Page 8 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, February 4, 2022
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8 February 4, 2022 news Desert lightning news s. nevaDa Desert lightning news s. nevaDa February 4, 2022 9
Air Force launching myEval in 2022
The Department of the Air Force To allow for a progressive rollout ing Reports, regardless of closeout ing documentation items to be manu-
has launched a new enlisted and of- of myEval, human resource profes- date, will continue to be processed ally attached.
ficer evaluation system application, sionals across the DAF gain access to using current systems while the DAF “The journey of improving our
myEvaluation (myEval), to further the myEval app from the new myFSS finalizes plans to integrate these prod- evaluation system for both the enlisted
support ongoing IT and talent manage- platform landing page starting the ucts into myEval. As the Air Force and officer corps is in full-swing,” said
ment transformations for Total Force week of Jan. 4, 2022, in advance of all transitions to ALQ-based feedback Col. Laura King, the Air Force Talent
Airmen and Guardians. routine-access users. This provides this spring, and to ALQ-based evalu- Management Innovation Cell Director.
“Shifting to a 21st century IT ap- time for familiarization of the new ap- ations this fall, the Space Force will “There are several milestones along this
plication, like myEval, enables the plication and to work out any technical continue to use the current Airman journey to a competency-based evalu-
department to greatly improve our issues prior to a full launch. On Jan. 18, Comprehensive Assessment feedback ation system that enables increased
performance feedback and evaluation 2022, myEval opened a familiarization forms and current officer and enlisted transparency and more direct feedback
systems, synchronizing and comple- period for all Airmen and Guardians. performance reports accessible in between Airmen and their supervisors.
menting the many updates we’ve made Full usage and functionality will open myEval, until a transition decision is The launch of myEval is a big step to-
to our talent management systems over DAF-wide Feb. 4, 2022. announced at a later time. wards reaching our end goals.”
the past couple of years. The myEval The DAF will transition from vPC While numerous enhancements
application reduces administrative to myEval in multiple phases to allow will be live when the system myEval
burdens, enhances the user experience, for appropriate adjustment cycles prior launches in January, the DAF will con-
and provides leaders with performance to mandatory use. Across the Total tinue to develop and release additional
data to assist in making informed Force, beginning Feb. 4, 2022, Air- capabilities within myEval the app
talent management decisions,” said men and Guardians must accomplish throughout 2022. Improvements in-
Lt. Gen. Brian Kelly, Deputy Chief of performance feedback using myEval, clude auto-population of information
Staff for Manpower, Personnel, and and officer and enlisted evaluations directly from the Military Personnel
Services. “For the Air Force specifi- with a close-out date of May 31, 2022, Data System (MilPDS), introduction
cally, transitioning to myEval in early or later, must be processed in myEval. of a click-to-sign feature, and the in-
2022 also begins the evolution to a Evaluations with a close-out date May tegration of myEval with other myFSS
cloud-based officer and enlisted evalu- 30, 2022, or earlier, will continue to be applications, such as myFitness, to
ation system grounded in our Airman processed in vPC. auto-populate performance related
Leadership Qualities.” All Letters of Evaluation and Train- data, reducing the number of support-
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