Page 23 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 11-20-15
P. 23

Thunderbolt                                                 Sports                                                                                                   Nov. 20, 2015

Caleb Staton, 56th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, takes a swing during an intramural softball matchup against the 61st Air-                     Sports Shorts
craft Maintenance Unit Nov. 9 at Luke Air Force Base. The 61st AMU defeated the 310th AMU 15-5.
                                                                                                                                              Youth b-ball coach
AMUs battle in softball: 61st defeats 310th
                                                                                                                                                 The 56th Force Support Squadron
          6WRU\DQGSKRWRE\                     game in the beginning for both teams, but       The fourth inning proved to be a boost      Youth Center is looking for volunteers to
              Senior Airman                       the 61st AMU had the advantage with a        IRUWKHWK7KH\ÀJXUHGRXWWKHGHIHQVH    coach basketball for youth ages 5-14 for
                                                  bench of fresh players and a competitive     and were able to score three runs to bring     the winter basketball season. Practices
        DEVANTE WILLIAMS                          game strategy.                               the score to 8-5, but the 61st AMU wasn’t      begin in January 2016 two days a week
                                                                                               JRLQJGRZQZLWKRXWDÀJKW7KH\ZHQWRQ       for two weeks. For more information, call
                56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs     “Our goal was to go out and perform well  a 7-0 run to bring the score to 15-5. Despite  623-856-7470.
                                                  like we normally do,” said Joshua Eades,     the 310th’s efforts, it wasn’t enough to win.
   The 61st Aircraft Maintenance Unit             61st AMU. “Defense wins games, so we                                                        Luke winter games
softball team defeated the 310th AMU              have to make sure we get the outs and           The 61st AMU softball team will use this
team 15-5 during an intramural game               make the right defensive plays.”             win as a point of reference and the same          The 56th Force Support Squadron
Nov. 9 at the Luke Air Force Base Bryant                                                       tactics to win future games.                   Bryant Fitness Center is featuring the
)LWQHVV&HQWHUVRIWEDOOÀHOG                       The second inning was strong for the                                                     Luke Air Force Base Winter Games Dec.
                                                  61st as they came in with full force. The       “We went out there and played our best”     8 through 10 and ends with the Jingle
   The 61st AMU opened the game by scor-          310th failed to make any runs, while the     VDLG $QGUHZ .HPS VW $08 ´)RU WKH    Bell 1.5-mile Fun Run Dec. 18. For more
LQJWZRUXQVLQWKHEHJLQQLQJRIWKHÀUVW        61st used 310th’s mistakes as an advan-      QH[WJDPHZH·UHJRLQJWRVWLFNZLWKZKDW     information, call 623-856-6241.
inning. The 310th rallied back to score           tage by going on a 6-0 run to bring the      we know and make good plays. If we do
two runs bringing the score to 2-2 at the         score to 8-2.                                that, we’ll stack up the wins.”                :LQWHUÀDJIRRWEDOO
                                                                                                                                                 7KH LQWUDPXUDO ÁDJ IRRWEDOO VHDVRQ
                                                                                                                                              begins Jan. 4, 2016, and goes through
                                                                                                                                              February. Squadrons interested in par-
                                                                                                                                              ticipating must submit a letter-of-intent
                                                                                                                                              to the Bryant Fitness Center by Dec. 11.
                                                                                                                                              There is a mandatory coaches meeting at
                                                                                                                                              For more information, call 623-856-6241.

                                                                                                                                              Volleyball classes

                                                                                                                                                 Youth, ages 6 to 18, learn volleyball
                                                                                                                                              basics, techniques and rules beginning
                                                                                                                                              in January at the 56th Force Support
                                                                                                                                              Squadron Youth Center. For more in-
                                                                                                                                              formation, call 623-856-7470.

                                                                                                                                              Winter basketball leagues

                                                                                                                                                 The 56th Force Support Squadron
                                                                                                                                              Youth Center is featuring winter
                                                                                                                                              basketball leagues December through
                                                                                                                                              February. The cost is $35 per child ages
                                                                                                                                              5 through 12 and $45 per youth ages
                                                                                                                                              13 through 18. Sign up now. For more
                                                                                                                                              information, call 623-856-7470.

of the

              NFL Thursday            Senior Airman                 Tech. Sgt.                            Tech. Sgt.           Airman 1st Class             Staff Sgt.
7HQQHVVHHYV-DFNVRQYLOOH           Kyle Zembrycki         Amanda Smith-Taylor                       Joseph Imperial           Steven Lohman          Angela Saralequi
                                    56th Fighter Wing       56th Operations Group              56th Mission Support Group  56th Maintenance Group     56th Medical Group
                 NFL Sunday
      6W/RXLVYV%DOWLPRUH            Tennessee                 -DFNVRQYLOOH                          -DFNVRQYLOOH              -DFNVRQYLOOH            Tennessee
                                          6W/RXLV                  6W/RXLV                             %DOWLPRUH                 6W/RXLV              %DOWLPRUH
         'HQYHUYV&KLFDJR               &DUROLQD                   &DUROLQD                              &DUROLQD                  &DUROLQD              :DVKLQJWRQ
             'DOODVYV0LDPL              'HQYHU                     'HQYHU                                &KLFDJR                   'HQYHU
                                           0LDPL                      0LDPL                                  'DOODV                   'DOODV                  'HQYHU
         2DNODQGYV'HWURLW              2DNODQG                    2DNODQG                               2DNODQG                   2DNODQG                  'DOODV
       1<-HWVYV+RXVWRQ              1<-HWV                  1<-HWV                             1<-HWV                 +RXVWRQ                  'HWURLW
     ,QGLDQDSROLVYV$WODQWD           ,QGLDQDSROLV                  Atlanta                               Atlanta                   Atlanta                1<-HWV
7DPSD%D\YV3KLODGHOSKLD              3KLODGHOSKLD               3KLODGHOSKLD                          3KLODGHOSKLD              3KLODGHOSKLD            ,QGLDQDSROLV
 .DQVDV&LW\YV6DQ'LHJR              .DQVDV&LW\                 6DQ'LHJR                            .DQVDV&LW\               .DQVDV&LW\             3KLODGHOSKLD
  *UHHQ%D\YV0LQQHVRWD                *UHHQ%D\                  *UHHQ%D\                             *UHHQ%D\                 *UHHQ%D\               6DQ'LHJR
  6DQ)UDQFLVFRYV6HDWWOH                6HDWWOH                    6HDWWOH                               6HDWWOH                   6HDWWOH               *UHHQ%D\
                                          $UL]RQD                   &LQFLQQDWL                              $UL]RQD                  $UL]RQD                  6HDWWOH
    Cincinnati vs. Arizona                                                                                                                                   $UL]RQD
                 1)/0RQGD\            1HZ(QJODQG                1HZ(QJODQG                            1HZ(QJODQG              1HZ(QJODQG
                                         SHUFHQW                 SHUFHQW                            SHUFHQW                SHUFHQW            1HZ(QJODQG
 Buffalo vs. New England                 SHUFHQW                 SHUFHQW                            SHUFHQW                SHUFHQW              SHUFHQW
                                                                    ³,W¶VRQOLNH                         ³-XVWÀLS                  ³,ZDQW              SHUFHQW
  Last week’s percentage         ³1RSLFNV"1RSUREOHP                                                    DFRLQ´                DUHGR´
                                )LJKWHUZLQJJRWP\EDFN´       *URQNH\.RQJ´                                                                    0\SLFNVDUHRQSRLQWWKLV
  Year to date percentage                                                                                                                           ZHHN:DLWDQGVHH

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