Page 13 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-26-15
P. 13

Thunderbolt                                                                           June 26, 2015

Celebrate safely

  launched and          • Make sure everyone in your family      direct sunlight received between 10
r other location, it      learns to swim well. Enroll in age-    a.m. and 4 p.m. and wear sunscreen
 stibles before being     appropriate Red Cross water orien-     with a protection factor of at least 15.
 hand, eye and burn       tation and learn-to-swim courses.    • Drink plenty of water regularly,
n the result of us-                                              even if not thirsty. Avoid drinks
 rks, misusing fire-    • If you have a pool, secure it with     containing alcohol or caffeine.
k malfunctions.”          appropriate barriers. Many children   “Integrity first and responsibility
                          who drown in home pools were out     are not mutually exclusive concepts,”
 enters for Disease       of sight for less than five minutes  Bruce said. “It is quite the opposite.
 ention, from 2005        and in the care of one or both par-  A person of integrity is a responsible
 re was an average        ents at the time.                    person. When planning off-duty holiday
 entional drownings                                            celebrations, doing the ‘right thing’ is
 nited States which     • Avoid distractions when supervising  the action which will prevent mishaps.
 ten deaths per day.      children around water.               The Fourth of July is an important
7 people died each                                             holiday in our country’s history and
g in boating-related    • If a child is missing,               celebrating safely is the responsibility
                          check the water                      of all Airmen.”
mportant things to        first. Seconds                        With the prospect of a long holiday
ngaging in any type       count in pre-                        weekend, Airmen need to remain
                          venting death or                     vigilant and safe.
ted areas super-          disability.
 h a buddy; do not      • Have appropri-
swim alone.               ate equipment,
ung child unat-           such as reaching
er and do not trust       or throwing equip-
nother child; teach       ment, a cell phone,
ys ask permission         life jackets and a first
                          aid kit.
dren or inexperi-
 wear U.S. Coast        • Know how and when
 life jackets around      to call 9-1-1 or the local
  rely on life jackets    emergency number.

nt supervision.         • Enroll in Red Cross home pool
                          safety, water safety, first aid
                          and cardiopulmonary resuscita-
                          tion/ automated external defibril-
                          lator courses to learn how to pre-
                          vent and respond to emergencies.

                        • Protect skin. Limit the amount of
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