Page 22 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-26-15
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Classified Marketplace

Homes for Rent                    Home Improvement                                                                                                                     CHOOSE CAR SEAT:
                                                                                                                                                                             BY AGE & SIZE

 BEAUTIFUL CORTESSA                   Heating & Cooling                   THE NUMBER                    THE ONES
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      Facing 2-Greenbelts               1lb. Freon (if required)          CHILD IN THE RIGHT
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    Call Today, Place an Ad!          All real estate advertised
          Aerotech News             in this publication is subject
           877-247-9288             to the Federal Fair Housing
                                    Act of 1968, which makes it
                                       illegal to advertise any
  2014, 10,950-Miles, Manual          preference, limitation or
         A/C, CD-Player,           discrimination based on race
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    Power Windows/Brakes              origin, or an intention to
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                                    limitation or discrimination.
        Bing Cherry Color           Real estate advertisements
   Transferable Nissan+Plus        that are in violation of the law
                                      shall not be accepted for
     Maintenance Contract             publication. All dwellings
    70-Months 65,000 Miles         advertised in this publication
     Asking Price, $29,400           are available on an equal

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