Page 14 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, January 2021
P. 14
14 High Desert Warrior High Desert Warrior 9
April 2020
January 2021
Year in Review COVID-19 Resources
From Sept. 21 – 27, NTC/
On Sept. 1, Weed Army On Sept. 11, the Department of Emergency Services On Sept. 26, actor Denzel Washington held a Meet & Fort Irwin observed Gold
Community Hospital hosted conducted a convoy across Fort Irwin to remember the Greet with the community at various locations across the Star Families Remembrance
a Suicide Awareness and fallen of 9/11. installation. Week and recognized the
Prevention Walk. sacri ces made by the
Other highlights: On Sept. 3, the Garrison Command Team held a for the Town Center and the Post Exchange; On Sept. 30, Col. Luis R. Rivero families of our nation’s fallen
groundbreaking ceremony for the new Fort Irwin Library, which is expected to spoke about the Hispanic culture and diversity in the Army at the Hispanic heroes.
be completed by August 2021; On Sept. 15, outdoor dining became available Heritage Month celebration.
On Oct. 29, Fort Irwin held three Trunk or Treat events and a
On Oct. 13, soldiers, families and civilians gathered at the On Oct. 24, Weed Army Community Hospital hosted a Breast drive-in movie for Halloween. Residents also participated in
Fort Irwin Blue Track for a walk to end domestic violence. Cancer Awareness Walk/Run and Community Health Fair. the Festival of Frights, hosted by the Villages at Fort Irwin.
Other highlights: There was a bi-annual, post-wide power outage on Oct. 17. Weed Army Community Hospital held a “Light the Night” Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness month remembrance event on Oct. 15.
Leaders at NTC On Veterans Day,
and Fort Irwin soldiers from
continued the NTC/Fort Irwin
tradition of serving were featured on
holiday meals to ESPN as a apart of
soldiers and families First Take’s Salute Other highlights: NTC hosted the 2020
for Thanksgiving on to Service week, National American Indian Heritage Month ob-
post on Nov. 24 and honoring veterans servance on Nov. 18 with a theme of, “Many Na-
25 in the dining and active-duty tions, One Fight,” featuring guest speaker Maj.
facilities. military. Steven Warner, Chief of Women’s Health Clinic.
There was a ribbon cutting
for the grand re-opening of
the community Dog Park on
Dec. 4, featuring new shade
structures, benches, dog
The annual Holiday water fountains, dog exercise Other highlights: Weed
Market and Tree Lighting and play equipment, natural Army Community Hospi-
ceremony was held on turf grass and an irrigation tal hosted a Turkey Trot 5K
Dec. 5. system. on Dec. 5 at the Blue Track.
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