Page 3 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, March 19, 2021
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2 March 19, 2021 Commentary Desert lightning news s. nevaDa Desert lightning news s. nevaDa news March 19, 2021 3
Rethinking how we lead Hunters showcase RPA
Enterprise, infrastructure,
by Maj. Kevin Byram are highly educated, diverse and independent way of thinking, with the ability and willingness be open to these ideas. We must encourage Air-
Dover AFB, Del. thinkers. to adapt to change, allows us to challenge the sta- men to utilize the resources available to them, resilience to COMACC
I was quick to realize that being a good tus quo. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. such as Squadron Innovation Funds, Bedrock
While there are many theories on leader- comptroller does not translate into being a good Brown, Jr., promotes this same mentality when Lab, etc. We have to encourage them to think
ship, it is inherently up to each individual to commander. Everything I had read about being he mentions that we must “Accelerate Change outside the box and let the Airmen stumble Gen. Mark Kelly, commander of
determine how they will lead. an effective leader was an old way of thinking. or Lose.” Utilizing their expertise in technology without letting them fail. Air Combat Command, and ACC
I used this as motivation to read multiple I realized that I cannot only direct Airmen but can only help us become more efficient in the Allowing an Airman to go through a Con- Command Chief Master Sgt. David
leadership books leading up to my change of that I must allow Airmen to be leaders them- mission for which we are responsible. tinuous Process Improvement (CPI) event, Wade, visited Creech Air Force Base,
command to prepare myself for what was to selves. Even though not every Airman super- It is easy to try to counter this with the implement the process and test it on a small
come. vises others, it does not mean they can’t lead a thought that not every idea is a good idea. sample size may show that the idea needs work Nev., March 8, 2021, to discuss the
Knowing that I was leaving a staff position team, a process or a project. Putting our young However, the Airman who has expressed their but in the end it is their idea. The Airmen doing Remotely Piloted Aircraft Enterprise’s
with senior leaders to lead first-term Airmen, I Airmen in positions to be creative and use the ideas are not always heard. It could be a funding the work at the lowest level can quickly identify mission and infrastructure with 432nd
felt it was important to understand what their education they obtained before entering the Air issue, timeliness or just that their supervisor is the shortfalls and deficiencies that they run into Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing
values and concerns were. What I was not Force is vital to our continuity. Many times the unwilling to change a process that they don’t each day. Giving them the flexibility to succeed leadership.
prepared for is how different today’s Airmen Airmen have ideas that go against the process understand. We must encourage our company in turn promotes a morale that cannot be gener- Since Kelly’s visit in October, the Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Omari Bernard
are from my expectations. Today’s Airmen that we have followed our entire careers. Their grade officers and non-commissioned officers to ated by leadership directed morale events. 432nd AEW has begun flying MQ-9 Gen. Mark Kelly, commander of Air Combat Command,
Reaper sorties out of Romania, success- signs a structural support on a construction site for
future 732nd Operations Group facilities at Creech
fully deployed and redeployed RQ-170 Air Force Base, Nev., March 8, 2021. The 432nd
leading through grief Sentinel forces, and broke ground on Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing continues to
the 25th Attack Group’s forthcoming
improve squadron readiness, build leaders and bring
headquarters and operations building
at Shaw AFB, South Carolina. the future faster with every upgrade to infrastructure
and quality of life improvement made across the
The innovation of Hunter Airmen is
by Lt. Col. Melissa Dombrock I then had a thought: how many of us are going squadron needed to know that I was not ok, and I You must personally be open in order to connect. driving the RPA Enterprise to expanded installation.
Ramstein AB, Germany through grief with all the darkness in the world needed to remind them that I am always here for 3. Break the ice. Open the conversation with, combat capabilities. 432nd Wing Lead- Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Omari Bernard
right now and NOT talking about it? every single one of them, no matter what is going “I’m looking forward to hearing your story” and Gen. Mark Kelly, commander of Air Combat Command,
“Why am I so sad today?” a leader remarked In order to lead through grief, we must be on, and no matter how dark life might seem. In “I’m willing to share my experiences too.” ership laid out plans for continued congratulates U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Taylor, 22nd Attack
in the middle of a meeting. able to find the emotional, mental and spiritual the days that followed, some folks reached out 4. Be present and actively listen. Asking “how evolution, to include enhancing Agile Squadron’s aviation resource manager, after a coin ceremony
We were discussing the updated pandemic strength to overcome what is uncomfortable and to check on me and we had supportive, healing are you” is not enough. Be honest and say “I can’t Combat Employment and Immediate at Creech Air Force Base, Nev., March 8, 2021. During his visit,
restrictions, how to lead in this challenging be willing to open up. Choose to be vulnerable. discussions, reminding me of the importance of imagine how you’re feeling, but I’m here for you” Response Force capabilities for MQ-9 Kelly recognized contributions made by the Airmen of the
environment and how to instill some hope. His Brave leaders are real about whatever they are go- meaningful connection. or “I need to learn more about your perspective” Reapers.
comment reflected a common emotion; this ing through, but also, they see the positive and can Another way to connect is “eyeball-to-eyeball” or “how can I help and what can I do to support “RPAs are meeting the needs of Com- 432nd Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing to bring the future
feeling of sadness and hopelessness, despite that be hopeful. When you are personally grieving, or checks via individual or small-group sessions. I you?” batant Commanders today — in both faster within Air Combat Command.
everything seemed fine. holding onto the burden of support for others, it is try to do this as much as possible, and encourage We must create safe spaces to foster open-
There is grief. It is heavy. Grief for racial injus- important to take time for yourself; be confident other leaders to do the same. You can stand six ness, actively listen to one another, address dif- contested and non-contested environ- RIGHT: Senior Airman Maria, 99th Operational Medical
tices, grief for misunderstandings in our society that the vulnerability of sharing your grief will feet away, with a mask on, and still have an en- ferences, cultivate mutual respect and express ments,” said Col. Stephen Jones, 432nd Readiness Squadron dental technician, briefs U.S. Air Force
and the world, grief for political churn, grief for make you stronger. I still feel this loss immensely. gaging conversation, or you can create a virtual empathy for what others are going through. Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing Command Chief Master Sgt. David Wade, Air Combat
global turmoil and conflicts, grief for the loss of I spent the last two months attempting to process space to do the same. If you are not sure how Every day, I strive to be courageous and authen- commander. “The wide array of mission Command, and U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Michelle
“normal life” due to the pandemic, and espe- grief and translate it into action I can take as a to start, check out our USAFE-AFAFRICA’s tic. I am going through grief and carrying grief sets the MQ-9 and RQ-170 are asked to Browning, 432nd Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing
cially grief for the acute personal losses of family leader; I keep thinking I must truly connect with GRIT initiative ( In the intimately felt by others. Nothing can explain perform remains our hallmark — we command chief, about the Creech Medical Clinic at Creech
members and friends felt by so many. How do every single Airman and in every interaction. All toolkit, there are topics outlined for each month, the impact of unexpectedly losing a beloved do not shy away from these tough tasks; Air Force, Nev., March 8, 2021. The 99th ORMS provides
we lead when we, ourselves, are grieving? What of us are responsible for the culture of our orga- with commentary to help guide you. Sometimes, friend and teammate. It left me with a hole in my we remain ready to take them on in all medical and occupational readiness for more than 10,000
if it is challenging to remain full of hope? Even nizations. Do you show up with a smile? Do you GRIT is what breaks the ice, allowing us to open heart. I can only strive to patch it up by actively environments.” Nellis and Creech Air Force Base Active Duty personnel.
if you have not personally experienced loss, you strive to find the positive? Are you fostering safe up what we really need to talk about beneath the engaging with others. I honor his memory and Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class William Rio Rosado
definitely know someone who has, and you are spaces for conversations? Being available, present surface. Here are few tips for authentic and active carry forward that we all have a story to share,
likely grieving in other ways about bigger changes and effectively communicating are trademarks of engagement: and we all need support. We must recognize our
in our world over the past year. genuine leadership at any level. But how? 1. Create a safe space for conversation. Find own grief and in the Airman we lead. We cannot The latest updates to infrastructure Clinic to meet those responsible for sus-
I recently experienced significant grief. Six In my experience, it helps to strive for au- a time, make a plan, encourage participation. If retreat from how we are affected by events- may across the 432nd Wing enable the enter- taining the heartbeat of the 432nd Wing.
months into squadron command, on Dec. 3, thentic leadership and be willing to personally you are able to physically-distance and follow cur- they be personal, professional, political, racial, prise’s continued success. In addition to “The human weapons system is the
2020, a fellow Airman and friend took his own connect. One way I open up is via virtual “broad- rent rules, then meet in person. If not, then use a global or otherwise. We can choose to lead in the ground-breaking for the 25th ATKG, most important weapon system we
life. I dissolved into a puddle of tears. My emo- casts.” I am able to say thank you, give kudos, platform: Zoom, MS Teams, WebEx, FaceTime, a way that is true to ourselves and expressive of the 432nd Wing is nearing 50 percent have,” Wade said. “There’s nothing more
tional bucket was tipped. I felt shock, loss, sadness address hot topics, and re-iterate my support. It Signal video, Google teams meetup; the list goes strength, hope and positivity, while also being completion of the 732nd Operations important than taking care of our fellow
and anger. He and I were close because we are is certainly not perfect. Most of the time I make on for virtual options. very real about our own challenges, even in Group’s operations campus. While at Airmen, so thank you for what you do.”
both probably “too caring.” He was always smil- a mistake or realize I look goofy, but, it is me. In 2. Prepare yourself. Take a look at GRIT re- seasons of grief. Creech, Kelly surveyed the construction Without the Airmen, leaders and
ing and asking people how they really are doing. the absence of being able to gather in large groups, sources, do some self-reflection: are you ready to I dedicate this commentary to the loving
He was the heart of that team. I was mad at him this is something that works. As leaders, we must share how you are really doing and be vulnerable? memory of my friend and fellow Airman, Darius site to learn how the campus will propel partners of the 432nd Wing and greater
because he was always lifting others up. I had be true to ourselves and share who we are. The How do you lift yourself up when you are sad? We McLin. May you all read this and be inspired to 432nd Wing capabilities. RPA Enterprise, none of the achieve-
so many questions. Why didn’t he reach out or day after we lost our fellow Airman to suicide, I re- are all COVID weary and grieving at some level; be there for each other in times of joy and grief… “Base infrastructure is a critical en- ments of the past six months would have
why couldn’t we save him? What had I missed? corded a broadcast. It was important, because the how are you processing it and remaining hopeful? and be authentic and brave leaders in every way. abler to the RPA enterprise; it is a key been possible.
component of the weapons system,” “The Airmen of the 432nd Wing are
Jones said. “We have immense pride keenly aware of the real-world threats
Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and For all submissions, a name and phone number in our communications experts, power facing our Nation and partners,” Kelly
published by Aerotech News and Review, a private Review of the products or services advertised. of a person to contact must be included in the event production professionals, and civil engi- said. “Hence the multi-layered, assertive
firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force. Everything advertised in the publication shall be questions arise. Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class William Rio Rosado neers – they keep this mission running.” action they take each day to remain the
Contents of Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition made available for purchase and use of patronage All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity
Desert Lightning News Staff are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national and conformity to the AP Style Guide, to include U.S. Air Force Gen. Mark Kelly, commander of Air Combat Command, speaks with U.S. Air The most critical component to the Air Force’s premier RPA fighting force.
Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review by, Aerotech News and Review, the U.S. government, origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political military ranks and proper writing etiquette. Force Lt. Col. Timothy, 432nd Support Squadron commander, during a site visit of future weapons system, the Airmen, have been The advancements of this Wing, the ca-
Stuart Ibberson, Editor the Department of Defense or the Department of the affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the Corrections: Desert Lightning News staff 732nd Operations Group facilities, at Creech Air Force Base, Nev., March 8, 2021. Kelly and sustained throughout COVID-19 thanks pability of its leaders, and the ambition
Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout members strive for accurac y each week .
Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales Air Force. purchaser, user or patron. If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert U.S. Air Force Command Chief Master Sgt. David Wade, ACC, met with units across the to the medical professionals of the 99th of its Airmen are a reminder of what it
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CONTACT: Editorial Staff at 334-718-3509 including inserts and supplements, does not constitute Lightning News is no later than Monday, 4:30 p.m., installation to receive key updates on mission readiness, deployed assets and Airmen Operational Medical Readiness Squad- takes for our Air Force to remain ahead
For editorial staff: e-mail an endorsement by the Department of Defense, the the week of desired publication date., and we will consider morale and welfare. ron. Wade visited the Creech Medical of the enemy.”
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