Page 18 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-5-15
P. 18

June 5, 2015                 308TH FS GRADUATION                                                                                                                                                                        Thunderbolt

Emerald Knights graduate 16 new pilots

            by Lt. Col.                                                                                                                                                                                 Courtesy photo  teach these students how to be
 CHRISTOPHER BACON                                                                                                                                                                                                      ÀJKWHUSLORWVLQWKHDLUDQGLQOLIH
                                        The 308th Fighter Squadron graduated 16 F-16 Fighting Falcon pilots today from Class 14-EBG.                                                                                    as did the academic instructors
              308th Fighter Squadron    They are, from left, 1st Lt. Tony Demma, Capt. Taylor Roach, 1st Lts. Matt Sanders, Dave Neville                                                                                IURPWKHWK7UDLQLQJ6TXDGURQ
                                        and Richard Olsen, Capts. Bryan Koenig and Kent North, 1st Lts. Harrison Gebs and Drew Clasen,
   Today marks the culmination          Capt. Bradford Waldie, 1st Lts. Ravi Surdhar and Alexander Drummond, Capts. Tanner Lee and                                                                                         Lockheed Martin instructors
of nine months of demanding             James Broncheau, 1st Lt. Ashton Lackey and Capt. Sky Villers.                                                                                                                   were an invaluable resource to the
aviation training for 16 students                                                                                                                                                                                       students as both a source of F-16
from the 308th Fighter Squadron         PDQHXYHULQJ FDSDELOLW\ +HUH            The students transitioned to             7KHFDSVWRQHRIFODVV(%*·V                                                            knowledge as well as a source of
%&RXUVH &ODVV (%* 7KHVH       the students began the transition        WKHDLUWRVXUIDFHUROHRIWKH9LSHU   training was a large force-on-                                                                ÀJKWHUSLORWKLVWRU\²VWRULHVRISDVW
warriors will go forth as newly         to learn current techniques for          This phase of training consisted         force exercise known as Opera-                                                                FRQÁLFWVPLVVLRQVRUWUDJHGLHVDOO
minted F-16 Fighting Falcon             HPSOR\LQJWKH)LQRQHYRQH        of surface attack, surface attack        WLRQ (7(51$/ .1,*+7 7KLV                                                                 of which helped to develop these
ÀJKWHU SLORWV UHDG\ WR GR WKHLU  GRJÀJKWLQJ                             WDFWLFV DQG FORVHDLU VXSSRUW ,Q  PLVVLRQ FRQVLVWHG RI  IULHQGO\                                                         VWXGHQWV LQWR ZDUULRUV 0RVW LP-
QDWLRQ·VELGGLQJ                                                               SA, students learned to employ           ÀJKWHUV DWWDFNLQJ D PXOWLWXGH RI                                                         SRUWDQWO\ (%* ZRXOG QRW EH
                                           The students then began the           unguided and guided weapons in           targets while defending against                                                               where they are right now without
   7KH MRXUQH\ WR Á\ WKH ZRUOG·V  air-to-air phase, learning to employ     a controlled environment, focus-         eight adversary fighters and                                                                  the dedication of the 308th Aircraft
most combat-proven aircraft was         the F-16 as two-ship and four-ship       ing on learning the numerous             multiple simulated surface-to-air                                                             0DLQWHQDQFH 8QLW 7KH WK
QRWHDV\,WFRQVLVWHGRIKRXUV    WHDPV 6WXGHQWV ÁHZ DLU FRPEDW      air-to-ground munitions in the           WKUHDWV7KHSODQQLQJDQGH[HFX-                                                              AMU works long hours and many
of academic lectures and computer-      maneuvering operating as an ele-         ) LQYHQWRU\ ,Q 6$7 VWXGHQWV    tion of this mission was invaluable                                                           weekends a year to keep some of
based training with nine demand-        ment in visual engagements two           built on the attack mechanics they       DQGSURYLGHGDWDVWHRIFRPEDW                                                               the oldest F-16s in the Air Force
LQJ WHVWV 7KH JUDGXDWHV VSHQW     Y RQH 7KH\ DOVR OHDUQHG KRZ WR  learned in SA while adding more                                                                                                        Á\LQJ
nearly 51 hours executing 41            employ as an element in beyond           missionized or real-world aspects of        These fighter pilots did not
challenging simulators, learning to     visual range engagements during          WDFWLFDOÁ\LQJ,Q&$6WKHVWXGHQWV    JUDGXDWH RQ WKHLU RZQ KRZHYHU                                                             7RWKHVWXGHQWVRI(%*QRZ
handle emergency procedures and         WDFWLFDO LQWHUFHSW WUDLQLQJ 7KH     integrated with ground forces and        %HKLQG (%* ZDV DQ HQWLUH                                                              is the time to remember the tough
executing air-to-air and air-to-sur-    students progressed to four-ship         provided support in a dynamic en-        ÀJKWHU ZLQJ RUJDQL]DWLRQV DQG                                                            lessons learned in debrief, the sto-
IDFHWDFWLFV7KHPRVWFKDOOHQJLQJ     employment, solidifying their roles      vironment while the enemy was in         people were paramount to their                                                                ries of those who have been there,
DQGUHZDUGLQJSDUWRIWKHLUMRXUQH\    and responsibilities as wingmen in       FORVHSUR[LPLW\WRIULHQGOLHV          VXFFHVV(PHUDOG.QLJKWLQVWUXF-                                                              and the experiences you picked up
came when they strapped on the          WKHPRVWOHWKDORI)IRUPDWLRQV                                              tor pilots worked many hours to                                                               RYHUWKHODVWÁLJKWKRXUV&RQ-
PLJKW\9LSHUDQGJRWDÀUVWKDQG                                                                                                                                                                                        JUDWXODWLRQV <RX DUH WKH WK
DFFRXQWRIZKDWVKHFDQGR                                                                                                                                                                                            FS swan song and we’re proud of
   Flight training began with the                                                                                                                                                                                       and Honor!”
learned how to take off and land,                                                                                                                                                                                           Capt. James Broncheau
Á\ LQVWUXPHQWV DQG DFTXLUHG DQ                                                                                                                                                                                              Post Falls, Idaho
understanding of how the F-16
KDQGOHV ,W FRQFOXGHG ZLWK DQ                                                                                                                                                                                          Misawa Air Base, Japan
evaluation where the students

   Next was advanced handling
where students learned the F-16’s

   1st Lt. Drew Clasen                       1st Lt. Tony Demma                  1st Lt. Alexander Drummond                 1st Lt. Harrison Gebs                                                                          Capt. Bryan Koenig
Peachtree City, Georgia                    Knob Noster, Missouri                         Tulsa, Oklahoma                      Richmond, Virginia                                                                          Simi Valley, California
Kunsan AB, South Korea                  Spangdahlem AB, Germany                                                                                                                                                         Kunsan AB, South Korea
                                                                                   Tulsa Air National Guard               Kunsan AB, South Korea

1st Lt. Ashton Lackey                       Capt. Tanner Lee                         1st Lt. Dave Neville                        Capt. Kent North                                                                           1st Lt. Richard Olsen
     Leona, Kansas                       Moorhead, Minnesota                     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania                   Charlottesville, Virginia                                                                        Salt Lake City, Utah
                                        Duluth ANG, Minnesota                    Kunsan AB, South Korea                   Shaw AFB, South Carolina                                                                      Spangdahlem AB, Germany
Madison ANG, Kansas

     Capt. Taylor Roach                 1st Lt. Matt Sanders                      1st Lt. Ravi Surdhar                        Capt. Sky Villers                                                                         Capt. Bradford Waldie
        Vale, Colorado                  Annapolis, Maryland                       Longmont, Colorado                       Fort Wayne, Indiana                                                                             3KRHQL[$UL]RQD
                                                                                 Osan AB, South Korea                     Osan AB, South Korea
Shaw AFB, South Carolina                    Hill AFB, Utah                                                                                                                                                                  Aviano AB, Italy
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