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2 December 2021 Desert Lightning News Desert Lightning News December 2021 3
Air Force retirees part of ‘family ethic’ Even on leave, an Airman answers the call
ensuring excellence, strength, continuity Story and photo by Airman 1st Class “The skills I learned that helped me were from my
time as a physical training leader within my squadron,”
VAughN weBeR
Binstock said. “I had to keep my CPR training up to date,
by gen. from your families, both immediate and a glimpse of the past. 355th Wing Public Affairs which really helped me in resuscitating Chris.”
ChARLeS Q. BRowN JR. extended. As Air Force retirees, you are powerful Staff Sgt. Hunter Binstock from the 25th Operational Binstock then ran one mile to the nearest ranger station
Simply put, Air Force retirees are key ambassadors outside the gate. Weather Squadron, performed life-saving CPR to a man to call for emergency services. Once they were notified,
Air Force Chief of Staff
players that keep the Air Force of today You may not be wearing the uniform or in Parker Canyon Lake, Arizona. Binstock ran back to remain on site administering aid for
It’s an article of faith that the United ready and primed for any mission, anytime, live near a military installation, but you While Binstock was camping with family and friends two hours until first responders showed up.
States Air Force’s “family ethic” is a ma- anywhere. Your experiences, the stories you still represent our Air Force in communities in Parker Canyon Lake, he witnessed a man fall from “When something like this happens, time seems to slow
jor reason our service is the best in the share, and your volunteer work have long worldwide. Whether that means speaking a 6-foot overhang and land with a thud, motionless. He down, and there is only one thing on your mind and that
world, why it succeeds, endures and excels been a powerful “secret weapon” that helps at local schools, supporting your communi- immediately ran to assess the situation. The man, who is what to do next,” Binstock said. “Thankfully, my train-
everywhere, every day across our farflung us recruit and retain Airmen. You help us ties or just being good neighbors, as retirees he recognized as a family friend named Chris, sustained ing helped me assess the situation and act accordingly.”
enterprise. From the Air Force’s first day 74 remember and use “best practices” and you you are constantly telling the Air Force life-threatening injuries and was not breathing. Binstock From knowledge learned through his time as a PTL,
years ago, spouses, siblings, and extended set an example for all of us to follow. story through your words and actions. And started CPR and guided his spouse through first-aid ad- and Self Aid Buddy Care at Basic Military Training, to
family have stepped in, stepped up and I see it everywhere I go and almost every how we treat our retirees is a reflection of ministration. Finally, Chris began to breathe again after some things he picked up from the 563rd Rescue Group a
served whenever the need arose. day. how the Air Force will treat our nation’s being resuscitated by Binstock. few years ago, Binstock was aptly prepared to deal with a
Air Force retirees — all 685,000 of you — Visit almost any Air Force installation sons and daughters. Courtesy Photo situation like this and handled it with confidence.
are a critical part of that family fabric too. and you can find retired Airmen stepping In short, retirees are the “connective Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Staff Sgt. Hunter Binstock, 25th Operational Weather Binstock was awarded the U.S. Air Force Commendation
Our retirees’ histories and service are up to make our Air Force better. You’re serv- tissue” that binds our Air Force family of Brown Jr. Squadron weather forecaster, right, receives the U.S. Medal for Heroism on Jun. 24, by Lt. Col. William Frey,
impressive. Your work and contributions ing as volunteers at our Retiree Activities yesteryear to the force of today and the Air Force Commendation Medal for Heroism from Lt. 25th OWS commander, for his prompt actions that day
are worthy of praise and your continued Offices, Clinics, and other facilities lending one building for tomorrow. Our Air Force Our retirees deserve our support and Col. William Frey, 25th OWS commander, left, at Davis- and humanitarian regard for his fellow man.
contributions are vital to the missions and a hand where you can. You’re serving as retirees provide continuity and knowledge, respect as valued members of the Air Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, Jun. 24. Binstock “The medal is nice, but I am happier to say that Chris
excellence that define our Air Force. We mentors to currently serving Airmen by experience and authenticity. All of that is Force family. To all our Air Force retirees received this medal for his efforts in providing CPR to is alive and has mostly recovered from his accident.”
are duty bound to recognize and celebrate offering guidance, sharing lessons learned, needed for us to succeed going forward. no matter where you are, I thank you and a man, saving the man’s life. Binstock said.
your service just as we praise contributions and just sharing “war stories” that give us We are indebted to you. salute you.
Deactivation, Activation Ceremony Col. Marc 418th TES Activation Ceremony From left, Col. Jason
Zumwalt, 53rd Test
355th Main- and Evaluation Group
Commander, and Lt.
tenance by Airman 1st Class made official at the ceremony when U.S. Air Col. David McAlroy,
Story and photos by Staff Sgt. said Walker. Group com- wiLLiAM TuRNBuLL Force Lt. Col. David McAlroy was appointed
KRiSTiNe LegATe With this significant change, DM redefined, mander, as the commander of the squadron by Col. 418th Test and Evalu-
reorganized and shifted the 655th AMXS left, and 355th Wing Public Affairs ation Squadron Com-
355th Wing Public Affairs Jason Zumwalt, 53rd Test and Evaluation mander, pose for a
structure for the future by transitioning into Maj. Bryan The 418th Test and Evaluation Squadron, Group Commander from Nellis Air Force
The 355th Wing held a combined 655th rescue generation squadrons. This change Saam, 55th the first ever combined HC-130J Combat Base, Nevada. photo with the 418th
Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Deactivation, follows Air Combat Command’s Combat Ori- Rescue Re- King II and EC-130H Compass Call test “Mixing two traditionally separate TES guidon during the
and 79th and 55th Rescue Generation Squad- ented Maintenance Organization model to generation unit in the entire U.S. Air Force, activation communities into one squadron leverages ceremony at Davis-
ron Activation Ceremony at Davis-Monthan enhance agility and to be better postured for Squadron ceremony took place at Davis-Monthan Air different experience sets and resources,” Monthan Air Force
Base, Arizona, Nov.
Air Force Base, Arizona, Nov. 22. dynamic force employment. commander, Force Base, Arizona, Nov. 5. said Wilson. “It ultimately results in new, 5. The new squadron
During the ceremony, U.S. Air Force Maj. After relinquishing command of the 655th right, pose “With this new squadron we’ll be able creative solutions to relevant tactical prob-
Andrew Radloff relinquished command of the AMXS, Radloff received the guidon for the for a photo to directly support the development and lems with lower overhead.” will directly support
655th AMXS. To signify the squadron’s deacti- 79th RGS signifying his assumption of the with a gui- implementation of new tactics, techniques The 418th TES activation started on Oct. the development and
vation, Radloff, along with Col. Marc Walker, new squadron. don repre- and procedures to make us a more effective 1, 2021, to help generate rapid and decisive implementation of new
tactics, techniques and
355th Maintenance Group commander, cased “I’m excited to see where we go with the senting the integrated force abroad,” said U.S. Air Force combat air power to Airmen and combat- procedures to make
the squadron’s guidon. change you see here today,” said Radloff. “While 55th RGS Capt. Charles Wilson, 418th TES director ant commanders, ensuring that the U.S. C-130 crews a more ef-
“Although we’re closing one chapter by de- the COMO method is important for providing while Saam of operations. Air Force is always ready for any future fective and integrated
activating the 655th AMXS, we’re opening two mission ready assets, as a commander, I find assumes command of the 55th RGS during the 655th Aircraft Maintenance Squad- The activation of the 418th TES was conflicts that may arise. Airman 1st Class William Turnbull force abroad.
new chapters with the 79th RGS, who supports this to be the best change for Airmen by giv- ron Deactivation, and 79th and 55th RGS Activation Ceremony at Davis-Monthan Air
our HC-130J Combat King IIs, and the 55th ing them more access to leadership, who can Force Base, Arizona, Nov. 22.
RGS, who supports our HH-60G Pavehawks,” See CErEMony, Page 3 CErEMony (from Page 2) I am proud to be a part of and a tight-knit This transition enables the U.S. Air Force to sole purpose is to create, resource and make
Col. Marc Walk- community of professionals that I feel lucky to remain strategically predictable while being more proficient maintainers, to sustain peak
U.S. Air Force er, 355th Main- connect them with helpful resources that take be brought into. I look forward to building the operationally unpredictable by supporting readiness.”
First Sergeants tenance Group care of them both on a personal and profes- 55th RGS identity with you, and I am thrilled the Agile Combat Employment concept. It Agility, deterrence and resiliency are es-
stand with gui- commander, sional level.” to finally be on your team in this rescue fam- increases adaptability to expedite response sential to defense and operational capabilities
dons representing left, and Maj. Following the 79th RGS assumption, ily. I cannot wait to see what we’ll accomplish times to protect and defend U.S., allied and in austere and contested environments, and
the 655th Aircraft Andrew Radloff, Walker passed the 55th RGS guidon to U.S. together.” partner forces and interests. the 355th Wing and rescue squadrons are
Maintenance 79th Rescue Air Force Maj. Bryan Saam, signifying his By pairing rescue squadrons with dedi- “This is the first major restructure since continuously evolving DM’s Dynamic Wing.
Squadron, and the Regeneration assumption of the new squadron. cated generation squadrons, the relationship 2003 in organizational units,” said Walker. This will preserve synchronization
79th and 55th Res- Squadron com- “I am extremely honored and humbled to between maintenance and operations will “This new construct places more leadership between maintenance and rescue squad-
cue Regeneration mander, right, be offered this opportunity to serve with you promote the development of the organizations emphasis within the maintenance enterprise rons, and provide a broader effort to better
Squadrons during pose for a pho- in our new squadron,” said Saam. “You have working alongside towards similar objectives, at the tactical level of execution. It places an organize, train and equip rescue forces for
the 655th AMXS to with a guidon an incredible mission-focused reputation that as well as provide a better view of readiness. experienced commander, a chief of staff whose the future fight.
Deactivation, 79th representing
and 55th RGS Ac- the 79th RGS
tivation Ceremony while Radloff Aerotech News and Review prepares all edito- website, the Armed Forces Information Service, ment, Department of Defense or the Department
at Davis-Monthan assumes com- rial content for Desert Lightning News. The editor Air Force News Service, Air Combat Command, of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in
Air Force Base, Ari- mand of the will edit or rewrite submitted material for clarity, staff writers and other sources. All advertising is this publication, including inserts or supplements,
zona, Nov. 22. The 79th RGS dur- brevity or to conform to the Associated Press Style handled by Aerotech News and Review. For busi- does not constitute endorsement of the products
655th AMXS was ing the 655th Guide, local policy and Air Force style as required ness advertising, call 877-247-9288 or email Sandi or services advertised by the DLN, DOD, Air
Bueltel at
Force or Aerotech News and Review. Everything
by Air Force Instruction 35-101. Contributions
officially deacti- Aircraft Mainte- Staff for Desert Lightning News can be emailed to the Desert Lightning News is published by Aerotech advertised in this publication shall be made avail-
vated, but its struc- nance Squad- Publisher ...............................................................................Paul Kinison editor at Submission News and Review, a private firm in no way con- able for purchase, use or patronage without regard
ture was redefined, ron Deactiva- Business Manager ................................................................Lisa Kinison deadlines are the 15th day prior to the month of nected with the U.S. Air Force, under written to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age,
reorganized and tion, and 79th and 55th RGS Activation Ceremony at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Editor ...................................................................................Jenna Bigham publication. Submissions will be based on space agreement with the 355th Fighter Wing. Contents marital status, physical handicap, political affilia-
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transitioned into Arizona, Nov. 22. This restructure enables DM to remain strategically predictable Advertising Representative ................................................Sandi Bueltel information from Davis-Monthan Air Force Base ficial views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Govern- user or patron.
two rescue genera- while being unpredictable, by enhancing adaptability to expedite response times to Designer ..................................................................................Tinna Sellie Published by Aerotech News and Review, Inc. • 877- 247-9288 •
tion squadrons. protect and defend U.S., allied and partner forces and interests.