Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 10-30-15
P. 19

Thunderbolt                                                                               News                                                                                                                           Oct. 30, 2015

Chaplain’s thoughts ...                                                                              STREET                                                                                       UHSRUWRIVKRSOLIWLQJDW%OGJ6HFXULW\
                                                                                                      BEAT                                                                                        IRUFHVGHWDLQHGDQRQPLOLWDU\DIÀOLDWHGFLYLO
   7KHPRVWLPSRUWDQWTXHVWLRQ            mind and which answers this most                                                                                                                        ian after review of security footage showed
   :ULWHU SURIHVVRU KXPDQ ULJKWV    important question. Though believ                 The 56th Security Forces Squadron han-                                                               the individual departed without rendering
DFWLYLVW1REHO/DXUHDWHDQG+ROR        ers from various traditions have                dled the following incidents Oct. 19 through                                                            full payment. Glendale police responded and
FDXVWVXUYLYRU(OLH:LHVHOZURWH        VLJQLÀFDQWGLYHUJHQFHVLQWKHLUIDLWK          25 at Luke Air Force Base:                                                                              took control.
   “The most important question a         and disagreements in their under
human being has to face … what is         VWDQGLQJ RI *RG WKH\ ÀQG LQ WKHLU       Tickets                                                                                                    2FW  6HFXULW\ IRUFHV UHFHLYHG D QRWLÀ
LW"7KHTXHVWLRQ¶:K\DUHZHKHUH"·µ   faiths the framework that answers                                                                                                                       cation of a civil arrest by Peoria police on a
   +LVTXHVWLRQSRLQWVWRWKHH[LVWHQ    that most important question.                      Security forces issued citations for three                                                           military member for failure to obey a police
tial nature of our lives; we wonder                                                       moving violations and one nonmoving violation.                                                          RIÀFHU 7KH XQLW ÀUVW VHUJHDQW ZDV QRWLÀHG
ZK\ ZH DUH KHUH ZH VHDUFK IRU        The Chaplain Corps is here to                                                                                                                        and put in contact with Peoria police.
PHDQLQJ DQG VLJQLÀFDQFH DQG ZH       ensure your right to the free exercise          Emergency responses
long for life to make sense.              of religion. Please do not hesitate to                                                                                                                     2FW6HFXULW\IRUFHVVWRSSHGDQRQPLOL
   Finding purpose and meaning in life    contact the chapel for any support                 2FW6HFXULW\IRUFHV.XQLWVUHVSRQG                                                          WDU\DIÀOLDWHGFLYLOLDQDW6RXWK*DWHIRUVXV
is a challenge and a pursuit that seems   you may need in exercising your                 ed to a request by Surprise police who stated                                                           picion of driving while intoxicated. Security
to have one constant associated with      faith. While each chaplain holds to             they received a bomb threat at a facility near                                                          IRUFHVGHWHFWHGDQRGRURIDOFRKRODQGYHULÀHG
LW1DPHO\WKLV7KURXJKRXWKXPDQ      and abides by the doctrinal stances             WKH LQVWDOODWLRQ 6HFXULW\ IRUFHV . WHUPL                                                        there were open containers inside the vehicle.
history the preponderance of human       RIWKHLUHQGRUVLQJERG\ZHZLOOGR            QDWHGWKHUHVSRQVHZLWKQHJDWLYHÀQGLQJV                                                              Glendale police responded and took control.
LW\ KDV IRXQG PHDQLQJ SXUSRVH DQG  all we can to ensure that your re
the answers to life’s most important      quests for religious accommodation                 2FW  6HFXULW\ IRUFHV UHVSRQGHG WR D                                                          2FW  6HFXULW\ IRUFHV UHFHLYHG QRWLÀFD
question through their faith.             are met.                                        UHSRUWRIDPHGLFDOHPHUJHQF\DW%OGJ                                                           tion from Peoria police of a civil arrest on
   Across cultures and religious                                                          6HFXULW\IRUFHVSURYLGHGWUDIÀFFRQWUROGXWLHV                                                         DQ DFWLYHGXW\ PLOLWDU\ PHPEHU DVVLJQHG
WUDGLWLRQVLWLVEHOLHILQ*RGLQWKH     Thanks for your service and                  and coordinated with medical personnel. The                                                             to Luke AFB. The military member was
7UDQVFHQGHQWWKDWEULQJVSHDFHRI       VDFULÀFH                                       patient was treated but requested not to be                                                             stopped for speeding and driving under the
                                                                                          transported for further evaluation.                                                                     LQÁXHQFH 6HFXULW\ IRUFHV QRWLÀHG WKH XQLW
                                          Courtesy of Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Larry Fowler,                                                                                                           ÀUVWVHUJHDQW
                                                                56th Fighter Wing Chapel     2FW6HFXULW\IRUFHVUHVSRQGHGWRDUH
                                                                                          SRUWRIDPHGLFDOHPHUJHQF\DW%OGJEDVH                                                          Alarm activations
Flu shots now available                                                                   UXQQLQJWUDFN6HFXULW\IRUFHVSURYLGHGÀUVW
                                                                                          aid and coordinated with medical personnel.                                                                Security forces responded to 12 alarm
            Required for active-duty service members                                      The patient was treated but requested not to                                                            activations on base.
                                                                                          be transported for further evaluation.
                          ‡1RYDWDPWRSP                                                                                                                                           7LSRIWKHZHHN
                %DVHWKHDWHUDFURVVIURPFRPPLVVDU\                                    Nonemergency responses
4XHVWLRQV"&DOO6WDII6JW-XVWLQ%DQJKDUWDW                                                                                                                                          ,I\RXGHFLGHWRGULQNDOZD\VKDYHDSODQ
                                                                                             2FW  6HFXULW\ IRUFHV UHVSRQGHG WR D                                                       LQSODFHDQGDGHVLJQDWHGGULYHU,I\RXUSODQ

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Courtesy of Senior Airman Brian Lefevere
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          56th SFS

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