Page 4 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, July 2021.
P. 4

4      July 2021                                          spotlight                                                                   Thunderbolt                                      CommeNtary                                             5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          July 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Chaplain’s thoughts ...

                                                                                                                                                                         — Considering technology and relationships —

   ALS graduates: Class 21-5, June 24                                                                                                                                          Chaplain (1st Lt.)          drink from a straw for several months.   and use it correctly. Learn what devices

                                                                                                                                                                                JeFF RYBoLD
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Let’s just agree, he was not ready to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                do before letting your children use them.
                                                                                                                                                                                  944th Fighter Wing       drive just yet.                      It would be pretty difficult to teach a
                                                                                                                                                                                                              On June 29, 2007, Apple launched an   young person how to drive a stick shift if
     The following are the ALS class award   Staff Sgt. William Windham       Staff Sgt. Logan Best                Senior Airman Tyler Viers                             In the early 90s, an elementary school   amazing technological advance — the   you can’t do it yourself.
   winners:                             56th Component                        Staff Sgt. Taylor Underwood          607th Air Control Squadron                          classmate of mine (we’ll call him Jon),   first generation iPhone. Over the years,   Set the ground rules BeFoRe you
   John L. Levitow Award Winner:                                              Staff Sgt. Barbara Wojtasinski                                                           stole his dad’s car in an attempt to get   this device (and ones similar to it) evolved   get/give the device. Clear expectations
   Senior Airman Max Montalvo - 56 CS   Maintenance Squadron                  56th Security Forces                 Staff Sgt. Blake Buhman                             to a NASCAR race in a neighboring city.   into the hyper- dependent devices you see   minimize explosive conflict.
   Distinguished Graduate Winners:      Staff Sgt. Zachary Lewis                                                   61st Fighter Squadron                               He was only 10, so he didn’t know how to   today.  However, when a device becomes   establish protected borders with
   Staff Sgt. Chandler Baumgartner - 56   Staff Sgt. Colin Shore              Squadron                             Staff Sgt. Valarie Oden                             drive a vehicle. Jon’s attempt to run from   more of a priority than the people around   guarded entry points and check
   OSS                                  Staff Sgt. Austin White               Staff Sgt. Nicholas Damon                                                                the police ended with the stolen vehicle   you, then it is a problem.    them regularly. Parents are the own-
   Staff Sgt. Christian Watters - 56 SFS                                      Staff Sgt. Luis Gonzalez                                                                 wrapped around a tree and Jon in the    Just like Jon driving his dad’s car   ers. Children are users. It is the parent’s
   Staff Sgt. Logan Best - 56 LRS       56th Equipment                        Staff Sgt. Ruben Vega                                                                    hospital. When Jon returned to school,   before he was taught, people are being   responsibility to ensure the safety and
   Commandant’s Award Winner:           Maintenance Squadron                  Staff Sgt. Christian Watters                                                             his mouth was wired shut and he had to   handed keys to a vehicle and encouraged   security of their children.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Courtesy photo
   Staff Sgt. Christian Watters - 56 SFS  Staff Sgt. Rebeca Pugh Guerrero     Senior Airman Randolph Pierce                                                                                                to navigate the technology superhighway   Be involved in the lives around   Chaplain (1st Lt.) Jeff Rybold
   Academic Achievement Award           Staff Sgt. Kevin Memije                                                                                                                                            unprepared. How can we better prepare   you.  Avoid neglecting the presence of
   Winner:                              Staff Sgt. Talon Nichols              56th Fighter Wing                                                                                                            for life, while navigating a technologically   others.                       Yes, we live in a technology depen-
   Staff Sgt. Jakob Raisanen - 756 AMXS  Staff Sgt. Theodore Salyers          Staff Sgt. Johan Pena                                                                                                        advanced society?                      healthy moderation.  Moderation    dent society. However, technology does
                                        Staff Sgt. Aurora Simmons             Staff Sgt. Brandy Taylor                attENtIoN aLL                                                                            establish healthy connections.   is important to many things — eating,   not have to control us. It can be used to
     Other graduates were:                                                    56th Medical Support                                                                                                         This is the most important preventative   drinking, swimming, sunbathing, driv-  benefit our relationships and improve
   56th Aircraft Maintenance            56th Operations Support               Squadron                                   PErSoNNEL:                                                                        measure before adding technology to the   ing, sports, games, you name it. It’s no   our lives. But, if left unchecked, it can
   Squadron                             Squadron                                                                                                                                                           mix. Healthy relationships build trust   different with technology.       bring you down and destroy the rela-
                                        Staff Sgt. Chandler Baumgartner       Staff Sgt. Anthony Robbins                Brig. Gen. Gregory Kreuder re-                                                     and respect.                           occasionally unplug. There is noth-  tionships around you. Think about how
   Staff Sgt. Nicolaus Arbogast                                               756th Aircraft Maintenance              spectfully announces the death of                                                      Lead with a commitment to integ-   ing wrong with setting a specific time   you allow technology to impact your
   Staff Sgt. Colin Benton              56th Contracting Squadron                                                     Tech. Sgt. Raymond F. Mafnas. Any-                                                   rity. People tend to follow the person who   aside — maybe a planned day or weekend   life and the relationships around you.
   Staff Sgt. Francisco Flores          Staff Sgt. Mario Garcia               Squadron                                one having claims for or against the                                                 looks like they know what they are doing.   — where you just make the conscious   For more information about Luke
   Staff Sgt. Parkerd Johnston          Senior Airman Max Montalvo            Staff Sgt. Jakob Raisanen               estate should contact Capt. Nicholas                                                 This isn’t to say you shouldn’t critique   decision to tell all your friends and co-  AFB Chaplain Corps programs and
   Staff Sgt. Jaylen McMurtry                                                 Staff Sgt. Lydia Whitney                C. Carter, Summary Court Officer, at                                                 others, but be an example of the commit-  workers that you and your family are   events, “like” us on Facebook @ Luke
   Staff Sgt. Paige Mitchell            56th Logistics Readiness              Senior Airman Jermaine Hellandbrand     DSN: 856-5738 or nicholas.carter.16@                                                 ment to do right.                    going to unplug and are only reachable   AFB Chapel. Feeling like you need to
   Staff Sgt. Matthew Nickell           Squadron                              Senior Airman Steven Moth                                                                                  Get on the media learning curve    for emergencies.                     talk? Give us a call at 623-856-6211.
   Staff Sgt. Jonathan Schmidt          Staff Sgt. Vincent Barbere            Senior Airman Hunter Roudybush

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                                                                                                                                                                                                        6.5” AD SPACE

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