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2 January 22, 2016                                         Commentary                                                                                                                                 BULLSEYE                                                                                                                                               

Spirituality inspiring people

By Ch. (Lt. Col.) Dwayne A. Jones                          in a book. It is what illuminates your                       is striving to mold all Airmen into a                          chief of chaplains said “Spiritual wellness
                                                           purpose in life. Spirituality is personal                    “total warrior” by galvanizing their faith                     is that something within us that keeps us
99th Air Base Wing Chaplain                                and different for every person. Spiritual                    with the mission, increasing productivity                      going, that gives us focus in life. It gives
                                                           wellness is what encourages you to take                      in our service members and thus creat-                         us purpose and meaning.”
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev., —                          the next step in life.                                       ing a total force. The chaplain corps does
What does spirituality mean to you? Some                                                                                not attempt to change a person’s faith,                           In conclusion, it is important for mili-
people are under the impression that a                        You don’t have to be religious in or-                     but rather allow the person’s faith to                         tary leaders to use chaplains and chaplain
person must be religious in order to be                    der to be spiritual. Contrary to popular                     transform them to a more resilient and                         assistants more in vital military settings,
spiritual. It is said that people perish for               belief, I believe that spiritual wellness                    mission ready individual.                                      thus making space for our Airmen’s
lack of knowledge, but we are all connected                supersedes any organized religious con-                                                                                     dialogue about their spirituality. Nicolas
with a common spiritual thread that is con-                cept. When you embrace the spiritual                            When I was deployed to Joint Base                           Berdyaev, a Russian philosopher, stated,
tagious and connects compatible people to                  pillar you are not necessarily embracing                     Balad, I worked in the JBB theater hos-                        “Spirituality is the highest quality we can
do extraordinary things.                                   any religious group; only the individual                     pital. I saw spirituality flowing through                      discern in our judgment of men. Every
                                                           can embrace that which he or she finds                       the veins of those who believed in God,                        man has a soul - but his spirituality may
   For years, military members have                        spiritual strength. There is propensity                      and those who did not believe in God.                          remain undiscovered or suppressed. Spirit
encountered tremendous stress and                          to be spiritual before being religious.                      Spirituality is not generated or inspired                      is the highest quality of the soul, a symbol
challenges due to the high operational                     A particular religion can express in its                     by our denominational preference or                            of freedom from power of the world.”
tempo and sudden calls to deploy across                    doctrine who can become a member of                          religion - but inspired by our love for
the world. Our zeal and fortitude to fly,                  the religious faith group, which is ac-                      humankind. In Balad, human beings                                 As we move into 2016, we will embark
fight, win and defend our country make                     ceptable for that group. We chose what                       saw other human beings wounded and                             upon new challenges and experiences,
us resilient. Spirituality is the oasis for                religion we want to serve. Spirituality                      dying, and they felt compelled to act not                      so let us connect with people from dif-
synergy and resiliency.                                    resides in everyone’s soul waiting for the                   only out of obligation, but inspiration                        ferent creeds, nationalities, religious
                                                           opportunity to encourage the weak and                        from a source greater themselves. U.S.                         faith groups, and races, connecting and
   I hear people asking, “What is spiritu-                 challenge the strong.                                        Airmen, Soldiers, Marines and Sailors                          empowering them to move forward in
ality?” That’s a good question. Spiritual-                                                                              were inspired to donate blood and vol-                         adversity and prosperity - that’s spiritu-
ity is connecting with the essence of one’s                   The U.S. Air Force is well known for                      unteer countless hours helping doctors,                        ality. Gen. George C Marshall stated, “I
soul, or the fibers of one’s existence. Spiri-             taking care of people. Spirituality is a                     nurses and medical technicians care for                        look upon the spiritual life of the soldier
tuality is connecting with something                       common denominator that runs through                         friends and foes. I witnessed the spirit of                    as even more important than his equip-
greater than you. Spirituality relates to                  every branch of service. The spiritual                       adoration, camaraderie and purpose that                        ment…The soldier’s heart, the soldier’s
all people regardless of color, creed, eth-                pillar gives the chaplain corps the oppor-                   chained fervent hearts together for one                        spirit, the soldier’s soul are everything.
nicity, nationality or rank. Spirituality                  tunity to further embrace and illuminate                     common goal—to save lives. Retired Maj.                        Unless the soldier’s soul sustains him,
wellness is taking care of people the way                  the main arteries that pump life into the                    Gen. Cecil Richardson, U.S. Air Force                          he cannot be relied upon and will fail
you would want to be treated; it is like                   military community. The chaplain corps                                                                                      himself and his country in the end.”
the glue that holds all the pages together

Remember to not just celebrate but act

By Master Sgt. Adonis Cabarle                              ate his legacy but there is one way we all                   a pat on the back and be proud that you                        were approved and that we will be mov-
                                                           can reflect.                                                 signed on the dotted line for the U.S.                         ing from the Philippine Islands to the
5th Bomb Wing Equal Opportunity                                                                                         Air Force.                                                     United States. It took years before the
                                                              King once said, “Life’s most persistent                                                                                  papers were approved, but it was my
   MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D.                              and urgent question is: What are you                            But wait … let’s not stop there. Do                         grandfather who got us there. He worked
— In 1983, President Ronald Reagan                         doing for others?” In honor of him, we                       not forget the deployments, countless                          as a gas pump attendant for Army and
signed Public Law 98-144, creating a                       must answer that question by coming                          volunteer hours and numerous military                          Air Force Exchange Service at Clark Air
federal holiday honoring the birthday                      together on this holiday to serve our                        obligations that we all have to fulfill in                     Base, Philippines, for 35 years. During
of Marin Luther King Jr. Later, Congress                   neighbors and communities. Many of us                        our careers. All these things equate to                        that time, he didn’t miss a day of work
designated the Martin Luther King Jr.                      have indirectly answered King’s question                     what the Martin Luther King Jr. day of                         and always came in on time. He earned
Day federal holiday as a national day of                   and joined the military.                                     service is all about. What does that really                    enough money to purchase a moped, but
service in 1994.                                                                                                        mean? In addition to securing a better                         was involved in an accident while com-
                                                              It is so easy to lose focus of the big                    future, how do our collective efforts as                       muting to work. He got back up and still
   The day is observed on the third                        picture and directly attribute our reasons                   Airmen lead to profound and measur-                            made it to work on time by foot. He was
Monday of January each year, which is                      for joining the military to secure a bet-                    able results?                                                  a stellar employee and received countless
around the time of King’s birthday on                      ter future, get a college degree with 100
Jan. 15. This year, Martin Luther King Jr.                 percent tuition assistance or ultimately                        It was around January 1990 when                             ____ See REMEMBER, on page 17
Day will be recognized on Jan. 18. One                     climb a higher economic status than                          my grandfather, Armando Cabarle, an-
day may not be enough to fully appreci-                    what we’ve previously had. Give yourself                     nounced that our immigration papers

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