Page 7 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, February 2022
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February 2022
February 2022
News News
US Army launches annual housing tenant satisfaction survey
Life without problems Corner WASHINGTON — e Army began its annual housing tenant satisfaction survey to gather
U.S. Army Public A airs
about future housing.
to you, that in me you may have peace. to accomplish this, they need feedback about living in Army housing. Survey results will guide the decisions the Army makes
In the world, you will have tribulation. to know their potential. self-improvement; to achieve this, he/she “By responding to the survey, every resident will have a voice in how the Army and its partners
Nevertheless, take heart; I have overcome Knowing your potential is focusing must have a clear mind with clear goals. continue to maintain and improve the quality of our housing,” said Lt. Gen. Jason Evans, Deputy
the world” (John 16:33, ESV). on what is essential in your life. We must Clearing the mind helps individuals access Chief of Sta of G-9, which provides policies, programs, resources and expertise for services
“We rejoice in our su erings, know- become professionals, and being profes- deep concentration and face di culties or and installation infrastructure to enable total Army readiness. G-9 is the sponsor of the survey.
ing that su ering produces endurance, sional Soldiers requires prioritizing and challenges directly. When this takes place, An online survey link was emailed from CEL & Associates, Inc. — an independent,
and endurance produces character, and maximizing e ciency. When leaders care it will make a person feel in control of their third-party company — on Jan. 11, 2022, to more than 110,000 tenants living in privatized,
character produces hope, and hope does for their Soldiers and Soldiers care for situations and lives. In addition, being in government-owned and government-leased housing on Army installations across the globe.
not put us to shame, because God’s love their Families, the same with our DoD control of oneself means accepting when Completing the con dential survey takes about 10 minutes, and tenants have 45 days (until
has been poured into our hearts through leaders who care for their employees and things do not go your way. Feb. 24, 2022) to do so.
the Holy Spirit who has been given to us” employees care for their Families, we Here are two simple practices: 1) Do a Army privatized, government-owned and government-leased housing tenants can rate their
(Romans 5:3-5, ESV). prioritize and build e ective teams that brain dump by scribbling in a notebook satisfaction with services, property and the overall housing experience through the online survey.
“And we know that for those who love maximize e ciency. or emailing yourself about everything on Feedback will be used by the Army to help maintain a high quality of life for service members
God all things work together for good, Former chief of staff of the Army your mind, and 2) Meditate by dimming and their families.
for those who are called according to his General Raymond Odierno stated, “ e the lights, playing meditational back- e Army is investing billions of dollars into transforming barracks and on-post housing at
purpose” (Romans 8:28, ESV). strength of our nation is our Army. e ground music (e.g., lifescapes, deep alpha installations across the globe to provide Soldiers and their families with quality, safe and secure
ere are three qualities in these state- strength of our Army is our Soldiers. e brainwave, tranquil cords), and focusing housing and a better quality of life. e Army has fully implemented the Tenant Bill of Rights, should contact their local garrison housing o ces. e Tenant Satisfaction
ments: 1) It describes the conditions of strength of our Soldiers is our Families; on an elated time in your life that was ensuring privatized housing tenants receive quality housing and fair treatment. Survey is O ce of Management and Budget approved: OMB Control Number 0704-0553;
Chaplain William Williams Housing tenants who do not receive the survey notice email from ArmyHousingSurvey@
the environment, 2) It identi es problems, that is what makes us Army Strong.” In this life-changing. OMB Expiration Date 03/31/2022.
Wouldn’t life be perfect without prob- and 3) It comforts with resiliency. remarkable statement, General Odierno If you need to talk about problems out
lems? e majority would agree; however, Our environment pluralistically is prioritizes what matters and maximizes of your control, please seek out your chap-
this is the opposite of the truth. Problems saturated with people from diverse cul- e ciency by knowing Soldiers, DoD em- lain or call 760-380-3562 and schedule
are obstacles that help increase an indi- tures. e diversity of our Soldiers, DoD ployees, and their Families’ communica- an appointment. It is important to note “Building Army Families”
vidual’s resilience. Being resilient helps employees, and their Families provide tion skills and developmental patterns. that a life with no problems is no life at
individuals recognize risk and overcome our great Army to possess multi-access In essence, General Odierno invested all. I en-courage our community to work
obstacles surrounding their environments, solutions to counter problems. Each of time and e ort in identifying the Army’s success-fully through the problems and
relationships, recreations, occupations, us can improve problem-solving, increase problem and solution by influencing enjoy a rich and ful lling life. Blessings
health, and daily activities. responsiveness, composition, strengthen Soldiers, DoD employees, and their to our Soldiers, DoD employees, and their
Scripture teaches that problems are knowledge, and develop methods from Families to know their potential. A pro- Families.
our strength, “I have said these things various assessments. For our community fessional is clear-minded and focuses on Pro Deo Et Patria
Green Flag-West rolls out Agile Combat Employment
with austere, A-10 Thunderbolt II operations
Tech. Sgt. Alexandre Montes Base, Nev., and U.S. Army Soldiers locally. into what the air eld managers do.”
“One of the things we pride ourselves at Green Flag is Not only was Johannes and his team able to coordinate
57th Wing Public A airs
to be a unique training environment, being able to provide with the air eld managers, but he and another were trained
FORT IRWIN, CALIFORNIA — Joint war ghters from the level of ACE support,” said Keilen. to speak and direct A-10 underbolt II aircraft onto the
several career elds and duty stations arrived in a dry lakebed e main objective to complete within a short period runway that they cleared.
at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, Calif.. eir was to provide launch and recovery to A-10 underbolt As Johannes and his cadre teamed up to become ACE
task was to train, teach and learn each other’s mission, and II’s assigned to the 354th Fighter Squadron assigned to enablers, their e orts during Green Flag-West allowed them
to execute combat airpower anytime, anywhere. Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz.. to work with combat controllers.
“ e 549th and 12th CTS are making breaking-edge Working alongside U.S. Army partners on the range with “ is has been an extraordinary opportunity, so a lot of
advancements with combat and weapons to the Green JADO, Airmen were given the chance to cross-train and the intricate detail of working with ghter aircraft is some-
Flag-West exercise,” said Lt. Col. Matthew Keilen, 549th operate outside of their primary career elds. thing that I can take back to our unit,” Johannes said. “ is Anette Pritt love this spot. eir blended family rst met here, it is where they say hello and goodbye as
Combat Training Squadron commander. “Dispersing forces “As an engineering [Airman] we test the subsurface way we can expand [Contingency Response operations] Operations Group Public A airs he rolls out to the box and so, it was the perfect choice for this union. To them it signi es
within threat timelines increases survivability and preserves strength to determine whether or not the landing zone can upon as we lean forward on the ACE concept and General unity, adventure, love and family.
combat airpower while still generating attack airpower while support the aircraft that we were trying trying to bring in Brown’s ‘Accelerate Change or Lose’ initiative.” On Jan. 27, 2022, Operations Group, National Training Center Observer Coach Trainer is was the best way to close out rotational training and shows how Army Readiness and
executing the mission.” safely. As the landing zone safety o cer that our primary Over the entire exercise, orders were generated and Command Sergeant Major Devon Weber (Eagle40) pauses for a moment at the close of the Army Family are intertwined.
Several of the Airmen who participated set up tents, role,” said Master Sgt. Brad Johannes, 921st Contingency Airmen learned how they can t and excel into the big- Rotation 22-03 to propose to Devon Sachey with one of e National Training Center/ U.S. Army Families are the backbone and support systems that help get our Soldiers
cleared and marked a dirt runway on the dry lakebed, and Response Squadron operations ight chief, assigned to Tra- ger picture or airpower. is iteration has gained another Fort Irwin’s most iconic Painted Rocks landmark as a backdrop. Bearing the insignias of all through long work days, di cult moves and multiple deployments. ey answer the call to
established communications. ey also partnered with vis Air Force Base, Calif.. “Secondary to that is part of the component to accelerate change for the 549th CTS at the the combat units that have rotated through the NTC for training, Painted Rocks represents service as well.
maintenance and intelligence Airmen at Nellis Air Force Multi-Capable Airman Concept. We expand our expertise home of the war ghter. the unity and sacri ces of those Soldiers. For the Devons, they say, that they have grown to Operations Group congratulates them both and welcomes Devon to the Army Family!!
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