Page 8 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, October 2020
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October 2020
October 2020
News News
Comprehensive legal options o ered to Fort Irwin 2020 AER Campaign raises EEO recognizes hospital security guard
tenants at quarterly Housing Town Hall more than $69,000 amid pandemic NTC/Fort Irwin Garrison Public A airs
By Jason Miller
FORT IRWIN, Calif. — e National
Fort Irwin/USAG PAO Training Center and Fort Irwin’s Equal
By Janell J. Lewis Ford and realigning the radio links between buildings 252 and 264. FORT IRWIN, Calif. — e Fort Irwin Employment Opportunity Office presented
a coin to Rudolfo Carbajal at Weed Army
NTC/Fort Irwin Garrison Public A airs Privatized Housing Legal Tenant Bill of Rights Army Emergency Relief Campaign ended its Community Hospital on Sept. 16.
challenging 2020 season by raising $69,916.53
Legal Services let viewers and attendees know what their Carbajal is a security guard at the hospital
FORT IRWIN, Calif. — More than 400 people tuned in options are with their housing. Jessaka Menzie, Chief of Client in contributions from March 1 to July 31.
live for the Fort Irwin Garrison Quarterly Virtual Housing Services, said tenants can come to the legal services office to ask Normally the AER campaign season runs who caught the attention of Monique Jen- “In a random conversation, ‘Rudy’ men-
Town Hall on Sept. 1 at the Sandy Basin Community Center. questions about their lease. from March 1 - May 15, but due to the CO- was able to focus on training.” nings, the installation’s EEO director. tioned some of the diversity and inclusion
Ms. Adrena Sheri , Community Director for the Villages Menzie said the Tenant Bill of Rights apply on the instal- VID-19 global pandemic and the need for Locally, the Army Emergency Relief Program “Mr. Rudolfo Carbajal understands the initiatives with a couple of listening sessions
at Fort Irwin, provided a BAH (base allowance for housing) lation but California law applies o the installation. Service physical distancing, the campaign was extended. has assisted just under 200 active, retired soldiers importance of simple kindness and respect conducted,” Jennings said. “He said they
breakdown to visually display how a soldier’s BAH is distributed members can get assistance whether they live on or o post. “Normally we do big assemblies and presen- and family members with more than $280,000 in customer service,” Jennings said. “Mr. were helpful and I could tell that he under-
and used-- the bulk of it going to community improvements “We’ll explain to you California law and how it relates to tations with soldiers and explain the importance this year in the form of loans and grants. Carbajal understands the Diversity and stood the initiative and has an appreciation
and mortgage payments. Fort Irwin residents,” Menzie said. of the program, but we couldn’t do that because “AER is such an important thing,” he said. Inclusion initiative and has an appreciation for it and for people in general.”
Incoming Housing Options Here are the main services she says her office can provide to of social distancing,” said Cpt. Ian James, Fort “ e last thing we want is for the soldiers to take for it and for people in general.” Jennings said Carbajal went above and
Housing leaders provided several pieces of information service members and their families: Irwin AER Coordinator. “It was a lot of focus on their mind o the mission. at’s what AER During a recent walk-through, Jennings beyond, exemplifying dignity and respect
regarding those who recently moved to Fort Irwin. 1. Review and discuss lease with tenants if there are certain phone calls, posters, and using Facebook live.” helps out with, it increases readiness.” said Carbajal spoke openly about how dig- in what may appear to be a menial task, but
“If you are incoming and have signed out on PCS (per- provisions not understood or agree upon. Cpt. James became an advocate for the AER Since 1942, AER has provided $2 billion to nity and respect are sometimes taken for said he represented well with a great attitude.
manent change of station) or travel leave and we don’t have a 2. Advise tenants on California Landlord tenant law and program as a young specialist, when his spouses nearly four million soldiers, including $1 billion granted and how common courtesies can go e coin EEO presented to Carbajal was
home for you to move into when you arrive or within 10 days with painting of the homes to follow and they’ve completed the explain how it’s relevant to their individual issue. needed emergency dental surgery while he was since 9/11. rough zero-interest loans, grants, a long way. She said he demonstrated this just one way their office wanted to promote
of your arrival, we will o er you to stay in one of our temporary walking path from Barstow Road to Goldstone Road. 3. Legal Services can speak to Housing on a tenant’s behalf attending Advance Individual Training. and educational scholarships, AER ensures no with his attitude, service, and commitment and encourage a healthy working culture.
unfurnished, three-bedroom homes until your home is avail- Continuing upgrades include 122 more exterior renova- and report violations of law to the Los Angeles Department of “I had no idea what I was going to do, but soldier faces nancial hardship on their own. in a simple day of escorting personnel in “He represented well and exempli ed the
able,” Sheri said. tions, Cracker Jack Flats and Rhineland Playgrounds rubber Consumer and Business A airs. ey can pass that on to an my drill sergeant told me, ‘Hey its handled, let’s For more information on Army Emergency the hospital. way to promote and encourage a healthy
She reiterated the slides that also said, “If you are a SNCO/ repairs, repaving asphalt for walking paths around housing area, agency that can take action. take you to AER, they’ll get you what you need, Relief, visit or call the Jennings said during the meeting, Carba- working culture,” Jennings said. “Being kind
CGO/FGO incoming family and we don’t have a home for continued ooring upgrades, upgrading all window treatments 4. Legal Services can report it to the state Attorney General’s you don’t have to worry about interest,’ and I local Fort Irwin office at 760-380-3513. jal was friendly and professional is free, but can go a long way.”
you to move into when you arrive or within 10 days of your to cordless blinds, unit modernization e orts and replacing all Office section for Consumer Affairs
arrival, we will o er you a home in an E1/E6 community at legacy doors and light xtures. 5. Legal Services can walk clients through a small claims
the current E-6 rate.” Housing says exterior renovations will continue through court process ling with local court
Work Orders and Improvements 2024, to include all Legacy neighborhoods, asphalt replacement 6. Legal Services can advocate on your behalf to the Garrison
At the time of the meeting, the Villages said they’d completed neighborhood by neighborhood, a new super playground by Commander and accompany tenants to appointments with the
a total of 802 COVID-hold work orders and only had 40 left, Miracle Recreation in 2023, Roof replacements, LED replace- Garrison Commander.
which was an accomplishment for both maintenance workers ments for all Housing, unit modernization e orts and replace 7. Legal Services o ers a Landlord and Tenant workshop
and residents. all legacy doors and light xtures. so tenants can learn about their rights and obligations under
Sheri said that 2020 Housing improvements include: Barracks California landlord tenant law. ey will publicize when the
• Completed installation of 430 Nest Thermostats Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Paul Fedorisin provided up- next one is scheduled.
• 56 sets of cordless blinds dates on the barracks, saying the internet service engineers for All of the Housing Town Hall slides can be found on the
• 206 new HVAC systems Boingo conducted a connectivity assessment to identify peak NTC website at
• 41 Kitchen upgrades demand and system shortcomings and began upgrading and The Housing office can be reached at 760-386-4663 or
• Installed LED exterior light replacements in Desert Winds installing additional access points in building 290 back in Au- through their main website, or the Ac-
and Calico Estates gust, along with replacing links between buildings 251 and 252 tive Building Resident portal app at fortirwin.activebuilding.
Additionally, fences are being installed in Calico Estates and realigning ve others. is month, they’re switching ISPs com.
SMA Grinston wants to retire Army’s term, “I only see Green”
NTC/Fort Irwin Garrison Public A airs via AUSA
e Army’s top personnel leaders participated in part 5 of a series discussion on racial is-
sues and diversity in the force on Sept. 16. e conversation is part of the Association of the
United States Army (AUSA)’s virtual Noon Report and is part of a commitment the Army
has made to address race and equality.
Anyone who says their unit doesn’t have racial issues may not be listening, Sgt. Maj. of the
Army, Michael Grinston, said during one AUSA Noon Report webinar.
“It is okay that you don’t have an issue, but your soldiers may have issues,” Grinston said,
who encourages squad-level discussions about cultural diversity.
e Army has long had a stance to look at people as soldiers only, with soldiers and leaders
saying they only “see green” when it comes to race.
Disproportionate police brutality toward minorities and protests about systemic racism are
making the Army rethink how being green ignores the experiences of some soldiers. “‘When you say, ‘all I see is green, you don’t see all of me,’” Grinston said one soldier told
Grinston also said he’s no fan of soldiers using the phrase, “I only see green,” when talk- him. “‘You don’t see when I take o my uniform and I go out that gate, that people will treat
ing about diversity and race, because not seeing soldiers as individuals can leave them hurt, me di erently because of the color of my skin. You can’t see that when I go home to New York
unappreciated and discriminated against. City that I have had a gun to my head 13 times since I’ve been in the Army.’”
He explained his recent realization after speaking with a fellow soldier. Grinston said he doesn’t use the term anymore and would like to see the phrase retired.
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