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Vol. 80, No. 40                     March Air Reserve Base, California                                    Friday, October 9, 2015

    NEWS BRIEFS                     U.S. Air Force streamlines training

        HONOR VETS
                                       WASHINGTON, (AFNS) – U.S. Air Force officials announced                                           U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Lionel Castellano
   If you are interested in help-   the creation of a new streamlined Expeditionary Readiness Pro-
ing place flags on the graves of     gram (ERP) governance construct that replaces the current tiered      eventually become a new 10-series AFI and will supersede infor-
Veterans prior to Veteran’s Day,    pre-deployment training model.                                        mation currently in AFI 36-2201, Air Force Training Program.
please join us. We plan to meet                                                                           The AFGM will be posted on e-publications and to myPers.
at Riverside Evergreen Historical      The updated program is designed to ensure Expeditionary
Cemetery (4414 14th St., River-     Readiness Training is relevant, effective, timely, synchronized,
side, 92501) on Saturday morn-      standardized and integrated in order to provide combatant com-
ing, Nov. 7, 8 a.m. to place Amer-  manders with a standard presentation of forces to support speci-
ican flags on the graves of more     fied mission requirements, while maximizing efficiency.
than 1,000 Veterans (to include
the gravesite of Col. Cornelius        “We recognize the importance of making sure our Airmen’s
Cole Smith, United States Army,     time is used as efficiently as possible,” said Secretary of the Air
the cemetery’s only Congressio-     Force Deborah Lee James. “Personal and professional time in-
nal Medal of Honor recipient) in    vested in readiness should be done purposefully and with the goal
honor of Veteran’s Day, twhich is   of improving Airmen’s ability to perform their duties in fulfilling
Nov. 11. All American flags are      global expeditionary requirements.”
provided. Any and all volunteers
are welcomed to participate.           The ERT concept aligns training cycles with the AEF construct,
The flags will remain in place       transitioning some training to meet “just-in-time” requirements to
through Veteran’s Day. Make it      support deployments, and eliminating most training currently pro-
a family day and hike to the top    vided in other venues.
of Mount Rubidoux after you are
done placing flags. If you have         “We’ve heard, listened and responded to Airmen’s feedback re-
any questions, please contact Mr.   garding pre-deployment training,” said Air Force Chief of Staff,
John Morris at 951-655-3622 or      General Mark A. Welsh III. “It is my duty and highest priority to
951-746-0416.                       ensure our Airmen are prepared to enter any combat environment
                                    with the skills needed to be successful and we do that by providing
  NAF SALE OCT. 15-16               them with the right training at the right time, without redundancy.”
   The 452nd Force Support
Squadron will hold a Non-Ap-           The ERT changes include adding pre-tests at the beginning of
propriated Funds (NAF) sale for     computer based training allowing proficient Airmen to bypass
the March Inn on Thursday and       CBTs, aligning pre-deployment training with the AEF battle
Friday, Oct. 15-16, in the Fitness  rhythm of 36-month cycles, and waiving pre-deployment train-
Center parking lot between Bldgs.   ing for similar ancillary or functional proficiency training Air-
400 and 456, from 10 a.m. to 3      men have already accomplished.
p.m. each day (closing from noon
to 1 p.m. for lunch). Available        Effective October 1, 2015, the new policy modifications will
items are sofa sleepers, desks,     be captured in a new Air Force Guidance Memorandum that will
dining chairs, end tables, lamps,
pictures, color TVs, DVD play-      AirFest 2016: Thunder over the Empire!
ers, lounge chairs, TV armoires,
dressers, headboards, bed frames                                                                          Save the dates, April 16-17, 2016 for March
(queen), drapes, desk chairs, and                                                                         )LHOG¶V¿UVWDLUVKRZVLQFH$GPLVVLRQLVIUHH
much more! The sale is open to                                                                            DQGWKH86$LU)RUFH7KXQGHUELUGVZLOOEHWKH
all base ID card holders - CASH                                                                           KHDGOLQHUV3OHDVHKHOSXVVSUHDGWKHZRUGWKDW
ONLY - No sales tax!                                                                                      WKHVHGDWHVZHUHUHFHQWO\FKDQJHGWRDFFRPPR-

     MANDATORY FLU                                                                                        date the Thunderbirds’ schedule, but that these
      VACCINATIONS                                                                                        QHZGDWHVDUH¿UP:HZLOOVRRQEHDQQRXQFLQJ
   The 452 AMW Flu Vacci-                                                                                 VKRZZKHUH\RXFDQJHWDOOWKHFXUUHQWLQIRUPD-
nation Campaign has begun,                                                                                WLRQWLSVRQZKDWWREULQJDOLVWRIWKLQJV\RX
and will continue through the
                                                                                                          cannot bring, ask questions, and voice concerns.
             See BRIEFS page 3                                                                            :DWFK7KH%HDFRQIRUWKHDQQRXQFHPHQWRU
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