Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-8-16
P. 19

Thunderbolt                                                              SPORTS                                                                                         April 8, 2016

So Close Yet So Far                                                                                                                               Sports Shorts


           Story and photo by Airman 1st Class                               “I thought our offense was effective, but we weren’t able to          The Falcon Dunes Golf Course is
                            PEDRO MOTA                                   capitalize in the red zone,” Senior Airman Dylan Vogel, 56th MDG       featuring a junior golf clinic 9 to
                                                                         team quarterback. “Their offense wasn’t able to move the ball on       10 a.m. Saturday and April 23. The
                                       56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  our defense, so I was feeling really confident.”                       cost is $20 per clinic or $30 for both.
                                                                                                                                                Instruction includes grip, stance,
   The 56th Medical Group flag football team played against the             After half-time, the two teams continued to drive back and forth    driving, chipping, putting and golf
56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron team March 28, 2016                  until the 56th MDG team intercepted a pass and returned it for         etiquette. For more information, call
at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona.                                         a huge gain. The drive ended with Vogel throwing a touchdown           623-535-9334.
                                                                         pass, giving the 56th MDG a 13 point lead.
   This game was considered a failsafe for the 56th EMS team,                                                                                   Base family camp out
but for the 56th MDG, losing this game meant losing the entire              “The overall season was lengthy and felt longer than an NFL
championship.                                                            season.” Alvarez said. “It was fun because we’ve never made it            Outdoor recreation is featuring a
                                                                         this far. We had a great group of athletes.”                           base family campout April 15 and
   “Out of eleven teams it came down to these two games and we                                                                                  16 at Fowler Park. The cost is $10
were all out there ready to make it happen,” said Tech. Sgt. Jo-            The 56th MDG went on to the final championship game against         for a family of four, $5 per additional
seph Alvarez, 56th MDG team member. “Our team did very well              the 56th EMS to lose 14-12.                                            members, free for R4R deployed fam-
in this tournament. We worked hard all season to get this far.”                                                                                 ily members and includes bouncers,
                                                                            “We went out and completely dominated the first game defen-         movie in the park and s’mores. For
   The game began with both teams moving the chains back and             sively,” Vogel said. “I didn’t want to take it for granted going into  more information, call 623-856-6267.
forth, until the 56th MDG scored their first touchdown after an          the next game. We kept building on the positive, but in the end
interception in the first ten minutes of the first half.                 we lost. I look forward to building on it for next year.”              K-1 speed racing

                                                                                                                                                   Outdoor recreation is featuring K1
                                                                                                                                                speed racing at 10 a.m. April 23. Race
                                                                                                                                                to beat your own time. Top three rac-
                                                                                                                                                ers receive a T-shirt and an award. For
                                                                                                                                                more information, call 623-856-6267.

                                                                                                                                                Cheerleading and football

                                                                                                                                                   The 56th Force Support Squadron
                                                                                                                                                Bryant Fitness Center is featuring
                                                                                                                                                Pigskin Patriots, a free cheerleading
                                                                                                                                                and football camp April 16. Ages 5 to
                                                                                                                                                9 meet at 9 a.m. to noon and ages 10
                                                                                                                                                to 14 meet at 1 to 4 p.m. at the fit-
                                                                                                                                                ness center. The event is led by NFL
                                                                                                                                                players and cheerleaders. Register at
                                                                                                                                                the 56th FSS Youth Center. For more
                                                                                                                                                information, call 623-856-7470.

of the

                     1%$6XQGD\                  Tech. Sgt.                    Senior Airman                 Senior Airman            Senior Airman       Airman 1st Class
     &KDUORWWHYV:DVKLQJWRQ                   Eric Harley               Thomas Diaz-Deleon                Brian LeFevere     Savier Hernandez-Beltre       Katy Straight
                                           56th Fighter Wing             56th Operations Group     56th Mission Support Group  56th Maintenance Group
          'DOODVYV/$&OLSSHUV                                                                                                                         56th Medical Group
    /$/DNHUVYVYV+RXVWRQ                     &KDUORWWH                      :DVKLQJWRQ                      &KDUORWWH              :DVKLQJWRQ             :DVKLQJWRQ
   0LOZDXNHHYV3KLODGHOSKLD                       'DOODV                           'DOODV                    /$&OLSSHUV              /$&OLSSHUV               'DOODV
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               2UODQGRYV0LDPL                3KLODGHOSKLD                      0LOZDXNHH                                                                        8WDK
            %URRNO\QYV,QGLDQD                                                                                  Denver                     8WDK                2UODQGR
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           7RURQWRYV1HZ<RUN                     0LDPL                            0LDPL                       %URRNO\Q                  ,QGLDQD            6DQ$QWRQLR
                                                   ,QGLDQD                          ,QGLDQD                    6DQ$QWRQLR              6DQ$QWRQLR               Toronto
                   0/%6DWXUGD\                 6DQ$QWRQLR                      6DQ$QWRQLR                     1HZ<RUN                 1HZ<RUN
              Boston vs. Toronto                   Toronto                          Toronto                                                                       Boston
            1HZ<RUNYV'HWURLW                                                                                 Boston                   Boston                 Detroit
       3LWWVEXUJKYV&LQFLQQDWL                   Boston                           Toronto                      1HZ<RUN                 1HZ<RUN              &LQFLQQDWL
         &OHYHODQGYV&KLFDJR                   1HZ<RUN                          1HZ<RUN                     Pittsburgh               Pittsburgh             &OHYHODQG
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           /$YV6DQ)UDQFLVFR                 &OHYHODQG                         &KLFDJR                                              :DVKLQJWRQ
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