Page 2 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, February 4, 2022
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2 February 4, 2022 Commentary Desert lightning news s. nevaDa Desert lightning news s. nevaDa news February 4, 2022 3
A Culture of Modernization is a mindset, not a buzz phrase nellis support Center works behind
by Col. Gregory “GM” Kuzma our most valuable resource: our people. our enterprise; from weapon systems transparency, and most importantly,
Washington, D.C. It has been said that the evolving char- to business systems. We should pro- trust. Psychological safety at work does
acter of war will require a more complex fessionally challenge the status quo to not mean that everyone is nice all the scenes to make red Flag-nellis possible
Today, the United States finds itself and adaptive defense enterprise. This modernize and adapt to streamline time. It means embracing conflict, own-
in a deadly, serious game of global com- means we must empower and encour- decision-making, eliminate redundan- ing risk together, and allowing everyone
petition. age our teammates to collaborate across cies, and limit bureaucratic layers. In a chance to speak up and offer creative
While our Air Force’s weapon sys- organizations, functional areas, and addition, if a system, process, or policy alternatives that can make a difference. by Airman Trevor Bell Wood begins by collecting all the names
tems and the way we fight have evolved service components as well as partner is not living up to the high standard we When people do not feel comfortable Nellis AFB, Nev. of visiting personnel from different units.
through the years, our adversaries have with industry. It also means giving our expect as the premier air and space force talking about initiatives that are not She then reaches out to on-base hous-
continued to find ways to match our people innovative tools that best support in the world, I challenge you to speak up, working, the organization’s culture is Airmen assigned to the Nellis Support ing, and if there’s no lodging available
capabilities. and compensate them appropriately to offer sustainable ideas, and be a part of not poised to fail fast and grow. When Center provide logistical support for on base, she contacts hotels in the sur-
The challenge of navigating govern- sustain a high quality of life and job the solution. our people are not fully committed to a nearly 3,000 personnel and around 100 rounding area.
ment bureaucracy — with decades of satisfaction. All of this leads to a positive Action Order: Competition Culture of Modernization, the organiza- aircraft from allied countries and other “I think that’s the biggest challenge,”
institutional inertia — threatens our impact on resiliency. In order to remain the world’s great- tion loses an opportunity to leverage the U.S. military bases who come to Nellis said Wood. “Finding locations that work
ability to innovate and modernize the Mission Command est Air and Space Force, we must quickly strengths of all its talent. Air Force Base, Nev., to participate in for the unit and work for the mission that
Department of the Air Force across the A Culture of Modernization also develop and leverage leading-edge tech- The bottom line: During World War Red Flag-Nellis. they have.”
enterprise; from weapon systems to busi- aligns with the principles of Mission nology and increase interoperability. II, aggressive, out-of-the-box, innova- “The Nellis Support Center spent The Nellis Support Center is also
ness systems. This is highlighted in Gen. Command: have shared understand- We must break down service silos from tive thinking was strongly pursued. months preparing for the influx of the responsible for ensuring other large
CQ Brown, Jr.’s “Accelerate Change or ing from the bottom up, not only from a Total Force perspective; effectively Military leaders who “played to win” personnel, aircraft and equipment to ar- and small force exercises outside of Red
Lose” strategic approach and his Action the top down. Empowering our people integrating active, Reserve, and Guard with calculated risk-taking and pushing rive on base, and they continue to work Flag-Nellis run smoothly. For example,
Orders. means granting more authority and re- business systems across the enterprise the limits of technology, were successful quietly in the background to ensure the they provide support and coordinate for
These bureaucratic limitations have sources to those with the most informa- with concurrent modernization from in overcoming seemingly insurmount- 3,000 Red Flag-Nellis 22-1 participants Green Flag.
driven our leaders to make tough deci- tion and greatest competency closest to the beginning. This also means work- able odds. Many of today’s senior leaders have the support they need to train and “It is a massive effort to prepare for
sions and shift our national defense pri- the fight to make decisions that are with- ing toward greater interoperability with want to aggressively innovate on that win a high-end fight,” said Col. Todd Red Flag, and the Nellis Support Center
orities to accelerate change. Our Airmen in the command and control framework. our coalition teammates to counter scale once again to deliver at the speed of Dyer, 99th Air Base Wing commander. makes it look easy,” said Dyer.
and Guardians have had to take a hard We also want to implement an honest near-peer adversaries. Effective teaming relevance and move fast to improve our Tech. Sgt. Jahmel Sargent, 99th Lo- Air Force photograph by Airman Trevor Bell
look within our organizations to find and continual feedback mechanism that with other nations at the strategic level systems, processes, and policies beyond gistics Readiness Squadron Airlift Airmen assigned to the Nellis Support Center
better and more efficient ways to accom- provides constructive input, in real time. will continue to be a challenge if we do just “business as usual.” Management noncommissioned officer prepare to unload cargo from a KC-135
plish the mission. This is more than just This helps accelerate decision-making not improve our capacity for working If we do not shift to a Culture of in charge, oversees the support of in- Stratotanker that arrived from MacDill Air
creating an efficient process at the tactical and promotes a shared consciousness together at the operational and tactical Modernization, our Airmen and Guard- coming aircraft. Fighters, bombers and Force Base, Fla., in support of Red Flag-Nellis
level by submitting an idea to the unit across the enterprise. Simply put; to levels. ians will continue to operate within a support aircraft from other units and 22-1 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Jan. 21,
suggestion box. We need to think big- positively affect the concept of Mission Action Order: Design culture of risk aversion that makes the countries need parking spaces, air stairs 2022. This iteration of Red Flag is focused on
ger by modernizing the way we manage Command, we must grow workplace Every Airman and Guardian is an status quo a safer bet than attempting and equipment. confidence under fire, integrated leadership
acquisitions, sustainment, and system cultures that are more forward-thinking, innovator but innovation is not achieved to challenge it. Machines and equipment “One job doesn’t do the same trick and the warfighter culture.
development across the enterprise, as transparent, and human-centric. singularly by one person working alone are merely the means to accomplish for every aircraft,” said Sargent. ”Units
well as account for the user perspective Action Order: Airmen in a vacuum. In fact, it takes everyone the mission. It is our responsibility to coming in for Red Flag contact us ahead
with human-centered design. It cannot be understated: the critical on the team at the strategic, operational, advocate for our people to have the of time to coordinate and make sure that LEFT: Airman Basic James Ling, assigned to
We must revolutionize our approach importance of our business systems (that and tactical levels to actively challenge necessary resources to be successful everything that they need to support the Nellis Support Center prepares to unload
to a “Culture of Modernization” mind- take care of our pay, healthcare, and the status quo and advocate for interdis- and recognize those who advocate for their aircraft is available.” a KC-135 for Red Flag-Nellis 22-1 using a Tunner
set to maintain our edge in great power readiness) has a direct impact on recruit- ciplinary collaboration across organiza- change. If we do this right, empowered Airmen from the Nellis Support Cen- 60K aircraft cargo loader at Nellis Air Force
competition. ing, retention, and talent management. tional boundaries. The Department of Airmen and Guardians will Accelerate ter are also responsible for coordinating Base, Nev., Jan. 21, 2022. Red Flag-Nellis 22-1
Modernizing our culture goes beyond Whether it is innovation, modernization, the Air Force can improve system design Change through a Culture of Modern- with outside sources, such as hotels and provides realistic combat training that saves
just focusing our efforts singularly on our or transformation, these terms all have by facilitating a framework to make it ization by cutting through bureaucracy rental car companies in the community Air Force photograph by Airman Trevor Bell lives while increasing combat effectiveness.
amazing weapon systems or high-tech one thing in common: it is our people easier to innovate while partnering with with global competition in mind while in order to provide the visitors with nec-
capabilities. In addition to transform- who execute the mission and make it industry. We must be comfortable with reshaping our air and space force for essary resources.
ing our current business systems, we happen. Airmen and Guardians provide asking our leadership, “is there a more the future. We must all be advocates for Many of these Airmen working logis-
need to modernize every single aspect of the ingenuity, innovativeness, and flex- effective way we can support our people innovation. tics come from different career fields like
service, particularly under current fiscal ibility of the human mind. Our people and the mission while increasing agility Do you have an idea to help acceler- ground transport and have trained in
constraints. If we are going to continue to determine whether we will succeed or and responsiveness?” ate change? Be a part of a Continuous order to provide support to visiting units.
fight and win with the military we have, fail. Airmen and Guardians do their best Create an environment conducive Process Improvement event, submit an While Senior Airman Leticia Wood’s
we need to adapt to current and future work when their talents are cultivated, for a Culture of Modernization idea on the AFWERX Ideation Platform original career field is ground transport,
threats to remain ready for any adversary. coordinated, and celebrated. None of the above lines of effort ( for the last month, she has been working
World Class Support Action Order: Bureaucracy will be successful unless we forge an guide.html), propose a solution through at the Nellis Support Center as a lodg-
The most effective way to truly develop As Airmen and Guardians, we must environment of psychological safety Spark Tank ( ing representative and coordinating all
our Culture of Modernization is by de- encourage each other to keep a growth at every echelon that is conducive to spark-tank.html), or raise your concern lodging for visiting units here for Red
livering industry-leading technology to mindset with how we innovate across innovation built on communication, with your chain of command. Flag-Nellis 22-1.
Wood is tasked with contacting and
building relationships with a dozen ho-
tels in order to provide units with lodg-
Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and For all submissions, a name and phone number
published by Aerotech News and Review, a private Review of the products or services advertised. of a person to contact must be included in the event ing. She also makes sure that the units are
firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force. Everything advertised in the publication shall be questions arise. kept together and at a reasonable distance
Contents of Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition made available for purchase and use of patronage All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity from the base.
Desert Lightning News Staff are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national and conformity to the AP Style Guide, to include
Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review by, Aerotech News and Review, the U.S. government, origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political military ranks and proper writing etiquette. “I think lodging is very important,”
Stuart Ibberson, Editor the Department of Defense or the Department of the affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the Corrections: Desert Lightning News staff said Wood. “Depending on where you
Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout members strive for accurac y each week . Air Force photograph by Airman Trevor Bell
Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales Air Force. purchaser, user or patron. If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert place these units, it will affect how they Airmen from the Nellis Support Center provide support to all incoming aircraft and personnel for Red Flag-Nellis 22-1, including these
The appearance of advertising in this publication, The deadline for submissions to Desert Lightning News staff at 334-718-3509, or e-mail get to work and complete the mission.”
CONTaCT: editorial Staff at 334-718-3509 including inserts and supplements, does not constitute Lightning News is no later than Monday, 4:30 p.m., F-15E Strike Eagles assigned to the 4th Fighter Wing out of Seymour Johnson AFB, N.C., parked on the flight line at Nellis Air Force
For editorial staff: e-mail an endorsement by the Department of Defense, the the week of desired publication date., and we will consider To coordinate lodging for visitors, Base, Nev., Jan. 21, 2022. Red Flag-Nellis 22-1 provides realistic combat training that saves lives while increasing combat effectiveness.
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