Page 12 - March ARB Beacon 11-6-15
P. 12

Prepared by Dawn W. Smith             can Indians to reach the rank of Brigadier
Defense Equal Opportunity Management  General during the Civil War.
                                         The second American Indian General was

National American Indian and Alaska Stand Watie, a leader of the Cherokee Na-
Native Heritage Month celebrates and rec- tion and Confederate Indian cavalry com-
ognizes the accomplishments of the origi- mander—the last Confederate General to
nal inhabitants, explorers, and settlers of surrender his troops.
                                      In World War I, roughly 12,000 Ameri-
the United States.
This presentation reviews the historical can Indians joined the ranks of the armed
milestones that led to the establishment of forces—their patriotism moved Congress
National American Indian Heritage Month, to pass the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924.
                                                                   Their unique combat
covers various as-
pects of American      “In Iroquois society, leaders are encour- abilities and survival
Indian and Alaska
Native life, and hon-  aged to remember seven generations in the skills, which frus-
ors the contributions  past and consider seven generations in the trated opponents for
of our Native Service  future when making decisions that affect generations, became
Members.                              the people.”
                                                                   invaluable to the na-
   The Society of      —Wilma Mankiller, First Female Chief tion’s combat success.
                                      of the Cherokee Nation A p p r o x i m a t e l y

American Indian                                                    600 Oklahoma Indi-

Government Employees has chosen this ans, mostly Choctaw and Cherokee, were

year’s theme, Growing Native Leaders: En- assigned to the 142nd Infantry of the 36th

hancing Our Seven Generations.        Texas-Oklahoma National Guard Division.

During the Civil War, American Indians The 142nd saw action in France and its sol-

served on both sides of the conflict.  diers were widely recognized for their con-

Ely Parker was a Union Civil War Gener- tributions in battle. Four men from this unit

al who wrote the terms of surrender between were awarded the Croix de Guerre, while

the United States and the Confederate States many others received the Church War Cross

of America. Parker was one of two Ameri- for gallantry.                                                                  Wilma Mankiller

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