Page 23 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 9-25-15
P. 23

Thunderbolt                                                  SPORTS                                                                                             September 25, 2015

football game against the 56th Civil Engineer Squadron at Luke Air Force Base. CMS defeated CES 26-14.
                                                                                                                                                NAIH Month golf tourney
CMS defeats CE, keeps perfect record
          6WRU\DQGSKRWRE\                     ÀUVWKDOI7KURXJKRXWWKHÀUVWKDOI&06      ZLWKÀYHPLQXWHVOHIWLQWKHJDPH      Committee is featuring a golf tourna-
              Senior Airman                       dominated and scored two more times to         It looked as though CE was making a            ment at 7 a.m. Oct. 2 at Falcon Golf
                                                  bring the score to 20-0.                       FRPHEDFN EXW &06 ZDVQ·W JRLQJ WR OHW  Course, 15152 W. Camelback Rd., Litch-
        DEVANTE WILLIAMS                                                                         it happen. They scored again with three        ÀHOG 3DUN 7KH FRVW LV  SHU SHUVRQ
                                                     CMS was determined to win the game          minutes left in the game, bringing the         5DIÁH WLFNHWV DUH  HDFK DQG ZLQQHU
                56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  and remain undefeated.                         score to 26-14.                                does not have to be present. For more
                                                                                                                                                information, call Staff Sgt. Matt Cox at
   The 56th Component Maintenance                    “Our goal is to keep it simple,” said          Although CES was determined to come         623-856-6256.
Squadron team and the 56th Civil Engi-            6DYLHU+HUQDQGH]%HOWUHWK&06´:H        back, they were denied when CMS defend-
QHHU6TXDGURQVWHSSHGRQWKHÀHOG0RQ-            FDQ·WGRWRRPDQ\ORQJSDVVHV-XVWJHWWKH   ers intercepted the ball, ending the game      Ghostly Ghoul Glow Run
day for an intramural football match at           EDOOGRZQWKHÀHOGZLWKHDVH,IZHGRWKDW  and giving CMS the victory.
Luke Air Force Base. CMS defeated the             ZH·OOZLQWKLVJDPHµ                                                                           The Ghostly Ghouls glow 5k fun
CES 26-14.                                                                                          “I felt as though we got too comfort-       run is 6 a.m. Oct. 30 beginning at the
                                                     The second half of the game proved to       DEOHZLWKRXUOHDGDQGWKDW·VKRZWKH\       944th Fighter Wing headquarters aux-
   The offenses lined up with two line-           be a turning point for CES as they were        almost made a comeback,” said Brandon          iliary parking lot on Super Sabre Street.
men, a center, a running back and two             WKHÀUVWWRVFRUHZLWKPLQXWHVOHIWLQ    Brown, 56th CMS quarterback. “But in           Awards for those who are 1st, 2nd and
wide receivers for most of the game. The          the second half. Even though CMS was           WKHHQGLWZDVQ·WHQRXJKDQGZHZHUH        UGSODFH ÀQLVKHUV LQ PDOH DQG IHPDOH
PDWFK EHJDQ ZLWK &06 VFRULQJ WKH ÀUVW      SOD\LQJ KHDY\ GHIHQVH LW ZDVQ·W HQRXJK  able to win the game and keep our un-          categories. Refreshments are included.
touchdown after a long drive, bringing            to stop CES from reaching the end zone         defeated streak.”                              For more infomration, call 623-856-6241.
the score to 7-0 with 10 minutes left in the      as they scored again bringing the score to
                                                                                                                                                Wanted: Varsity golf coach

                                                                                                                                                   The Luke Air Force Base Bryant
                                                                                                                                                Fitness Center is looking for someone
                                                                                                                                                to coach varsity golf. Those interested
                                                                                                                                                must apply no later than Jan. 1, 2016,
                                                                                                                                                by sending a resume and letter of in-
                                                                                                                                                WHUHVW WR $QWRQLR %D]DQ DW WKH ÀWQHVV
                                                                                                                                                center. For more information, call Jemia
                                                                                                                                                Fournier-Allen at 623-856-6241.

                                                                                                                                                Intramural sports

                                                                                                                                                   Fall softball and volleyball seasons
                                                                                                                                                begin Oct. 19. Letters-of-intent must be
                                                                                                                                                submitted to Antonia Bazan by Oct. 9.

                                                                                                                                                   ‡ 6RIWEDOO JDPHV ZLOO EH SOD\HG  
                                                                                                                                                and 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday

                                                                                                                                                and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thurs-
                                                                                                                                                day. For more information, call 623-

of the

                   NFL Thursday            Staff Sgt.                Master Sgt.                                 Capt.                         1st Lt.       Senior Airman
                                          Daniel Wyn                 Ben Taylor                        Charles Henderlite                 Brett Gudim       Benjamin Bright
   Washington vs. N.Y. Giants        56th Fighter Wing       56th Operations Group               56th Mission Support Group       56th Maintenance Group  56th Medical Group
                             6XQGD\       N.Y. Giants                N.Y. Giants                                                           Washington
                                                                                                             Washington                                         N.Y. Giants
        &LQFLQQDWLYV%DOWLPRUH           %DOWLPRUH                  %DOWLPRUH                                                             &LQFLQQDWL
         2DNODQGYV&OHYHODQG             &OHYHODQG                   2DNODQG                                &LQFLQQDWL                    &OHYHODQG            &LQFLQQDWL
     1HZ2UOHDQVYV&DUROLQD               &DUROLQD                   &DUROLQD                               &OHYHODQG                      &DUROLQD            &OHYHODQG
                                                                        Atlanta                             1HZ2UOHDQV                                        1HZ2UOHDQV
                Atlanta vs. Dallas           Atlanta                   +RXVWRQ                                                                Atlanta
       7DPSD%D\YV+RXVWRQ                +RXVWRQ                  ,QGLDQDSROLV                               Atlanta                    7DPSD%D\               Dallas
   ,QGLDQDSROLVYV7HQQHVVHH             ,QGLDQDSROLV              1HZ(QJODQG                              7DPSD%D\                     ,QGLDQDSROLV           +RXVWRQ
-DFNVRQYLOOHYV1HZ(QJODQG             1HZ(QJODQG                  Minnesota                              ,QGLDQDSROLV                  Jacksonville        ,QGLDQDSROLV
                                           Minnesota                   N.Y. Jets                            1HZ(QJODQG                     San Diego          Jacksonville
      San Diego vs. Minnesota               N.Y. Jets                 Pittsburgh                              San Diego                    3KLODGHOSKLD         Minnesota
     3KLODGHOSKLDYV1<-HWV            Pittsburgh                   $UL]RQD                                                                                3KLODGHOSKLD
                                            $UL]RQD                     Buffalo                                N.Y. Jets                     St. Louis           Pittsburgh
        Pittsburgh vs. St. Louis             Buffalo                    Seattle                               Pittsburgh                 San Francisco            $UL]RQD
    6DQ)UDQFLVFRYV$UL]RQD                Seattle                    Denver
                                             Denver                                                             $UL]RQD                        0LDPL               0LDPL
                %XIIDORYV0LDPL                                     *UHHQ%D\                                 Buffalo                      &KLFDJR               Seattle
             &KLFDJRYV6HDWWOH          *UHHQ%D\                   SHUFHQW                                Seattle                        Detroit             Denver
                                           44 percent                 56 percent                                Denver
               Denver vs. Detroit         52 percent                ³$QGZHKDYH                                                          .DQVDV&LW\          *UHHQ%D\
                                     ³7KHHUVDUHSDVW             DZLQQHU´                              *UHHQ%D\                     SHUFHQW          63 percent
                            Monday   WKHLUµ6HOOE\¶GDWH´                                                   SHUFHQW                    53 percent          SHUFHQW
                                                                                                              54 percent                                     ³,W¶VPLJKW\KLJK
 Kansas City vs. Green Bay                                                                           ³,W
VRQO\ZHHNWKUHHEXW                “Top          IURPWKHWRSRI
VDOZD\VQH[W\HDU               KRWGRJ´         WKHSRGLXP´
     Last week’s percentage                                                                                &RZER\IDQV´

     Year to date percentage

                       Trash talk
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