Page 13 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, February 5, 2021
P. 13

12   February 5, 2021  news  Desert lightning news s. nevaDa  Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                                         February 5, 2021    13           
                                                                                                               FURNITURE & MATTRESS
 VA gives 10,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine, expands vaccine availability to more veterans

 VA Southern Nevada Healthcare   • Veterans 80-years-old or older can  and VA guidelines and primarily distrib-
 administered its 10,000th dose of the   receive their vaccine on a walk-in basis  uting via priority groups. Please do not
 Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine   during normal vaccine clinic hours (week-  call to schedule an appointment unless
 Jan. 29, 2021.  days from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.)  you are at least 70 years old or have been   Going On Now!     FURNITURE & MATTRE SS
 Since giving the first dose of the vac-  • Veterans age 70-79 can reserve a day  directed to do so by your care team. All
 cine on Dec. 16, VASNHS has vaccinated   and time to receive the vaccine by calling  veterans interested in receiving the vac-  PRESIDENTS’ DAY  LOCALLY OWNED SINCE 1955
 over 5,200 veterans and 2,400 health   702-791-9185. (Please note: this is a reserva-  cine will eventually have the opportunity
 care workers. The vaccination rate for   tion time block vs. an exact appointment  when supply permits.  13 MILLION
 VASNHS Veterans is 8.89 percent, higher   time and veterans should be prepared for a   As the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19   AND COUNTING  SALE
 than the national VA average of 8.07   brief wait prior to receiving their vaccine).  vaccine requires two doses, veterans are   100’s OF GREAT
 percent. VASNHS has also vaccinated   • Veterans under age 70 should not  reminded that they must return to get   DOOR BUSTERS!
 2,329 health care workers, which is 74.14   contact the reservation line. Please wait  their second dose three weeks later from
 percent of the VASNHS staff. This puts   VA photograph  until you are contacted by VASNHS let-  the same facility that they received their
 VASNHS above the national VA average   Veteran William Loveless receives COVID-19  ting you know scheduling is open to your  first dose.
 of 61.89 percent  Vaccine at VA Southern Nevada Healthcare  age group.  Veterans seeking additional informa-
 “We are proud to be one of the leaders   System Medical Center.  • Veterans in high-risk categories who  tion can sign up to get updated informa-  Ducks Unlimited has conserved more   PLUS...SPECIAL   With
              Since its founding in 1937,
 in vaccinations not only within Southern   have questions about the vaccine and  tion through VA’s COVID-19 Vaccine   than 13 million acres of habitat for North   %  FINANCING FOR
           America’s waterfowl and other wildlife.
 Nevada, but among VA facilities nation-  eligible groups for the Pfizer-BioNTech   scheduling should contact their primary  Keep Me Informed tool, visit the VA   UP 60
 wide,” said William J. Caron, VASNHS  COVID-19 vaccine at the North Las   care team — not the reservation line.  Coronavirus Vaccine FAQs webpage,   TO
 Director/CEO.  Vegas VA Medical Center under the fol-  Based on limited supplies of the CO-  contact their care team, or visit their facil-     NO
 VASNHS has also expanded the  lowing guidelines:  VID-19 vaccine, we are adhering to CDC  ity website.  For more information,  †  60
             go to
 wArfighTErS, from Page 4  ____  provides critical training for maintainers  something to think about. It can’t be  they fit into the large puzzle of a battle.  1-800-45-DUCKS  OFF  MONEY
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 VAQ 132’s Growlers often integrate with  pate in two to three Red Flags before  ercises, because of their scale, foster  U.S. and its allies to learn hard lessons.  AMAZING STOREWIDE  credit card between 2-2-2021 and 2-22-2021. $1999 minimum   DOWN
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 deployments. Red Flag exercises hone the  Danny Sprueill, VAQ 132 maintenance  they get a real-world opportunity  bases or squadrons, sharpening their   WARNING SIGNS  See store for details.
 communication skills of their leadership,  controller. “This environment is so dy-  to see how they affect the fight. It  skills, and Red Flag is the place they are   Type 1 diabetes may occur   Instant Cash Discount! $100 Walker Bucks *

 while the rapid pace of its battle rhythms  namic, and it constantly gives our guys  helps many participants see where  proven before they go downrange.  suddenly and includes:
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           A CFC Participant. Provided as a public service.
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