Page 11 - Women's History Month 2022 - Combined Special Edition of Aerotech News and Review Nellis AFB Creech AFB Desert Lightning News
P. 11
MARTHA, from 8 UPT
country and its soldiers, as she was awarded the Presidential Medal of mander to perform alert duty for the es, they knew that the future of women a virtual ceremony, June 29, 2020.
Strategic Air Command. She joined
in aviation rested on their success.
Located in the AETC headquarters,
Freedom. As she was too sick to travel, a detachment of Green Berets Air Force ROTC at Oregon State Uni- “Women would not be flying com- the Trailblazer Room was dedicated to
traveled to her Bel Air home and presented it to her, on behalf of the versity in 1970, after school officials bat missions, flying fighters or com- the first 10 women who earned their
President of the United States. had opened the program to women manding flying squadrons if we didn’t silver wings, Sept. 2, 1977.
The one last gesture that we can all agree was appropriate is that after only a year prior. Following her com- succeed,” LaSauce said. “We knew in “The women of class ‘77-08 truly
her passing, she received an honor reserved for very few: upon her death missioning in 1973, she was stationed our hearts we needed to do well.” broke barriers,” said Lt. Gen. Brad
it was requested that she be buried with full military honors in the Fort at Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla., for Although it was another 30 years Webb, AETC commander, who pre-
Bragg Main Post cemetery at Spring Lake, N.C., home of her loving and weapons controller training where she before women were allowed to fly in sided over the ceremony honoring the
beloved United States Army Special Forces. The Fifth Special Forces was first exposed to aviation. combat missions, the 10 trailblazers first female UPT graduates.
Group (Airborne) also made her an honorary Green Beret, for her USO After completing her first assign- forged a path for the women who fol- “They lived the fact that glass ceil-
work in Vietnam. Martha Raye is the only woman buried in the SF (Spe- ment, she went to King Salmon Air lowed. ings were a reality, simply because
cial Forces) cemetery at Fort Bragg. I’m sure she would cherish this honor Force Station, “About a year later, female astro- they were women. These trailblazers
more than the two stars she has on Alaska, where she met pilots who nauts began training at Vance Air paved the way for future generations
the Hollywood Walk of Fame. were conducting alert missions. When Force Base, Okla.,” said Gary Boyd, of female pilots and their influence on
Martha Raye is not the first the Air Force announced its test pro- AETC command historian. “The suc- our Air Force is still felt today.”
name you think would come up as gram, she applied and was accepted. cess of the group ushered in the mod- “There is no denying the trailblaz-
we celebrate the great women of “My parents infused in me the idea ern era of military aviation.” ing women of class ‘77-08 were set up
history, but she was an inspiration that it wasn’t about me being a wom- Decades later, the stories and the in such a way that failure would have
to generations of Americans. She an,” Scott said. “It was that I had abili- historical feats of each of the women been easy,” Webb said. “But that’s not
got her compassion and determina- ties and that I could use those abilities from UPT class ‘77-08 were honored. what Airmen do. Through grit and de-
tion as a member of the Greatest to accomplish anything.” “It warms my heart that Air Educa- termination not only did they succeed,
Generation and shared her talents tion and Training Command decided they excelled.”
in so many ways with generations In spite of the women’s accom- to tell our story,” Scott said. “It’s the As of September 2021, women
that followed. One of her best plishments during pilot training, they story of women who broke barriers.” make up 21 percent of all Air Force
quotes is, “I didn’t have to work faced disparaging public opinion. In honor of the first women who members. Of the 330,678 active duty
till I was three. But after that, I Some male flight instructors op- became U.S. Air Force pilots, Air members, 70,342 are women, with
never stopped.” We are grateful posed the test program and didn’t Education and 916 who serve as pilots, 391 naviga-
for that, Martha. believe women should fly; a position Training Command officials re- tors and 262 air battle managers, ac-
they expressed openly during training.
Colonel Maggie, you are still LaSauce recalled a time when an named the Martin Hall Conference cording to Air Force Personnel Center
loved and not forgotten and as long instructor told Livingston, “I don’t Room, the Trailblazer Room, during officials.
as we have the ability to share your know why I’m teaching you how to
story, we will do so in the hopes Courtesy photograph fly the T-38 because you’ll never be a “The women of class ‘77-08 truly broke barriers. They lived the fact that glass
that it will inspire the next Martha Martha “Colonel Maggie” Raye’s fighter pilot.” LaSauce said her flight ceilings were a reality, simply because they were women. These trailblazers
that will pick up where you left off. final resting place: the Fort Bragg commander shared the same senti- paved the way for future generations of female pilots and their influence on
We salute you. Main Post Cemetery, Fort Bragg, ment, stating that if he had his way, our Air Force is still felt today.”
Until next time, Bob out … none of the women would graduate. Lt. Gen. Brad Webb, AETC commander
In the face of these unique challeng-
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