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Vol. 80, No. 38                       March Air Reserve Base, California                                                          Friday, September 25, 2015

    NEWS BRIEFS                       March supports OperationAtlantic Resolve

  NAF SALE OCT. 15-16                 by Master Sgt. Megan Crusher
   The 452nd Force Support            452 AMW public affairs
Squadron will hold a Non-Appro-
priated Funds (NAF) sale for the         A C-17 Globemaster III from March                                                        U.S. Air Force photo/Master Sgt. Megan Crusher
March Inn onThursday and Friday,      Air Reserve Base returned home from
Oct. 15-16, in the Fitness Center     Tallin, capitol of the European country,     Master Sgt. Michael Vo, loadmaster, 729th Airlift Squadron, secures an A-10 Thunder-
parking lot between Bldgs. 400 and    Estonia, in support of Operation ATLAN-
456, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. each      TIC RESOLVE, after redeploying cargo         bolt II fuel tank, while discussing the cargo upload with Lt. Col. Tony Astran, C-17 pilot
day (closing from noon to 1 p.m.      and personnel from Whiteman Air Force
for lunch). Available items are sofa  Base, Missouri, Sept. 18.                    and current operations, 452nd Operations Support Squadron, while at Amari Air Base,
sleepers, desks, dining chairs, end
tables, lamps, pictures, color TVs,      The operation is designed to reaffirm      Estonia, Sept 14. March Field-based loadmasters and maintainers from the California
DVD players, lounge chairs, TV        America’s commitment to European se-
armoires, dressers, headboards,       curity. The U.S. is demonstrating its con-   Reserve Base worked alongside Estonian Air Force, and 442nd Fighter Wing maintain-
bed frames (queen), drapes, desk      tinued commitment to collective secu-
chairs, and much more! The sale is    rity through a series of actions designed    ers and aerial port troops from Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri, to upload 64,000
open to all base ID Card holders -    to reassure NATO allies and partners of
CASH ONLY - No sales tax!             America’s dedication to enduring peace       pounds of cargo used to support eight A-10 aircraft that trained with allied forces in
                                      and stability in the region in light of the  YDULRXVVFHQDULRVDQGORZOHYHOFORVHDLUVXSSRUWÀ\LQJDFWLYLWLHVIRU2SHUDWLRQ$7/$1-
VA BENEFITS BRIEFING                  Russian intervention in Ukraine.             7,&5(62/9(GHVLJQHGWRUHDI¿UP$PHULFD¶VFRPPLWPHQWWR(XURSHDQVHFXULW\
        OCT 4 AND 25
                                         The 729th Airlift Squadron was tasked     Guard and active duty will help, but           support at Amari AB, Astran marveled at
   The 452nd Air Mobil-               with the airlift mission about a month       this was all Air Force Reserve and that’s      how relatively smooth the mission went.
ity Wing’s Airman and Family          and a half ago, along with three other Air   pretty awesome.”
Readiness office is offering VA        Force Reserve units, said Lt. Col. Tony                                                        “There were a few hiccups, but we
Benefits Briefing I and II on the       Astran, C-17 pilot and current operations,      While deployed, the 442 FW worked           overcame the challenges and the Esto-
October Unit Training Assem-          452nd Operations Support Squadron.           and trained with ANG Joint Terminal At-        nian’s worked with us exceedingly well,”
blies, Sunday, Oct. 4 and 25.                                                      tack Controllers as well as the Estonian,      he said. “Their support was great.”
                                         Astran coordinated the schedule for the   Latvian, and Lithuanian armed forces in
   They will be held in the 452nd     arrival and departure times of the cargo     various scenarios, and low-level, close air       The Estonian Air Force, Air Surveil-
Mission Support Group Confer-         jets and up-loading and off-loading of car-  support flying activities.                      lance Wing Commander, Maj. Hardi Lm-
ence Room, Bldg. 2313, 1261           go and personnel so as not to over-saturate                                                 mergas, agreed with Astran’s assessment,
Graeber Street. Show time is 7:30     the Amari Air Base airfield, he said.            In the midst of operations, March was       saying they appreciated the U.S. presence
a.m. and the briefing ends at 3:30                                                  able to offer additional assistance when       to show their adversaries what’s going on
p.m. There will be a lunch break         Charleston AFB, South Carolina,           mid-deployment the 442nd needed criti-         and the level of support they have.
included. This briefing is man-        Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington,        cal cargo shipped, but had no way to get
datory for all personnel coming       Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio, and March        the cargo approved for flight because              According to the U.S. European Com-
off of 180 days of consecutive        ARB airlifted approximately 200 Reserv-      they didn’t have the required personnel,       mand website, “Operation Atlantic Re-
orders (for any reason). It is also   ists, Air National Guardsmen and active      Astran said.                                   solve will remain in place as long as the
beneficial for all personnel who       duty Airmen and their equipment to sup-                                                     need exists to reassure our allies and deter
were prior service and want a         port eight A-10 Thunderbolt IIs from the        “We at March did, so on very short no-      Russia from regional hegemony.”
“refresher” of their VA Benefits.      442nd Fighter Wing at Whitman AFB            tice we deployed two additional personnel
Reservations are required by call-    starting in mid-August.                      to assist with creating load plans and cer-             It continues with, “In meeting our
ing 951-655-5350. Did you know                                                     tifying the cargo to fly,” he said. “It was     global security commitments, the United
that if you plan to transfer any or      “Each of the airlift units flew one mis-   great for us to be able to help them.”         States must have strong, committed and
all of your GI bill to dependents,    sion deploying and one mission redeploy-                                                    capable allies, which is why we have
you must do so while you still        ing the 442nd, with March actually flying              With so much collaboration be-        fought, exercised and trained with our Eu-
have at least four years retain-      two missions on the redeployment end,”       tween four airlift units, plus refueling sup-  ropean allies for the past 70 years.”
ability (exceptions may apply) or     said Astran.                                 port, the 442 FW and Estonian Air Force
you will be unable to do so? Learn
about this and much more at the          Lt. Col. Tim Harris, current opera-
briefing. Don’t be left in the dark    tions, 452 OSS, who flew the first C-17
and miss out on some of your VA       from March in support of the operation,
benefits because you didn’t think      noted the unique aspect of this particular
any of this was applicable to you!    airlift mission.

             See BRIEFS page 3           “It’s very, very rare that an Air Force
                                      Reserve fighter squadron deploys over-
                                      seas and is supported solely, one hun-
                                      dred percent by Air Force Reserve air-
                                      lift,” he said. “Usually Air National
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