Page 1 - March ARB Beacon 1-15-16
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Vol. 81, No. 2 March Air Reserve Base, California Friday, January 15, 2016
NEWS BRIEFS Operation Desert Storm – 25 years ago
Twenty-five years ago coalition aircraft led the largest
ROUNDTABLE air campaign since the conflict in Southeast Asia on 16
The Inland Empire Aviation January 1991 following Congressional concurrence with
Roundtable will meet Jan. 20, 7 UN efforts to enforce a resolution that demanded Iraq’s
p.m. at the March Field Air Mu- withdrawal from Kuwait. The attacks drove Saddam Hus-
seum. The speaker will be Flt. Lt. sein and his leadership underground, heavily damaging
Ken Wright, RAF Retired. The critical military support networks such as command and
March Field Air Museum is locat- control, communications and intelligence capabilities, in-
ed adjacent to March Air Reserve tegrated air defenses and power generation. On 28 Febru-
Base, at 22550 Van Buren Blvd., ary 1991, President George HW Bush suspended combat
east of the intersection of Van Bu- operations and declared Kuwait liberated.
ren Blvd. and Interstate 215. The
Museum can be reached at 951- Then
902-5949 or you can visit their s