Page 3 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, July 9, 2021
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2 July 9, 2021 Commentary Desert lightning news s. nevaDa Desert lightning news s. nevaDa news July 9, 2021 3
The literal cost of leadership UOTT pushes boundaries
by Chief Master Sgt. Rob Devall As time continued, he also came up with the idea to Foulois didn’t just envision a future aircraft that could
Buckley Space Force Base, Colo. add wheels to the plane, instead of being propelled off bring airpower to America’s military — he invested
of a track, and installed wireless communications so in it. of F-35 operational testing
Many years ago, a mentor of mine relayed a story he could effectively communicate with ground person- I’m not saying to pay out of pocket for your troops’
about one of the founding fathers of the U.S. Air Force, nel. His efforts directly made the aircraft dependable bills or repairs of your weapons systems. What I am
retired Gen. Benjamin Foulois. enough for extended military use — the first ever of saying though, is that you need to believe strongly
He explained that Foulois was assigned to the Signal its time. enough in what we do that you are willing to invest
Corps in the early 1900s and was part of the initial While his actions were instrumental to the future of your currency to move us forward as a force. Your cur-
cadre to fly dirigibles for the U.S. Army. In parallel, the airpower, the next part of the story is what resonated rency could actualize in a variety of ways (time, effort, by 2nd Lt. Cameron B. Greer sions that mimic the realities of
Wright Brothers were making improvements to their with me the most. money) but regardless which “Foulois Fund” you dip Nellis AFB, Nev. war are critical for making sure
heavier-than-air flying machine which started to catch Foulois was given a budget of only $150 to get the into, it is important to be deliberate in how you invest A team of engineers, ana- the jet outperforms all enemies
the attention of military brass. program off the ground (dad joke alert), which had to it — in yourself, others and the mission. lysts, and pilots are pushing it encounters,” said Capt. James
Foulois’ experience with dirigibles and his vision of last four months. Due to the number of crashes, that This approach resonates just as loudly today as it Deitschel, UOTT operational
what the Wright Flyer could deliver in future warfare money didn’t last through the first 30 days. He decided did over a century ago. the boundaries of F-35 combat test analyst. “I evaluate mission
aircraft operational testing.
led him to write a thesis on airpower while at Profes- to pay out of his own pocket over twice the budgeted With the return of peer adversaries, the challenges The United States Operational events to determine how effec-
sional Military Education. Because of that vision, he amount (just over $300) to cover costs for repairs, of coming out of a global pandemic, and the stand-up Test Team is partnered with tively the jet performs under the
was selected to lead acceptance testing of the aircraft upgrades and the crew’s salaries over the next three of the U.S. Space Force, we need to believe in what we Air Force Operational Test and pressures of combat. The more
and then charged with learning how to fly this machine months. Following the successful four-month trial, the do now more than ever. I challenge all of us, myself Evaluation Center Detachment hours we put on the airframe,
and make it practical for military action. program was fully funded and laid the foundation for included, to strengthen those beliefs, so we may com- 6, at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. the more data we collect. This
Over a few weeks, Foulois taught himself how to fly what we know as today’s U.S. Air Force. mit to pour our currency into the next generation of kind of evaluation is essential
The UOTT, successor to the
and, in response to almost getting thrown out of the Foulois’ example teaches a lot, but the biggest take- warfighters — our nation depends on it. Joint Strike Fighter Operational for informing the release of new
aircraft on a crash landing, invented the first safety belt. away for me is that there is a literal cost of leadership. Aim High and Semper Supra! Test Team, was established in software iterations. The goal is
to equip the fleet with software
December 2019. It is a multi- upgrades that offer the best
The key to revitalizing the squadron: The supervisor service operational test organi- combat capability.”
zation responsible for ensuring
“From cyberspace operations
the interoperability of the three
F-35 variants across the U.S. Air to mission analysis, the UOTT
performs the breadth of testing
by Lt. Col. Kevin Scholz idly remember during that time more than cipline up to the flight and squadron level. to their units. A problem can’t be solved Force, Navy and Marine Corps needed to ensure the success of
Dover AFB, Del. anything else; my supervisor. As someone Squadron commanders were giving letters unless it is first defined as a problem. The and international partners. the F-35 program. “The F-35
who was there, serving in the era Goldfein of counseling for infractions that should next step is to reinvigorate your staff and Team members from Ed- is ideally suited to handle the
The 21st Air Force Chief of Staff, Gen. wanted to take us back to, the biggest dif- have been handled by the supervisor. technical sergeants by delegating their wards Air Force Base, Calif.,
David L. Goldfein, announced in 2018 the ference I have seen over the years is the Upgrade training had been taken away rightful authority back to them. That and Marine Corps Air Station Air Force photograph future of air combat,” Javorsek
said. “With auto-throttle, voice
need to focus on the squadron. role of the frontline supervisor in taking from the supervisor and rebranded as a authority and responsibility is taught in Yuma, Ariz., bring a broad An F-35A Lightning II flies with an F-22 Raptor to test interoperability between the two aircraft platforms. recognition, advanced sensors,
He said, “The squadron is the beating responsibility for and the development of squadron program that mimicked formal Airman Leadership School, but so many range of Department of De- A team of engineers, analysts, and pilots from the United States Operational Test Team, or UOTT, and Air
heart of the United States Air Force; our their subordinates. technical training. times is not taken back to the work centers fense experience from research Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center Detachment 6 are pushing the boundaries of F-35 combat and a low signature, it can rap-
idly adapt to a changing world.”
most essential team.” Back in my early days, I didn’t know The reduction of the frontline supervi- after graduation because of the “norms” laboratories, developmental aircraft operational testing. Putting these capabilities
Goldfein, like many others, had wit- who my commander was, I didn’t know sor’s role gradually resulted in diminished described above. However, the only way test programs, and program
nessed the gradual decline of the squadron who my chief was and frankly, I didn’t skills and an environment where techni- those frontline supervisors will be success- management offices. Through “The work the UOTT performs “Rather than examining Horstman, generated seven ac- through the rigors of opera-
tional testing ensures the jet
during his career and recognized that in want to know! My supervisor, Buck cal sergeants and below were lumped ful using the skills they learn in ALS is to the planning and execution of is an integral part of the acquisi- only how the jet maneuvers in tion items the CSAF took with remains effective for the dura-
order for the Air Force to continue as the Sergeant (E-4) Mark Baughman was my into a single category of “workers,” and have the full backing and support from high-fidelity testing, the team tions life cycle of the F-35. The the airspace, UOTT engineers him into present-day discus- tion of its life cycle. “Much of
worlds’ premier fighting force, we needed leader, my trainer, my mentor and my the role of supervisor didn’t really begin unit leadership. Once this environment is evaluates the F-35s perfor- team focuses on capabilities and analysts adopted an all- sions on the future viability of the UOTT’s effectiveness comes
to refocus on what made us great in the first disciplinarian. My supervisor was, for until the master sergeant level. Technical established by the commander, it is now mance in operationally realis- rather than requirements. The domain approach to both the the F-35 program. This brief from the flexibility to focus on
place and revitalize the squadron! lack of a better term, my whole world at sergeants, and especially staff sergeants, up to that frontline supervisor to take up tic, combat-like environments emphasis is on analyzing what F-35 and the future of warfare,” propelled Horstman and her what the aircraft can actually
That sounds like a great plan, but how that time. He was mature, confident and were not delegated the authority by their and fulfill their proper role, but squadron while providing a unified and the jet can actually do rather Javorsek said. “In a software group forward in their efforts
is this accomplished? an outstanding technician and trainer. He leadership to take on their proper role as commanders and other leadership aren’t comprehensive multi-service than what it was designed to do.” defined combat system like the to critically analyze F-35 cyber do,” Javorsek said. “This affords
us a unique perspective that no
Many things are easy to say but hard spent time with me every night, teaching a supervisor, and it didn’t take long for finished yet. evaluation of all F-35 variants. The UOTT is also working to F-35, cyber defense is far more system architecture.
to do. Goldfein entered the service in the me how to be a great F-15 Eagle mechanic. me to realize that this was the origin of In order to ensure these efforts are “This is only part of what broaden the scope of operational important than it was in legacy “The military must continue one else has. While the UOTT
is unique in its structure, at
mid-1980s, so in order to know where to As I began to think on these things, it many issues within my unit. It was then working, you must continuously evalu- makes the UOTT unique,” said (testing) as it relates to domain- aircraft to include the F-22 investing in evolving cyber its root is a joint organization
start, we must go back and examine the became clear to me that the supervisor’s that I realized the only way to revitalize ate the effectiveness of your supervisors Marine Lt. Col. David A. Mer- agnostic warfare,” Javorsek said. (Raptor).” threat identification and miti- with the entire test enterprise
differences between now and then. What role had drastically diminished since I the squadron was to first revitalize the and coach and mentor them as required. ritt, UOTT deputy director. “Contemporary operational test For Javorsek and his team, gation along with improving in mind.”
made the squadrons of old the “gold stan- was an Airman. Due to certain norms, supervisor. These skills aren’t automatic and need to “The UOTT stands out because events are extremely domain- communicating the impor- recovery capabilities while “The UOTT is unfettered
dard” that Goldfein wanted to get back to? the supervisor was barely involved in This sounds like a great idea, but how be nurtured by leadership. When they are, of its focus on joint operations. specific whereby the focus is tance of cyber defense has been remaining agile for the fore- from the limitations associated
I entered the Air Force in 1992, as an their subordinate’s development. There is it done? you will soon see that the key to revital- The UOTT recently partici- exclusively on how the F-35 (or a top priority. UOTT cyber seeable future.” said Jamal
enlisted Airman when Goldfein was still a was a precedent that was established by The first step is for squadron command- izing the squadron starts with a focus on pated in the joint, Pacific Air any aircraft) handles problems test engineers recently briefed Quinnert, UOTT cyberspace with the original requirements
for the aircraft in the begin-
young officer. There is one thing that I viv- past leadership that pulled almost all dis- ers and leadership to define the problem the supervisor. Forces Northern Edge training on its own, from the air domain the Air Force chief of staff, operational test analyst. “As ning,” Merritt said. “Couple
exercise that allowed the team with no consideration of contri- Marine deputy commandant operational testers, our respon- that with team members pos-
to shift from a fixed, require- butions from the other warfight- for information, and naval sibility is to continue to test in sessing experience in aero-
Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and For all submissions, a name and phone number ments-driven approach to an ing domains. In contrast, we operation information warfare operationally realistic environ- space, cyber, space, land, sea,
published by Aerotech News and Review, a private Review of the products or services advertised. of a person to contact must be included in the event all-domain, integrated testing want to shift to the delivery of deputy chief. These engineers ments while supporting the
firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force. Everything advertised in the publication shall be questions arise. and undersea domains and
Contents of Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition made available for purchase and use of patronage All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity approach.” domain-agnostic effects because recommended viable solutions warfighter. We have to remain the result is a test team well
Desert Lightning News Staff are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national and conformity to the AP Style Guide, to include “The UOTT is driving the it is important to assess how to software and network secu- vigilant and be change agents equipped to drive the future of
Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review by, Aerotech News and Review, the U.S. government, origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political military ranks and proper writing etiquette. the F-35 integrates into a more rity for the lifecycle of the F-35 in cybersecurity.”
Stuart Ibberson, Editor the Department of Defense or the Department of the affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the Corrections: Desert Lightning News staff test enterprise toward the fu- operational (tests), especially
Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout members strive for accurac y each week . ture,” said Col. Dan Javorsek, holistic force complete with platform. The briefing team, The UOTT also contains ana- the next phase of operational
Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales Air Force. purchaser, user or patron. If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert maritime, ground, cyber, and led by the UOTT’s Cyber Test lysts focused on increasing the
The appearance of advertising in this publication, The deadline for submissions to Desert Lightning News staff at 334-718-3509, or e-mail AFOTEC Detachment 6 com- testing for the F-35 in fall
CONTACT: Editorial Staff at 334-718-3509 including inserts and supplements, does not constitute Lightning News is no later than Monday, 4:30 p.m., mander and UOTT director. space suppliers. deputy chief, 1st Lt. Alexandra fidelity of F-35 test events. “Mis-
For editorial staff: e-mail an endorsement by the Department of Defense, the the week of desired publication date., and we will consider 2021.”
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