bonus reauthorizations.

   House lawmakers had pushed against nearly all of those changes in their early draft           “The fact is that we are still a nation at war, and this legislation is vital to fulfilling
of the authorization bill this spring, agreeing with advocates who argued that the com-       wartime requirements,” MOAA officials said in a statement. “There comes a time when
pensation trims combined would drastically reduce military families’purchasing power.         this year’s legislative business must be completed, and remaining disagreements left to
                                                                                              be addressed next year.”


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