Page 3 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye 6-3-16
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BULLSEYE News 3June 3, 2016
COMMANDER, from page 1_____ within the combat air forces, time and stranger to Nellis Air Force Base previ- plish this on their own, Henderson ex-
the core of Nellis operations, it’s the center again,” said Rose. “No matter the chal- ously serving as commander of the 757th plained that he will command with the
of the bullseye on the patch for the wing.” lenge, you overcame them all. What I Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. Col. priority of getting Airmen the tools they
am most proud of is how we focused on Henderson is a combat tested, career need to succeed.
This unique group honored its com- issues within our control and paid little maintainer with a distinguished record.
mander of three years during the change attention to naysayers. This made you His experience with Nellis and his suc- “As your commander I work for each
of command ceremony, taking time to all the stronger, and brought all the ac- cess in previous assignments leave him and every one of you,” said Henderson. “I
highlight the accomplishments of the complishments and success that we have perfectly suited to lead the 57th MXG to pledge my unwavering support to get you
57th MXG while lead by Rose. seen the past three years.” new heights.” the tools, the training, the tech data and
the time you require to effectively carry
“Under Col. Rose’s leadership, the Rose summed up his speech by leaving Speaking to his Group for the first out the mission. I am truly humbled and
57th MXG has gained widespread at- the Airmen of the 57th MXG with his time, Henderson explained that while honored to be your commander, and I
tention for fifth generation firsts,” said thanks and gratitude. there are challenges ahead the 57th MXG look forward to meeting and working
Hinds. “He tackled ACC’s top priority by will meet them head on. each and every one of you and adding an-
standing up the Air Force’s first organic “Being your group commander and other astonishing chapter to the history
F-35 aircraft maintenance unit, he paved serving you these past three years was “As we close a chapter on the 57th of the 57th Wing and the 57th MXG.”
the way for successful F-35 operational the greatest honor in my 25 year career,” MXG and open another one, I wish I
testing, his team lead F-22 sustainability said Rose. “I cannot thank you enough.” could stand before you today and say it’s With these priorities in mind Hender-
testing, and delivered critical solutions going to be easy, but it’s not going to be,” son takes the reigns of one of the most
to munitions problems experienced in Col. Rose lead the 57 MXG to new said Henderson. “Our Air Force is going influential maintenance groups in the
combat.” heights, and to pick up where he left off, through some of the toughest challenges Air Force.
the new commander brings his exem- seen in years. As we persevere through
After receiving the Legion of Merit plary service record with him. there challenges, I ask you all to seek out “To me the Airmen of the 57th MXG
Medal, Rose took a few moments to ad- innovation, make the most efficient use of are the definition of airpower,” said
dress the Airmen in attendance during “While Col. Rose’s departure leaves our resources, up channel better ways of Hinds. “Without them, without their
the final moments of his command. huge shoes to fill, Col. Shane Hender- preforming the mission, focus on mission knowledge, without their skillsets, with-
son returns to the bullseye team with discipline, and make every sortie count.” out their high standards of integrity,
“To the men and women of the MXG, the talent and the experience to succeed service and excellence, without them, our
whose successes became legendary in this challenging role,” said Hinds. Not expecting the Group to accom- Air Force is unable to fly, fight, and win.”
“Coming from San Antonio, and no
Wi-fi, from page 1_____________ A Boingo Internet
All these different organizations describes the different
worked together in order to provide a packages offered to
no setup, no installation appointment Nellis AFB Airmen and
connection option to internet and tele- Leadership during
vision services to the dorm residents of the “wire” cutting
Nellis AFB. ceremony at Nellis
Air Force Base, Nev.,
They also had to work with 99 Civil May 31. The new
Engineer Squadron for environmental internet option not
testing before they drilled into the dorm only requires no set
walls and floors,” said Gordon. “99th CES up on the part of the
also had to approve their design package dorm resident, but the
showing their wireless access points. flexible plan durations
Dorm management also played a major allow customers
role providing escorts for the contractors, to select from day,
giving them access to dormitory buildings week, to monthly
and rooms, and also providing them tem- recurring options with
porary storage and office space to work internet for different
out of while the installation took place.” price points that will
be accessible when
After connecting to the Boingo Wire- signing up for the
less SSID and launching a browser, cus- U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Kevin Tanenbaum internet services.
tomers will see the landing page to the
right with three different plans to choose Boingo’s television lineup can be ly, Boingo offers customers the option but also every base organization that
from: Boingo Internet, Boingo TV or used on smartphones, tablets, laptops to combine their Boingo Internet and played a role in bringing the new Wi-Fi
combo packages including both. and TV sets through Amazon Fire TV Core TV packages to upgrade to either option to the dorms.
devices starting at $19.95 a month for Expanded or Standard Combos. With
According to Boingo, internet plans are the most popular channels including the expanded combo containing the “I’d like to say thank you to AAFES
designed to allow the dorms residents to CNN, FX, TBS and TNT among others. 30 mbps internet speed with the Core and Boingo for the partnership, as
stream video, play video games and Skype TV stations and the Standard having 5 well with our team, that helps provide
with friends. Plans start at $49.95 a month Not only can dorm residents choose mbps with the Core TV package. welfare tools to our Airmen and help
for 30 mbps download speeds and $29.95 a to have both of these services separate- them as they live here on base,” said
month for 5 mbps download speeds. The new internet option not only re- Boutwell. “Facilitating their needs to
quires no set up on the part of the dorm make connections to home and keeping
The Scissors used to cut resident, but the flexible plan durations them connected with all that they need
the ceremonial ribbon sit allow customers to select from day, to be. So to provide a high quality of
before the Boingo “wire” week, to monthly recurring options life for dorm residents that AAFES has
cutting ceremony at Nellis with internet for different price points continued to provide, and partnered
Air Force Base, Nev., May that will be accessible when signing up with us, we appreciate it.”
31. Based to serve as a new for the internet services.
option for dorm residents, For all Boingo package options and
Boingo wireless will go During the “wire” cutting ceremony for 24/7 technical support as well as
live on Nellis AFB May 26, for Boingo Internet, held May 31 at Nel- any other questions about the new
2016, and have multiple lis AFB, Col. Richard Boutwell, , 99th service Airmen can visit http://support.
packages available for Air Base Wing commander, expressed or call 1-866-726-
U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Kevin Tanenbaum Airmen to choose from. his gratitude towards not only AAFES, 4646 for more information.