Page 3 - Nellis, Creech, NTTR Bullseye 12-4-15
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BULLSEYE News 3December 4, 2015
Nellis leadership serves U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Siuta B. Ika
Thanksgiving meal at
Crosswinds DFAC
Members of Nellis leadership serve military retirees Thanksgiving Meals
at the Crosswinds Dining Facility on Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Nov.
26. Traditionally, commanders, chiefs, first sergeants, and installation
leadership assist food service personnel each year in serving lunch
and dinner on Thanksgiving Day. The meal was available to Airmen,
all Department of Defense ID card holders, as well as retirees and their
family members.
EDUCATION, from page 1 ______ choices, and ultimately, more control,” personnel to fill the seats, the school well, we are in the final negotiations for
said Carol Padilla, 99th Force Support will offer the remaining positions to the long-term lease that will enable the
Prospective students will need to reg- Squadron school liaison officer. “This has non-DOD-affiliated students. If the non- new facility to be built,” Boutwell said.
ister for the new school before they can been a lot of work for a lot of people, but DOD-affiliated students are accepted to
attend classes there. The Clark County I am excited about a new school.” the school, their parent(s) or guardian(s) The 99th ABW will be holding a
School District Attendance Zone Advi- will have to pass the standard back- school town hall meeting for parents
sory Committee has proposed rezoning The new school is planning to accom- ground check to be granted base access. and guardians at the Nellis Base Theater,
current Lomie G. Heard students to modate 600 students from kindergarten Dec. 15 at 6:30 p.m. CASLV is planning
attend Zel and Mary Lowman or J.E. through fifth grade in the existing Lomie “The leadership team here has taken to give a short presentation on what their
Manch Elementary Schools just outside G. Heard facility, but will expand to 800 into account many factors and concerns program will offer.
the Landings Gate on Craig Road. The students from kindergarten through expressed by parents over the past few
school board will meet in February to eighth grade once the new facility is years and is working with CCSD and a Student registration for CASLV is now
finalize the proposal. Parents can have completed. CASLV also operates four contractor to put your children in the open and can be found at http://www.
their children bused to one of these other campuses in the Las Vegas area. best position possible to continue receiv-
schools by CCSD or elect to have them ing a high-quality education,” Boutwell
attend a private school, homeschool, Per recent changes in Nevada leg- said. “I’m thankful for everything the For more information about the
public charter, or magnet school of their islation, dependent children of DOD CCSD has provided our families and will charter school, please contact CASLV at
choosing. personnel will have priority in enrolling continue to provide them as we transi- 702-776-6529, extension 106 or visit their
in the new school — active duty, then tion in the upcoming months. website at For more
“This gives our military families more government employees. If there are information about other schooling op-
not enough students from Nellis AFB “While everything is moving along tions, please contact the 99th FSS School
Liaison Officer at 702-652-2156.
EVALUATION, from page 1 _____ kicked out or retired,” she said. “You’re still complete, your information is sent to the ment limitation code because of their condi-
in the beginning stages. Some people think informal board at AFPC and the informal tion, then they must get a waiver to deploy.
Additionally, there are certain medical ‘that’s it, I’m getting out’ — however, that’s board will make a determination on an
conditions, that when diagnosed, could not the case yet.” individual’s case. “That makes sure that before you deploy
automatically trigger an IRILO. or do a permanent change of station, we’ve
At this point, all of the individual’s “If you don’t agree with AFPC’s informal sent your waiver to the (chief of medical
“If they’ve had consecutive fitness failures relevant information will be brought up at board determination, you can dispute it staff) and they’ve approved for you to go,”
or if they miss certain components for a the DAWG. and proceed to the formal board. That’s said Yoder.
certain amount of time, the profile officers when you’ll actually meet before a board of
catch it and they’ll put them up for review,” “If the DAWG members feel like you’ve doctors,” said Yoder. “That doesn’t happen “If the member isn’t 100 percent ready,
said Ruben Sison, 99th Medical Support met the maximum medical improvement, with every case. That’s only if you disagree we’re making sure the gaining base knows
Squadron physical evaluation board liaison they’ll turn your Code 37 on and do the with the results you get. If you don’t like (the that and can determine if they can handle
officer. “Not necessarily for a MEB, but to IRILO,” said Yoder. “So for the IRILO we’ll formal board’s) determination, then you the medical condition at that base.
figure out why a member could be on a no get a narrative summary from the provider, still have the option to dispute your case to
push-up profile off-and-on for the past two get a current copy of your (Air Force Form) the Secretary of the Air Force. There is no “If a member can’t deploy, PCS, or go
years.” 469, and a commander’s impact letter. Also, board (for the SECAF), our office will send TDY, that places a strain on the rest of their
we’ll get any medical records pertinent to all your information up and they review it.” unit because now those people have to pick
If the profile officers can’t narrow a cause your condition or injury. Then we’ll send it up the slack,” said Yoder. “By processing
down, then the individual might not be to the Air Force Personnel Center.” “The purpose of the MEB isn’t neces- these waivers we’re helping the unit stay
ready for an MEB. sarily to get someone medically retired or mission ready and alleviating some of that
AFPC makes the determination if the medically separated, it’s to make sure that strain.”
“It’ll flag and appear on our radar, but member should be returned to duty (some- we do what is best for the individual,” said
we’ll figure out if it warrants an MEB or if times with an assignment limitation code) Sison. “A majority of the time when they do Airmen can also get brought before the
the commander or first sergeant needs to or if they should go through a full MEB. have injuries or illnesses, they’ll do an as- board if they have a canceled PCS or de-
pursue administrative action,” said Yoder. While going through an MEB, individuals signment limitation code which states they ployment because of a medical condition,
can’t deploy, PCS, or go TDY. have a condition that can be controlled and said Senior Airman Rebecca Brown, 99th
Yoder emphasized that at this point in they can remain in the Air Force. Medical Support Squadron PEBLO.
the process, individuals aren’t undergoing If it is determined that the case should
a full MEB yet. undergo a full MEB, then you will begin the If an individual gets put on an assign- For more information about the medical
stages of the full MEB process. Once that is evaluation board or its process, contact the
“This doesn’t mean you’re going to get MEB office at 702-653-2180.