Page 3 - March ARB Beacon 9-25-15
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb September 25, 2015 3
From BRIEFS page 1 the full menu with pricing at MarchFSS. OUTDOOR REC Call the Fitness & Sports center at
EQUIPMENT RENTALS 951-655-2292 to sign up or for more in-
KEY SPOUSE INITIAL com.Hours of operation are Monday Outdoor Recreation has a variety of formation on these programs.
TRAINING OCT. 24 through Friday: 6:30-10 a.m. for breakfast equipment for rent such as camping gear,
and 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. for lunch. water sports equipment, bicycles, and trail- GRILL NIGHT
The 452nd Air Mobility Wing’s Airman ers to carry it all! Special orders for Cal- AT SALLY’S ALLEY
and Family Readiness director will conduct UTA operating hours are 5:30-9 a.m. laway, Odyssey, Cleveland, Never Com- Every Wednesday night starting at 4
Initial Key Spouse Training on Saturday, for breakfast (Sat & Sun); 11-1 p.m. for promise, Nike, Bag Boy, Sun Mountain p.m., Sally’s Alley is open for business with
Oct. 24, in the Mission Support Group lunch (Sat & Sun), and 4-8 p.m. for din- and Staff golf equipment are also available. Grill Night. Sally’s Alley is also now open
Conference room, 1261 Graeber Street, ner (Fri & Sat). Download the full equipment rental price every Pre-UTA Thursday at 4 p.m. For more
list at, call 951-655-2816 information, call them at 951-653-2121.
Bldg. 2313, from 8:00 a.m. until noon. Pri- MARCH TICKETS & TOURS or come on by for more information.
or to attending, interested volunteers must Water Park Specials THE 452ND AIR MOBILITY
be interviewed and appointed by their unit Aquatica: $36 adult; $31 child FITNESS CENTER NEWS WING’S 2015 MILITARY BALL
commanders. Key Spouses are responsible Six Flags Hurricane Harbor: $31 The March Fitness Center has re-
for assisting families in finding and using adult/child ceived the Wellbeats Virtual Group Fit- The 452nd Air Mobility Wing’s 2015
available base and community resources. Raging Waters: $37 adult/child ness Kiosk. This kiosk allows members Military Ball is scheduled for Saturday,
They also provide support to military fami- Knott’s Soak City: $29 adult; $24 child to participate in virtual fitness classes. November 21. This year’s location remains
lies during their sponsor’s deployment. Splash Kingdom: $22 adult; $14 child Daily Fitness Schedule is: the Riverside Convention Center, and this
Reservations are required. Please call the (ages 3-10) Mondays: 6 a.m. — Virtual FusionYoga; year we will have a Holiday Theme. This
A&FRC at 951-655-5350 for more infor- Helpful links to water park summer 10:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. — Intro TRX; 11 will be a fantastic evening and one you do
mation and to reserve your seat. schedules available at a.m. —Virtual Spin not want to miss. Ticket prices dropped to
Tuesdays: 11 a.m. — Virtual Strength $60 per person. See your first sergeant to
INSTALLATION VOTING Amusement Park Specials “Fit for Duty;” 12:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. — purchase tickets or contact SMSgt. Griffey
ASSISTANCE OFFICER Castle Park: $16 per person includes Circuit Training at 951-655-3999. There are 40 rooms avail-
With the onslaught of political debates in unlimited rides, water park access, miniature Wednesdays: 6 a.m. — Virtual Fusion able at the Marriott for $123 each, and 50
the news, it’s time to consider your right to golf and the new Sky Rider. Yoga; 11 a.m. — Zumba; 12:15 p.m. —Vir- rooms available at the Hyatt Place for $105
vote.Are you registered? Do you understand Disney 3-Day Park Hopper military tual Fusion Yoga; 12:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. — each (the Hyatt Place price includes break-
military and federal employee guidelines for special: $130 per person (adult/child) Battle Ropes Circuit Training fast). When you call to make a reservation,
participating in a political rally or event? Are SeaWorld “Waves of Honor” special: Thursdays: 11 a.m. —Virtual Spin; 12:15 mention the 2015 Military Ball to get the
your social media postings getting political? Extended through November 11, 2015. p.m. — Virtual Strength “Fit for Duty;” correct rate. You can contact The Marriott
The March Air Reserve Base Installation Program provides a one-time, limited, free 12:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. — Circuit Training at 1-800-228-9290 or (951)784-8000 for
Voting Assistance Officer, Maj. Jessica Dit- admission to SeaWorld San Diego per Fridays: 10 a.m. — Zumba; 10:30 a.m. reservations and The Hyatt Place at 1-888-
son, can help you find the information you veteran service member and up to three and 5 p.m. — IntermediateTRX; 11:15 a.m. 553-1300 or (951)321-3500. ROOM RATE
need. She can be reached at Jessica.ditson@ guests. Visit to register — Virtual Cardio INCREASE-The Marriott Hotel advises l or by calling 951-655-4551. Don’t for and obtain your free admissions. Ad- UTA Saturdays: (A UTA) 5 p.m. — Vir- that the room rates for the 2015 military ball
wait until your state’s deadline to register. ditional tickets are available for purchase tual Strength “Fit for Duty;” (B UTA) 5-7 were increased from $110 to $123 due to
Choose to make your vote count! from the Tickets & Tours office. p.m. — Pick-up Basketball the FY 16 military per diem rate change that
Discount Movie Tickets was recently released.
MARCH EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Available for only $10 each and valid
SEEKS COUNSELORS for Regal Cinemas, United Artists The-
atres and Edwards Cinemas.
The March EO office is looking for
ARTs/civilians interested in training to Hotel Discounts
serve as Collateral Equal Opportunity coun- Receive 10% off any Best Western and
selors. This is an additional duty appoint- 15% off any Choice Hotel
ment. The Collateral EO counselors serve Visit the Tickets & Tours page at
as a bridge between civilian employees and and download the Dis-
management for informal complaints con- count Ticket Price List for a full list of dis-
cerning discrimination. Applicants should counts tickets prices, hotel discounts and
be at ease with oral and written communi- special promotions. Call Tickets & Tours at
cation to all pay grades, and have the ability 951-655-4123 for more information.
to remain neutral while performing his or LEARN TO FLY WITH
her duties. The additional duty will not ex- THE AERO CLUB
ceed 20 percent of the counselor’s primary
The March Aero Club offers flight train-
job duties. Applicants range from GS-05 to ing (flying, private license, ground school,
GS-12 or equivalent. Primary supervisor instrument training) at very reasonable rates
concurrence required. Training is required, including a pay-as-you-go plan with zero
date/time to be determined. If interested, down. Visit Hangar 355 on base or call 951-
contact Ms Paula Greenhaw, 655-3875 for more information., Maj. Nixomar Santiago, OUTDOOR ADVENTURE TRIPS Tickets prices have dropped to $60 per person this year! See your
first sergeant to purchase tickets or contact Christine Devin at 951-655-
March Outdoor Recreation plans the 5945 or email her at There are 40 rooms
available at the Marriott for $110 each, and 50 rooms available at the
HAP ARNOLD CLUB following trips for the remainder of the
Hyatt Place for $105 each (the Hyatt Place price includes breakfast).
The Back Street Café is temporarily op- fiscal year: When you call to make a reservation, mention the 2015 Military Ball to
get the correct rate. You can contact The Marriott at 1-800-228-9290 or
erating in the Grande Ballroom at the Hap September 19 – Skydive in Perris for (951)784-8000 for reservations and The Hyatt Place at 1-888-553-1300 or
Arnold Club and serving breakfast and $50 per person (951)321-3500.
lunch. Most of your Back Street favorites September 26 –Three-hourAlpine horse-
are available, such as breakfast burritos, back tour in Big Bear for $42 per person
frenchtoast, fried chicken, March Burger, Call them at 951-655-2816 for further
salmon sandwich and more! Download details or to sign up.