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BULLSEYE                                     News                                                                                           3July 1, 2016                                                                                               

Weapons Instructor Course Class 16A

Feb. 1-June 25, 2016                         7. Capt. Caleb J. Pletts                   2. Capt. David G. Billeci                      4. Capt. Christopher J. Freed
8 WPS (ABM) NELLIS AFB, Nevada               16 WPS (F-16) NELLIS AFB, Nevada           3. Capt. Martin A. Caluag                      5. Capt. Robert S. Hegler
1. Capt. Jesus M. Burciaga Jr.               1. Maj. Jesse M. Proctor                   4. Capt. Alissa L. Comerford
2. Capt. Craig S. Harms                      2. Capt. James B. Byrd                     5. Capt. Austin T. Davis                       6. Capt. Laura K. Martineau
3. Capt. Eric S. Haupt                       3. Capt. Michael E. Conrad                                                                7. Capt. Jason L. Riggs
4. Capt. Peter L. Hickman                    4. Capt. Andrew R. Davis                   6. Capt. Keith M. DeAgostine                   8. Capt. Jonathan R. Vanpinxteren
5. Capt. Aaron E. Ho                         5. Capt. Daniel J. Duncan                  7. Capt. Jeremiah A. Deibler
6. Capt. Brian D. Hucks                      6. Capt. Eric R. Emerson                   8. Capt. Joseph J. Mellone                     9. Capt. Luke W. Wascovich
7. Capt. Taylor C. Jones                     7. Capt. Eric D. Kitaif                    9. Capt. Alexander X. Milhous                  10. Capt. Brendan K. Wier
(EC-130)                                     8. Capt. Christopher S. Martin             10. Capt. Marlene Rivera                       11. Capt. Richard S. Win eld
8. Capt. Jacob A. Jordan                     9. Capt. William S. Parks                  11. Capt. Francisco J. Torres
(RC-135)                                     10. Capt. John C. Powers                                                                  34 WPS (HH-60) NELLIS AFB, Ne-
9. Maj. Shaun M. Herr                        11. Capt. Luke E. Weyhmuller               26 WPS (MQ-9) NELLIS AFB, Nevada                  vada
10. Capt. Brian M. Mostek                    17 WPS (F-15E) NELLIS AFB, Nevada          1. Maj. Seth C. Anderson                       1. Capt. William T. Meisenzahl
14 WPS (AC-130) (HURLBURT FLD,               1. Capt. George A. Arbuckle                2. Capt. Douglas J. Kottraba III               2. Capt. omas E. Steiner
                                             2. Capt. Bryant K. Baum                    3. Capt. James A. Carfagno                     3. Capt. John R. Tucciarone III
   Florida)                                  3. Capt. Andrew R. Gri n                   4. Capt. Michael G. Dunn                       4. Capt. Ryan M. Wiese
1. Capt. John D. Barringer (MC-130)          4. Capt. Michael W. Shea                   5. Capt. Drew T. Larned
2. Maj. Ryan R. Taylor                       5. Capt. Travis J. Slack                   6. Capt. Daniel M. Reineke                     57 WPS (C-17) (MCGUIRE AFB, New
3. Capt. Jason W. Loveless                   19 WPS (IWIC) NELLIS AFB, Nevada           29 WPS (C-130) (LITTLE ROCK,                      Jersey)
4. Capt. Logan Marcucci (U-28)               1. Capt. Chelsea J. Agee
5. Capt. Alexander E. Biegalski                                                            Arkansas)                                   1. Maj. James C. McCormick
6. Capt. James J. Kellenbence                                                           1. Maj. Nick W. Biggs                          2. Maj. Nicole M. Stenstad
                                                                                        2. Maj. Joshua A. Nemitz                       3. Capt. Kevin W. Brooks
                                                                                                                                       4. Capt. Matthew S. Lund
                                                                                                                                       ____________ See CLASS 16A, on page 5
                                                                                        3. Maj. Robert A. Sloan II

RPA, from page 1 ______________              same time the 556th Test and Evaluation    TTPs in support of airborne RPA ight           ning to do both they gain an expert in
to train towards mitigating potential        Squadron was testing how to ght against    operations in the Nevada Test and Train-       the squadron.”
signal interruptions. RPA ECOs integrate     SATCOM contested threats. I was just at    ing Range.
with the a ected MQ-1/9 aircrews, the        the right place at the right time.”                                                          Being one of only a handful of trained
relay site, space command, and others                                                      “One student will sit in the seat and       ECOs is something the only fully cer-
at the Air Operations Center (AOC) to           Since Air Force regulations dictate     experience what it’s like to receive a jam-    tified Air Force RPA ECO is set on
mitigate these signal interruptions.         that every wing or squadron Weapons        ming signal while ying another student         changing.
                                             and Tactics o ce will have graduated       acts as the ‘ECO’ and supports the pilot
   “I had this vision back in 2013, when I   and certi ed Electronic Combat Pilots      who has received the threat,” said Craig.         “I’m the only RPA ECO in the Air
wrote the syllabus for the rst time,” said   (ECPs), Electronic Warfare Officers        “ ey swap roles and do it all over again so    Force community, meaning I don’t have
Craig. “I didn’t think it would end up       (EWOs) or ECOs, the demand for a cer-      they both get to experience those perspec-     other ECOs that I can go to and ask
turning into an actual ACC [Air Combat       ti ed ECO course for MQ-1 and MQ-9         tives, from both the pilot and the ECO.”       questions,” said Craig. “Since we only
Command] course.”                            squadrons grew.                                                                           have one dedicated instructor, myself,
                                                                                           In addition, students received help         the ratio is one to four. ere will be
   Craig, who previously served as a For-       “ ey [Air Force Central Command]        from the 26th Space Aggressors Squad-          four students, four times a year and as
malized Training Unit (FTU) Instructor       are in the demand phase for informa-       ron from Schriever AFB, Colo., who             we continue to train ECOs we will grow
at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mex-         tion,” said Craig. “ ey want to learn      replicate enemy threats to space-based         in size until we have two-to-three ECOs
ico, was deemed the most knowledge-          what the RPA capabilities are. Leader-     and space-enabled systems during tests         in every unit.”
able about the satellite communications      ship’s mindset of the Predator and Reap-   and training exercises.
(SATCOM) threats and how to combat           er’s capabilities in a non-permissive ght                                                    The course, which was conducted
them. He spent the next three years lay-     are shi ing now that we have proven new       “Getting to interact with the Aggres-       jointly between Creech and Nellis AFBs,
ing the groundwork for the course.           innovative solutions.”                     sors was incredible,” said Joseph. “We         recently graduated a beta class of ve
                                                                                        learned about friendly and adversary           Airmen assigned to the 432nd WG.
   Armed with the knowledge of a man-           Much like Sun Tzu alluded to, we must   capabilities and mindsets, challenges and
ning shortage, Craig developed new           mitigate our own weaknesses before they    weaknesses. is program is about pre-              Although the training currently
tactics, techniques and procedures that      can be exploited by the enemy, which is    paring for a more advanced adversary, so       focuses on officers, enlisted Airmen
would allow the current manning to act       why the newly created ECO course is        it’s important to train against the best.”     in RPA career elds may also attend a
in dual hatted position thus reducing the    designed to be a three phase system and                                                   modi ed ECO course prior to deploy-
risks RPAs are subject to.                   walks the students through 15 days of          By using GPS and SATCOM jamming            ments.
                                             rigorous training.                         techniques, the 26th WPS provides the
   A er taking the course Airmen will                                                   Air Force, joint and coalition military           In a time when Airmen are asked to
return to their units as trained experts on     “ e course o ered realistic training    personnel with an understanding of how          nd vulnerabilities, develop a course of
RPA use of the electromagnetic spectrum      and challenging missions,” said Maj.       to recognize, mitigate, counter and defeat     action and implement change to miti-
(EMS) to include, but not limited to: area   Joseph, ECO student. “It would do us       these threats.                                 gate threats through innovation, Craig
of operation (AO) non-kinetic threats,       no good to practice in “theory” without                                                   o ers one nal piece of advice.
radio communications, GPS, remote-           real-world, realistic training scenarios      Still developing Airmen with the skills
split operations (RSO), SATCOM, and          that will mirror future/present threats    needed to win today’s ght and prepare             “We are definitely preparing for
Link 16 a tactical data exchange network     that we may face.”                         for tomorrow’s threats without directly        tomorrow’s ght through innovation,
(JTIDS).                                                                                engaging the enemy doesn’t come with-          100 percent,” said Craig. “I’d say to
                                                  e rst phase begins with the aca-      out its own challenges.                        other Airmen not to give up on their
   “It came to a point where I felt that we  demics portion of the course and teaches                                                  innovation. Be persistent, perfect your
will no longer be ghting in a permissive     students to plan and prepare against a        “One of the misconceptions we have          theory, and get it to the right people with
war and it couldn’t just be me that knows    jamming threat.                            is that, we’re already critically manned,”     in uence who will be able to help you
how to ght against it, so I dra ed up a                                                 said Craig. “We can’t divvy out any more       in developing that innovation. I’ve had
syllabus on how I would train an ECO            Next the students learn to integrate    bodies to be only ECOs, or deploy them         tremendous support from the 26 WPS
to fight a threat,” said Craig. “At the      RPAs into the SATCOM during simu-          to be a part of this ght at the relay site.    cadre, USAFWC, 432d AEW, and ACC
                                             lated ights, followed by the nal hands-                                                   to get this course where it is today; I
                                             on portion in which students execute          e truth is, units don’t lose a pilot or an  wouldn’t have been able to do it alone.”
                                                                                        instructor, but using the current man-
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